
Healthy people who often "wake up early" should be wary of 4 diseases

author:Xi'an popular science
Healthy people who often "wake up early" should be wary of 4 diseases

Drooling while sleeping is something that many people have experienced, and if it is normal to say that children drool, then, they are all adults, why do they still drool?

Where the hell does the saliva come from?

Saliva, also known as saliva, is an unconscious process controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

There are 3 pairs of large salivary glands (parotid glands, submandibular glands and sublingual glands) in our mouth, and there are countless small salivary glands on the mucosa in the mouth, which are always secreting saliva, which can not only moisten the oral environment, but also help digestion, sterilization, cleaning, etc.

And when the brain is stimulated by the nerves and eats, the saliva secreted will be more.

Generally speaking, healthy adults secrete about 1000~1500 ml of saliva every day, and even if there is no food or other external factors to stimulate the premise, they can secrete about 30 ml of saliva every hour.

Drooling, what's the problem

It is normal to drool while sleeping on your stomach.

Drooling while lying down to sleep is not normal, but it is not necessarily a disease.

But if drooling is frequent and recurring, you should pay attention to these problems:


Drooling + nasal congestion, possibly rhinitis

People who are prone to drooling during sleep and often have nasal congestion symptoms, you must be careful of rhinitis!

Generally speaking, under the influence of rhinitis, the nose cannot be ventilated after falling asleep, and oxygen can only be obtained by breathing through the mouth, which will make people drool easily.


Drooling + bad breath in the mouth, which may be an oral disease

Oral inflammation will promote saliva secretion, if the saliva is salty, yellowish or even bloodshot, it may be caused by more tartar and inflammation of the gums.

Friends with this problem must pay attention to oral hygiene, remember to brush their teeth well before going to bed, and find a dentist to treat oral health problems in time.

In addition, mouth sores or convex tooth deformities can also cause drooling.


Drooling + crooked corners of the mouth, beware of stroke or facial paralysis

If you suddenly drool while sleeping after getting a cold, blowing wind, or catching a cold on your face, you must be alert. You can smile in the mirror, but if you notice a crooked mouth, or if you have symptoms such as closed eyes or headaches, it may be a precursor to facial neuritis or stroke.

In addition, excessive use of the brain, extreme fatigue, or taking certain drugs may lead to autonomic nervous system dysfunction and drooling.

The saliva does not stop, beware of spleen deficiency!

If you don't have any of the above symptoms, be careful, you may have a weak spleen!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that saliva (saliva) is the fluid of the spleen, which will not overflow under normal circumstances, and when the spleen is deficient and cannot collect the fluid, the phenomenon of drooling will occur during sleep.

In general, such people may also have symptoms such as fatigue, sweating, wheezing, loose stools, stomach pain, stomach acidity, stomach bloating, bowel sounds, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Spleen deficiency has many effects on a person's health and can also make people age quickly.

However, the treatment of weak spleen and stomach is not complicated, the key is to persevere.

  • First of all, we should make adjustments in our lives, try to have regular meals, don't skip hungry breakfast, overeat dinner, eat less cold, and eat a variety of diets.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to maintain a happy mood at the table, and eating under pressure and bad mood is a major hidden cause of spleen deficiency.


    Source: Liaocheng Health

Healthy people who often "wake up early" should be wary of 4 diseases
Healthy people who often "wake up early" should be wary of 4 diseases

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