
Because of them, this winter is so warm!

author:Xiao County Media
Because of them, this winter is so warm!
Because of them, this winter is so warm!

Little things show the truth

The weather was cold though

But these moves

But it warms people's hearts

Visit condolences and convey warmth

The veterans service station of the Longhe Sub-district Office and the Chunyu Chunxiao Emergency Rescue Volunteer Association visited Liu Yong, a retired soldier in difficulty, and his family, and sent them the warmth and care of the party and the government.

Because of them, this winter is so warm!

The condolence group had cordial conversations with the veterans and their families in difficulty, learned more about their physical conditions, family life and practical difficulties, listened to their voices and needs, and sent them condolences and condolences money. The staff of the veterans service station also introduced the national policies on veterans and the service content of the street veterans service station, and encouraged the veterans in difficulty to maintain an optimistic attitude and face life positively.

Love donation warm winter

On the morning of December 19, Anhui Jingrui Food Co., Ltd. went to Xiao County Kangning Hospital to send fresh milk bread worth 4,500 yuan to the mentally handicapped people in the hospital to convey the care and warmth of the society.

Because of them, this winter is so warm!

Anhui Jingrui Food Co., Ltd. said that patients with mental disorders belong to a vulnerable group in society and need more social attention. Caring for patients with mental disorders is the responsibility of the whole society, and Anhui Jingrui Food Co., Ltd. actively practices social responsibility while focusing on the production of old bread and contributes to the recovery of patients.

Because of them, this winter is so warm!
Because of them, this winter is so warm!
Because of them, this winter is so warm!

During the event, the person in charge of Xiaoxian Kangning Hospital expressed his heartfelt thanks to Anhui Jingrui Food Co., Ltd. for its donation, and the hospital will live up to the care and love of all walks of life for patients with mental disorders, and strive to build the hospital into a warm and happy home for patients with mental disorders. (Tang Qingsong, Shi Chunfan)