
One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

author:Water town in a dream

@里水街坊, have you done the "Yueju Code"?

One-click code collection, more convenient to do things!

What is the use of the "Yueju Code" and how to apply for it?

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What is a Cantonese code?

The "Guangdong Residence Code" is deployed by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department in the "Guangdong Public Security" WeChat mini-program, and is a root of trust based on the combination of citizenship number, residential address and residence time for all residents in Guangdong, which is the proof of the masses living in Guangdong.

What is the function of Yueju code?

"Yueju Code" code holders use mobile phones to achieve "one-click code, code scan registration, code query, bright code service", six months after applying for the "Yueju code", new citizens can apply for a residence permit with the residence information of the Yueju code, and have now realized the application of scenarios such as hotel and tourism accommodation registration, appointment change and service in the government service center (hall) without a certificate, "zero materials, zero errands" for residence registration and residence permit, and will gradually be applied in public security police services, government affairs departments, The three circles of social convenience are widely used to create a high-quality and efficient "code life" for code holders.

What are the application scenarios of Yueju code?

The first batch of applications in more than 20 public service scenarios such as hotels, some homestays, museums, libraries, hospitals, schools, and government affairs halls in the province will be expanded to public services of various government departments in the future, and various social identity and residential address verification applications will create a high-quality and efficient "life on the code" for code holders.

How to apply for a Cantonese residence code?

Individual claims

2. Real-name verification

Click "Yue Zhi'an" and perform real-name verification in the personal center, and follow the process for verification.

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!
One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!
One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

3. Click Address Management

After the main interface, click on "Personal Address".

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

4. Click on the place of residence "+Add"

Once you've chosen the street you live in, select the building, select the room number, or room number.

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!
One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

5. After the background approval is passed, it will be set as the permanent residence

The system will collect the relevant residential addresses (there may be multiple residential addresses for one person), please select one of them as "Set as permanent residence".

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

VI. Additive cohabitants

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

Note: Persons under the age of 18 and over the age of 60 can be declared by their family members, and other ages need to self-declare according to the above process.

The landlord (rental owner) declares the house

1. After the owner applies for the personal Yueju code according to the above personal "Yueju code", click "Housing Information".

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

2. Select "Housing Type" (generally "self-occupied housing" or "rental housing"), then click "New Housing", select the city, district, and street to which you live, and then select the building to which you live by searching, and finally select the specific room number (click "Load more" to get the room number, no need to add a new house), choose to fill in the housing information and confirm the submission.

One-click application, multiple scenarios are available!

Precautions for applying for a Guangdong residence code

1. When declaring residence information, if the public finds that the house address is inconsistent with the standard address used in the "Guangdong Residence Code", they should actively give feedback to the public security organs and assist the public security organs in standardizing the standard address. If you are unable to search for your residential address, please wait patiently and wait for the standard address to be stored before declaring your residential address.

2. If a resident with household registration in this city has a residence permit in other cities in the province, if the household registration address of this city or other addresses in this city is set as "permanent residence", the system will suspend the use of his residence permit in other cities.

3. If a citizen moves or leaves the city, he or she can cancel his or her original address information in the "Personal Address" module, and the function of using the residence permit associated with the address will be suspended.

Li Shuijun reminds everyone that in the near future, the community police will come to promote the application for the "Guangdong residence code", and the general public is invited to actively cooperate with them to experience the high-quality and efficient life on the "code".

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Dream Water Town Editorial Department

Source: Lishui Town Comprehensive Management Office

Editor: Foshan News Network Huang Yuyun

Proofreader: Zhao Mengying


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