
He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

author:Bright Net

Text丨Shi Zhipeng, Zhang Heng, Zhou Zhicheng, Li Haodong

Picture丨Zhou Zelai, Sun Guoxuan, Liang Peiqi

He was not a pilot

But he followed the war eagle to soar in the blue sky all day long

He doesn't fly fighter planes

But he lifted the war eagle and flew high safely

His name is Luo Haihua

Just promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major 2nd Class

It is now an army aviation brigade of the 73rd Group Army

Aerial mechanic

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!
He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

He has been in the army for 20 years

12 years as an air mechanic

3,500 hours of safe flight

Hundreds of hidden dangers have been eliminated

It has been rated successively

Outstanding soldier, outstanding Communist Party member


Below, I will take you to see his strong military demeanor -

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!


Luo Haihua, who graduated from high school

Seen at the entrance of the campus

The slogan "Good boy, go to be a soldier".

It inspired him to join the army

He decided to enlist in the army

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

Just arrived at the recruit company

Luo Haihua is small because of his thin stature

Poor physical coordination

The physical performance was the lowest in a row

The weak bird flies first, and he pressurizes himself to train his physical fitness

Every day when someone else is still asleep

He started running

One lap, two laps, until exhaustion......

Finally, in the recruit connection assessment

He won the first place in the 3km company

Distinction in all subjects

Commended as an "Outstanding Recruit"

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

After the recruit is discharged from the company

Luo Haihua became a mechanic

Facing aviation maintenance positions with strong professional skills and high requirements

Luo Haihua, who is not highly educated, studied very hard

He secretly swore that he must be there

Contribute to the maintenance position

Faced with complex engine working principles

During the day, he followed his master to drill the cockpit and learn technology

At night, lie on the bed with a flashlight, nibble on books, and memorize procedures

Gradually, he stood out among the soldiers of the same year

Be the first to work independently

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

In 2005, the unit was reformed and diverted

At this point he faced

It is an old model that continues to be done in the original unit

Or go to a new unit to learn Xi

A big choice in maintaining a new model

Luo Haihua made a firm choice

The latter is more challenging

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

After Luo Haihua came to the new unit

Reality poured cold water on him who was full of confidence

The theory of the new model and the old model is completely different

Maintenance methods also vary widely

But he always maintained a high-spirited attitude of charging forward

Working overtime every day to study

Maintenance and assurance procedures for new models

He "persecuted" himself

Be sure to master the maintenance methods of the new model in the current year

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

Those days

In the classroom, he memorized the maintenance manual over and over again

At the airport, he lay on the plane for hours

Even in the cafeteria between queues to eat

Take out your notes and look at them twice, too

Hard work pays off

All maintenance procedures and operating manuals

Finally he knew it all

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

Luo Haihua, who works carefully and meticulously

Always miss every potential safety hazard

During a daytime flight training

The helicopter is stuck in the air course maneuvering

However, the fault disappeared when the ground was energized and checked

Tests of the heading system also found no problems

But he was always convinced that something had to go wrong

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

At his insistence

The crew members work together

Repeated checks

Finally discovered

It is an abnormal jitter of the heading servo

This is an occasional failure

Generally difficult to detect

It is precisely because of Luo Haihua's meticulous work style

Only then did the occurrence of safety accidents be avoided

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

The more difficult it is, the more forward it is

Once, he performed well in the unit

Assigned to participate in a major training mission

During that time, he was anchored in the plane all day

Each area of the helicopter is repeatedly inspected

Sweat soaked through the maintenance uniforms

Beads of sweat drip down on the skin

He wiped his sweat and continued to dry

Until the task is successfully completed

Luo Haihua smiled and said, "It's worth it"

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

I have been working in maintenance for so many years

He always insisted on simplifying complex mechanical structures

I studied and wrote

Disassembly process card of various parts

Provide operational data

Standardize the operation process

Improve the efficiency of support

Received unanimous praise from his comrades-in-arms

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!
He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

A single flower blooming alone is not spring

A hundred flowers bloom in spring

At work and in life

Luo Haihua is very patient

Every time other comrades have doubts

He always answers in detail

Share your maintenance experience without reservation

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

That year

A new comrade came to his crew

Work proactively

However, the quality of professional competence has never been improved

Luo Haihua found that he was a good seedling

He is often taught professional skills

As a result, his level of professionalism has gradually improved

Eventually, it grows into the backbone of the business

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

He is not only capable of his own ability, but also good at summarizing

On one occasion he noticed that the screw of a mechanical part was damaged

Thinking of what could be a new comrade

Unskilled in tools and equipment has bruised the parts

Luo Haihua is therefore based on his own work experience

Sum up a set

A good way to use tools and parts

For new comrades to learn and Xi

Later, due to improper use of tools

The number of contusions has been significantly reduced

He has been in the army for 20 years, with a second-class merit × 1 and a third-class merit × 2!

Forge ahead on a new journey

Youth Brave

Twenty years like one day

Luo Haihua uses a meticulous work style

The fighter plane took off and landed safely countless times

Every nail and rivet is written with his loyalty

Luo Haihua, good

Source: Eastern Theater of Operations