
"Zhongjing" dumplings on the winter solstice

author:Great River Network

Today is the winter solstice, and from this day on, the mainland began to enter the season of "counting nine cold days", commonly known as "entering nine". "If you don't serve dumpling bowls on the winter solstice, no one cares if you freeze your ears." On this day, people in the northern region often have to eat a bowl of steaming dumplings.

It is said that dumplings originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and were first created by Zhang Zhongjing, a native of Dengzhou, Henan.

Legend has it that Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical saint", said goodbye to the old man and returned to his hometown, when he returned to Nanyang, it was snowing heavily, and he saw that many villagers' ears were frozen and rotten, so he ordered his disciples to set up a medical shed, put mutton, chili pepper and cold herbs in the pot and boil, take them out and chop them, and then wrap them with dough like ears, and after cooking, they made "cold and delicate ear soup" and distributed them to the people to eat.

Therefore, eating dumplings on the winter solstice is not only the embodiment of the lifestyle of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy and health preservation, but also people's remembrance and commemoration of Zhang Zhongjing, the "medical saint".


The doctor has a cloud: "The Zhongjing of the medical gate, and the Confucius of Confucianism." "On this special day, we approached Zhang Zhongjing together, learned about the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and felt the charm of traditional Chinese culture.

On the bank of the Wenliang River, the Han-style son and mother of the carved and painted Vermilion Bird guards a towering mountain gate, and the mountain gate is written with three strong characters: Medical Shrine. This is the memorial site of the tomb of Zhang Zhongjing, a medical scientist in the Eastern Han Dynasty in mainland China, and the most important landmark of Nanyang traditional Chinese medicine culture.

What kind of shrine is the Medical Shrine?

"Zhongjing" dumplings on the winter solstice

Medical Shrine Source: Nanyang Daily

In the medical shrine, read the Zhongjing culture. As the "ancestral garden of traditional Chinese medicine", there are more than three medical shrines: many couplets, many prescriptions, and many ancient trees. Here, you can understand why Zhang Zhongjing is a "medical saint".

Stepping into the gate of the Medical Shrine, there is a huge wall of photographs, and the couplets on both sides read: "There are three yin and yang, and the distinction between diseases must be dialectical; A few sentences are not only a high summary of Zhang Zhongjing's medical contributions, but also a true portrayal of a generation of great doctors.

Zhang Zhongjing integrated theory, law, prescription and medicine, wrote the classic work "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases" in 16 volumes, creatively put forward the differentiation of syndromes and treatment, laid the foundation of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and is still the basic principle of traditional Chinese medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Zhang Zhongjing not only has superb medical skills, but also noble medical ethics, and he has used his life to interpret the Zheng Zheng oath of "entering to save the world, retreating to save the people, not to be a good minister, but to be a good doctor".

In the atrium of the medical shrine, in front of Zhang Zhongjing's tomb, the plaque of "Eternal Medical Sect" is hung high, and there are many couplets on both sides, one of which reads: "The work of the people and the work of the people are all related to the life and death of the people. This is another description of "not a good appearance, but a good doctor".

Bypass the tomb pavilion, pass through the hall, it is the main hall of the medical shrine, and hang a couplet on the door: "Good virtue, good heart, good deeds, especially good medicine, famous mountains and rivers are famous because of celebrities." "The benevolence of the doctor is the perfection of perfection, and the mountains and rivers complement each other. This is the spirit of Zhang Zhongjing that Nanyang people think about.

"Zhongjing" dumplings on the winter solstice

Medical Shrine Source: Nanyang Daily

Outside the Medical Shrine, unlock a new way to play the national tide. If the atmosphere inside the Medical Shrine is solemn, the outside of the Shrine is enthusiastic and unrestrained - the "Red Wall of the Shrine" is becoming an Internet celebrity check-in place for countless young people.

The red wall is sparse, the Han style is ancient, and the women in gorgeous clothes and exquisite makeup are walking...... The poetic "Holy Shrine Red" records the most beautiful moments of countless young people. History and reality, tradition and modernity, are integrated in the national trend. And that's just the beginning.

"Zhongjing" dumplings on the winter solstice

The ancient charm by the red wall Source: Nanyang Daily

According to records, the medical shrine was built in the fifth year of Jin Xianhe (330 AD), and the scale was about 200 acres in the Tang and Song dynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, the medical shrine was expanded several times, and reached a scale of 680 acres in the ninth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1883). However, the medical shrine was damaged several times, and from 1959 to 2020, before the expansion, it was only 18 acres.

Today, the Yisheng Cultural Park, which is expanded on the basis of the Yisheng Shrine, has a planned land area of 689 acres. In other words, the Medical Saint Cultural Park will reach the scale of the heyday of the Medical Shrine and reproduce the prosperity and glory of the past. In the future, it will be the only pan-museum building complex in China, from the building to the exhibition hall to the medicinal plants on the ground, all of which reflect the theme of traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Not only that, as a supporting project of Nanyang's strategy of "three districts, one center and one highland" to build a provincial sub-central city, Yisheng Cultural Park will strive to become a "global holy land of traditional Chinese medicine, a window of traditional Chinese medicine in the world, and a cultural landmark of traditional Chinese medicine in the world" after completion.

Picture: Statues of famous doctors in the Shrine of DoctorsSource: Visual China


To carry forward Zhongjing culture and create the brand of "Wanyao", Nanyang has been working hard.

Coordinate and plan to promote the work of traditional Chinese medicine. The "Working Committee for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" was established, and the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine Development was established at the city and county levels to form a joint working force. Based on the development strategy of "strengthening the city with traditional Chinese medicine", not long ago, Nanyang issued the "Action Plan for the High-quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanyang City", proposing to give full play to Nanyang's historical and cultural advantages, traditional Chinese medicine resources and natural ecological advantages, comprehensively promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine in Nanyang, and build Nanyang into a new highland for international and domestic traditional Chinese medicine culture, career and industrial development.

Promote the culture of traditional Chinese medicine in an all-round and multi-channel manner. Since 2002, Nanyang has successfully held 15 sessions of Zhang Zhongjing Medical Culture Festival and 10 sessions of Zhongjing Forum. Carry out the "Chinese medicine culture night market" and promote the "traditional Chinese medicine culture into the campus", and the cultural elements of traditional Chinese medicine are permeated in the streets and alleys of Nanyang, blooming with deep cultural self-confidence.

Guide the industry with high-quality development requirements. On the one hand, we will implement the revitalization plan of Wan Medicine, improve the quality of Chinese herbal medicines, improve the level of standardized planting of Chinese herbal medicines, and implement the construction of the quality traceability system of Chinese herbal medicines; on the other hand, we will promote the agglomeration of the Chinese medicine industry and concentrate on promoting the construction of modern agricultural industrial parks and storage and logistics bases of Chinese herbal medicines. Industrialization on the basis of scale, modernization at the same time of industrialization, stimulate the great potential and vitality of the revitalization and development of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Zhongjing" dumplings on the winter solstice

Medical Shrine Source: Nanyang Daily


In recent years, more and more young people have paid attention to traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, such as "cola with wolfberry" and "staying up late to drink ginseng water", focusing on a "punk health punk". From the sour plum soup of traditional Chinese medicine, which became popular this summer, to Baduanjin, Wufowl Opera, and Dog Day Sunbathing...... "New Chinese Health Preservation" is gradually becoming a new trend for the younger generation.

As the key to unlocking the treasure house of Chinese civilization, Chinese medicine is not only a means of treatment for Chinese, but also a value and way of life.

Traditional Chinese medicine for health preservation. Some people say that the course of life is: questioning parents, understanding parents, and becoming parents. In terms of TCM health, more and more young people are surpassing their parents: on Douban, a large number of "TCM fans" have gathered in groups with the words "TCM health" and "moxibustion", and on Xiaohongshu, there are more than 100,000 notes under the topic of "moxibustion", and young health bloggers share various topics of moxibustion and health.

It is worth mentioning that as the largest planting base, production base and sales base of mugwort industry in China, the annual production and processing volume of Nanyang mugwort products accounts for more than 85% of the world, with an annual output value of more than 10 billion yuan, and has become a pillar industry of enriching the people and strengthening the city.

Cultural heritage. In 2008, it was approved by the State Council to be included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. More and more young people are learning Xi Chinese medicine, understanding Chinese medicine, and falling in love with Chinese medicine, which is not a simple awakening of the bloodline, but a deep cultural self-confidence - when the "young" take the initiative to embrace the "tradition", the topic left behind is "inheritance".

There is a market where there is demand, and with the spring breeze of traditional Chinese medicine health fever, the traditional Chinese medicine industry has also ushered in a broad space and opportunities. According to the Research Report on the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Herbal Medicine Industry in Henan Province, most of the counties and cities in the 18 provincial municipalities in Henan Province have medicinal herbs planted. How to give full play to its own advantages and make local characteristic Chinese medicinal materials into loud and accessible "fist products" is the inspiration left by Nanyang Dian's "Ai" Chengjin.

The national style is trendy. Emphasizing the "unity of man and nature" is the philosophical foundation of TCM culture. No matter how the times develop, the basic concepts of harmony and harmony will not become obsolete, and the treatment methods of syndrome differentiation and prescribing the right medicine will not become obsolete. The theory of "preventive treatment" in traditional Chinese medicine is in line with the treatment policy of "prevention first" in modern medicine. This is a cultural tradition rooted in the national memory, and it is also a new trend of national style that blooms in contemporary life.

Traditional Chinese medicine is both traditional and modern, both Chinese and global. Let the culture of traditional Chinese medicine be "hot", let the traditional Chinese medicine industry be "strong", and the national tide will surge, "Wan" in the south of the river.

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