
Why was Prince Yi, the hereditary repudiation given by Yongzheng himself, later abolished?

author:Let's ask Ah Zhe

After Yongzheng succeeded to the throne, he took a series of drastic measures to consolidate his rule, including purging officials, strengthening centralized power, and rectifying local political power.

Why was Prince Yi, the hereditary repudiation given by Yongzheng himself, later abolished?

These measures improved the political situation of the Qing Dynasty to a certain extent, but they also caused some internal and external problems.

Prince Yi Yinyu was Prince Yongzheng's right-hand man, and the two had a deep cooperative relationship. With the succession of Emperor Yongzheng to the throne, he began to have doubts about Yinyu's loyalty.

Although Yinyu excelled in politics, his character and behavior gradually became uncontrollable in Yongzheng's opinion. Yongzheng is worried about Yinyu's personal character and possible political ambitions behind it.

Under the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, the Qing court politics were very strict, and the various princes and princes were closely monitored.

Why was Prince Yi, the hereditary repudiation given by Yongzheng himself, later abolished?

Yinyu's behavior gradually aroused the emperor's dissatisfaction, and his lifestyle and personal behavior were questioned. Yongzheng believes that Yinyu's life of debauchery and profligacy does not match the identity of a prince.

Under the decision of Emperor Yongzheng, Prince Yi Yinyu was abolished from the title of prince. This meant that he lost his status and power as a prince and was demoted to a commoner.

Yinyu's deposition caused some controversy, with some arguing that it was an overly draconian political ploy by the Yongzheng Emperor, while others saw it as a necessary measure to ensure that the emperor's authority was not challenged.

Why was Prince Yi, the hereditary repudiation given by Yongzheng himself, later abolished?

Yinyu's deposition allowed him to spend the rest of his life in relative peace. Although he lost the dignity of a prince, he was not deprived of the right to live.

This historical event reflects the complexity and brutality of Qing court politics and the monarch's resolute determination to maintain his authority. The fate of Prince Yi Yinyu became a controversial part of the history of the Qing Dynasty, leaving much room for discussion and reflection.