
Everyone recognizes China as the "big brother"! Pakistan will receive 10 billion yuan of investment from China, and Thailand has also come to the door

author:Money Explorer

In 2023, China's influence in Asia was once again recognized by its neighbors. Pakistan, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries have strengthened economic and trade cooperation with China, looking forward to leveraging China's development momentum to achieve their own economic transformation and upgrading.

China has not only provided huge investment and assistance to these countries, but also helped them build infrastructure, develop the digital economy, and promote tourism and other fields. As Asia's "leading big brother," China is helping its neighbors to become prosperous and powerful, and when will the United States learn the truth that giving roses to others will have a lingering fragrance?

Everyone recognizes China as the "big brother"! Pakistan will receive 10 billion yuan of investment from China, and Thailand has also come to the door

China's investment in Pakistan is 10 billion

The friendship between China and Pakistan has withstood the test of time and geography and has always been unbreakable. China's economic support for Pakistan has never stopped, especially under the Foreign Trade Initiative, China and Pakistan have jointly promoted the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which has provided a strong impetus for Pakistan's economic development and social stability.

The key projects of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) have brought tremendous improvements to Pakistan's infrastructure construction and regional connectivity. In addition, China has also helped Pakistan build a number of clean energy projects such as hydropower stations, wind farms, and solar power stations, which have helped Pakistan solve the long-standing problem of power shortage, and at the same time contribute to the fight against climate change.

Everyone recognizes China as the "big brother"! Pakistan will receive 10 billion yuan of investment from China, and Thailand has also come to the door

China helped Vietnam build railways

Vietnam is a friendly neighbor of China, and the two countries have deep ties in history, culture and geography. In recent years, the cooperation between China and Vietnam in the economic and trade fields has become increasingly close, and the trade volume and investment volume of both sides have maintained steady growth, and China has provided new impetus for Vietnam's transportation and economic development.

According to the report of Sino-Thai trade and investment cooperation, China Railway Group has undertaken the construction of Vietnam's first urban rail transit project - Hanoi Metropolitan Rail Line 2, which is 13.1 kilometers long and has 12 stations, connecting the center of Hanoi with the eastern suburbs of Tu Jiangyan District, and is one of the largest rail transit projects in Vietnam.

Everyone recognizes China as the "big brother"! Pakistan will receive 10 billion yuan of investment from China, and Thailand has also come to the door

The project was officially opened on December 31, 2020, providing a convenient, comfortable and safe way for Hanoi citizens to travel, and also has a positive impact on Hanoi's urban planning and economic development. In addition, China has also cooperated with Vietnam on the Ho Chi Minh City-Hanoi high-speed rail project, which is about 1,730 kilometers long and divided into eight sections, which is expected to be completed in 2025, which will greatly reduce the travel time between the two cities and promote regional integration and economic growth in Vietnam.

China revitalizes Thailand's tourism industry

Thailand is an important partner of China and one of the most popular tourist destinations for Chinese tourists. The two countries have a long history of cooperation in the field of tourism, and the tourism exchanges and cooperation between the two sides have maintained a good momentum of development.

Everyone recognizes China as the "big brother"! Pakistan will receive 10 billion yuan of investment from China, and Thailand has also come to the door

However, in 2020, Thailand's tourism industry suffered a heavy blow due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, and in order to help Thailand recover its tourism industry, China adopted a series of measures in 2021 to inject new vitality into Thailand's tourism industry. China and Thailand signed a memorandum of understanding on tourism cooperation in 2021.

The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in tourism market development, tourism talent training, tourism safety and security, and jointly create high-quality tourism products and services. China has also helped Thailand promote its tourism resources and special products through cross-border e-commerce and webcasting, opening up new channels and markets for Thailand's tourism industry.

Everyone recognizes China as the "big brother"! Pakistan will receive 10 billion yuan of investment from China, and Thailand has also come to the door


As Asia's leading big brother, China is practicing the concept of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits with concrete actions, and working hand in hand with Asian countries. By contrast, what the United States is doing in Asia can only be disappointing and disgusting. The United States has stirred up disputes, created divisions, and interfered in the internal affairs of other countries in an attempt to maintain its hegemonic status.

China's economic and trade cooperation in Asia is not only conducive to peace and development in Asia, but also conducive to the multipolarization and diversification of the world. China is willing to share its development experience and opportunities with Asian countries, jointly address various challenges and risks, and achieve mutual benefit and common development.

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