
How many diseases are caused by qi? People with stagnation of liver qi cannot hide these symptoms!

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is the main drain and the main blood is hidden. The normal operation of the liver is the foundation of a person's health, and it can be said that once the liver qi is stagnant, all kinds of diseases will occur. People with liver qi stagnation, the following symptoms can't be hidden!

How many diseases are caused by qi? People with stagnation of liver qi cannot hide these symptoms!

(1) The mouth is bitter, especially when you have just woken up. The throat is dry, and drinking water does not quench thirst. No appetite.

(2) Yellow urine, dryness, constipation, etc.

(3) get angry easily,

(4) Insomnia, dreaming, poor sleep quality, easy to wake up from dreams

(5) Bad mood, sentimentality, sighing.

How many did you hit?

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the official of emotions, and the first thing that liver depression affects is mood, sentimentality, a little bit, the liver hides blood, the heart tube blood, when the liver blood is insufficient, the heart blood will become scarce, resulting in insomnia, dreams, palpitations and other symptoms. If the spleen and stomach are affected, then there will be symptoms of loss of appetite, stomach distension and bloating.

Today, I will tell you a recipe, nourishing liver and blood, nourishing liver yin, soothing the liver and relieving depression, and treating various liver diseases.

It's just that: always fried

The whole recipe is composed of: sand cucumber, wheat winter, wolfberry and neem angelica, raw land, and composition

How many diseases are caused by qi? People with stagnation of liver qi cannot hide these symptoms!

Shengdi and wolfberry nourish the yin of the liver and kidneys, replenish yin and clear deficiency and heat, improve symptoms such as dry mouth and throat, body irritability, red tongue and less lichen.

It is Mai Dong and Sha Shen, these two herbs together to nourish the lung yin, Chinese medicine believes that the lungs are towards the hundred veins, and the lungs are full of yin. There will be rain falling, and the yin water in the internal organs will also be replenished.

Angelica nourishes liver and blood, nourishes blood, nourishes blood, can also invigorate blood, and cure all blood diseases;

On the basis of nourishing yin, neem seeds clear the liver fire and soothe the liver qi, and have a good effect on the flank and rib swelling pain, stomach distension and abdominal pain caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation and liver stagnation and fire.

In short, the combination of various medicines, neem seeds to soothe liver qi, angelica to replenish liver blood, wolfberry, raw land, wheat dong and sand ginseng together, the yin fluid of the body is replenished, and together solve many problems such as liver yin deficiency, liver blood deficiency, liver qi stagnation, liver fire and so on, and many of these problems caused by the liver are easily solved.

How many diseases are caused by qi? People with stagnation of liver qi cannot hide these symptoms!

Of course, this prescription is also a basic prescription, and it needs to be added or subtracted symptomatically under the guidance of a doctor.