
The cancellation of the high school entrance examination? Junior high school students have mixed feelings and different opinions from their parents

author:The brave embrace the sun

Recently, the relevant departments have raised a topic that has attracted much attention, that is, whether to cancel the high school entrance examination. This news quickly aroused heated discussions among the majority of middle school students and parents, who held different views and attitudes towards it. Some people believe that the abolition of the high school entrance examination will reduce the pressure on students, and some people worry that it will affect the fairness of education.

The cancellation of the high school entrance examination? Junior high school students have mixed feelings and different opinions from their parents

Today, I will discuss with you the mixed feelings and different views of junior high school students and parents on the topic of the cancellation of the high school entrance examination.

First, let's take a look at those who agree. They believe that the abolition of the high school entrance examination will reduce the pressure on students. Nowadays, the high school entrance examination is generally considered to be the most important exam for students, and stress and anxiety also come with it. The abolition of the high school entrance examination will reduce the psychological burden of students and enable them to spend their junior high school life more easily and happily. Moreover, the abolition of the high school entrance examination will also help solve the problem of uneven distribution of educational resources, narrow the gap between different schools, and improve educational equity.

The cancellation of the high school entrance examination? Junior high school students have mixed feelings and different opinions from their parents

However, there are some parents who oppose the cancellation of the high school entrance examination. They believe that the high school entrance examination is an important part of student selection, which can evaluate the comprehensive quality and ability level of students. The abolition of the high school entrance examination will make it impossible for schools to rely only on transcripts to admit students, without a full understanding of students' strengths and weaknesses. They are concerned that such a selection method may lead to under-exploitation of students' abilities and adversely affect their future development.

The cancellation of the high school entrance examination? Junior high school students have mixed feelings and different opinions from their parents

Of course, there are still many people who have a wait-and-see attitude on this issue. They hope to see more practical effects and the implementation of relevant policies, and then make their own judgments. After all, the abolition of the high school entrance examination is a complex issue that requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors such as students' mental health, educational fairness, and the accuracy of selection.

Whether for or against, the cancellation of the high school entrance examination will have a profound impact on junior high school students and parents. We should start from the perspective of students, pay attention to and guide their growth. Let's work together to create a good learning environment and development platform for children Xi

The above is a discussion and summary of the cancellation of the high school entrance examination, and I hope to bring you some thoughts. On this issue, we need to look at it rationally and uphold a fair attitude. Only in this way can we provide better advice and direction for the next generation of education reform.

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