
The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

author:Tavern brown
The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now
The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Text: Stranded fish

Edit: Stranded fish

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now


In the unpredictable world of the entertainment industry, we can often see many stars becoming the focus of attention with their appearance and traffic.

However, this phenomenon of "looking at faces" can sometimes be exhausting. In such an impetuous era, we can't help but miss the showbiz that speaks with strength.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Today I would like to introduce to you a powerful singer - Mak Zijie. He reached the pinnacle of his career at the beginning of his debut, but after a family tragedy, he chose to retire from the music scene for more than two decades.

This former music superstar is now almost unknown, but his former light still shines brightly.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

A rare sound

A multi-award-winning artist has set off a unique musical wave in the music scene. His natural voice is shocking, his acting talent is admirable, and his life story is emotional.

Since entering the vocal school, Mak Zijie's musical talent has been cultivated more systematically and professionally.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

His potential strength has been fully unleashed, not only his singing voice is pure and moving, but his vocal range is beyond imagination. Through the careful guidance of the teachers, his singing skills are increasing day by day, and his performances have brought surprises to the audience again and again.

In addition to showing his talent in performances and competitions, Mak Zijie has also participated in many powerful talent shows, and has been loved by the audience with his unique style and strength.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

These programs that have been screened and selected through layers of talent have provided a broader platform for Mak Zijie to let more people appreciate the charm of his music.

Mak Kevin Jack's extensive stage experience comes from his training in a cabaret troupe, and each performance is a showcase of his unique stage charm.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Once, he skillfully switched between male and female voices on stage, and the audience found that this was one of his specialties and gave him the sweeping clapping voice.

It is this kind of stage performance that has created Mak Zijie's popularity and made more people realize his uniqueness and strength.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Therefore, Hong Kong and Taiwan entertainment companies have taken a fancy to this powerful singer and have cooperated with him. In 1994, Mak signed a contract with Hong Kong Polygram Records with his excellent sound strength and stage charm, which successfully opened the door to cooperation with Hong Kong and Taiwan.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Polygram Records put a lot of effort into publicity, and gradually made a name for himself in the music scene by building his image and promoting his music.

He began to actively participate in songwriting, and the works precipitated by his talent have become the theme songs of TV series many times, with loud and touching melodies, and have received countless praises from the audience.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

The 1995 "Guangzhou Music Golden Melody Award" became the pinnacle of Mak Zijie's career. He won the Most Popular Male Singer award, which made him a shining star in the music scene, and he firmly dominated the Guangdong music scene.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Mak Zijie's brilliant achievements are inseparable from the selfless dedication and nurturing of his parents in childhood. With the company and support of the Mai family, he spent an ordinary and happy childhood. The sound of laughter during the day and the gentle sound of reading aloud at night constitute his innocent childhood memories.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Throughout Mak Zijie's musical journey, the key to achieving the transformation from a small singer to a superstar in the music scene is his unique musical quality and the spiritual support of continuous efforts.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Fate makes people

But fate played a merciless joke and sent him a series of blows and traumas. Time came to 1995, the Guangzhou Music Top Ten Golden Melody Awards Ceremony was about to be held, and Mak Zijie was preparing to stand on the stage to accept the award and show his brilliance.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

However, he received terrible news from his family that his parents had been killed. The murderers not only continued their crimes, but also set fire to their homes.

This sudden family disaster is unbearable for anyone, and for Mak Zijie, who is about to step on the podium, it is even more sad.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Despite his trauma and grief, Mak decided to use his resilience and love of music to complete the ceremony. He knew that if he didn't show up, the whole party would be meaningless.

He finished his performance on stage with sadness, tears wetting his face. This scene deeply moved the audience, and the silence froze on the scene.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

With the painful and tormented Mai Zijie off the stage, he could no longer bear the huge pressure, and reluctantly endured to announce his retirement from the music industry.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

He was dressed in his mother's elaborately embroidered costume, and the bright colors pierced his eyes, and he could no longer experience the splendor and attitude of the past. The gorgeous lights could not warm his cold heart.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Mak knew he could no longer sing as he had done before, and he needed more time to heal his wounds. changed direction, and he also took on the responsibility of caring for his sister Mai Xuan.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

He knew that Mai Xuan was still continuing his studies, so he started broadcasting and could barely maintain the daily life of the two. He went from a flamboyant past to a humble one, leaving behind the disruptive life of the music scene.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Despite the hard work he does, he enjoys it. Losing the sparkle of the spotlight and colorful flowers, he and his sister enjoy each other's company in a simple and simple life. Mak Zijie has more time to accompany Mak Xuan to grow up and take on the responsibilities of his parents personally.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Despite the hard times, when he saw his sister able to complete her studies and grow up safely, Mak Zijie gained his pride and happiness. He is determined to find a stable job, and takes raising his sister as his mission to accompany her through the bridges of life.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

In the face of layers of blows and trauma, Mak Zijie and Mak Xuan supported each other through the most difficult times of life. He deeply understood the philosophy of life of indifferent and ambitious.

However, after the tragedy and pain, Mak looks forward to finding a new direction. He understands that although the stage of singing has passed, he has always had a love for music.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Domineering returns

The former singer Mak Zijie once withdrew from the public eye after experiencing a tragic family accident.

However, by chance in 2013, Mak Zijie was invited by his friend Mao Ning to represent him in the well-known singing show "I'm Crazy for Song".

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Although he was reluctant to set foot in the entertainment industry again at first, out of friendship with his friend Mao Ning, Mak Zijie finally agreed emotionally.

In the show, Mak Zijie's finale is a song called "The Sky is Big", which he chose to dedicate to his parents so that they can hear it.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Out of 501 votes cast by the audience, he won the "Most Popular Male Singer" award by a landslide. Mai Zijie was full of excitement and felt the applause and recognition from the audience from the heart, as if he had returned to his youth.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

However, unlike others' return to the top, after regaining his own honor, Mak Zijie resolutely chose to get rid of the chaos of the entertainment industry and return to a quiet life.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

In response to the questions and pressure from the outside world, he frankly said that he was no longer young and did not want to start competing again for vanity and profit. For Mak Zijie, temporary success cannot make up for the wounds in his heart, and he pays more attention to repairing the broken family.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

The pursuit of fame and money once brought great grief to Mak Zijie, but now he understands that the true meaning of life should not only stop at career and wealth.

He cherishes a healthy body, peace of mind, and innocent relationships, which are far more valuable than shining fame and fortune. Although there is no longer the glamorous side of life in the past, Mak Zijie knows that this kind of truth is what he is pursuing.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Today, he lives a simple and contented life, continues to pass on his vocal experience to young students, and works as a DJ on the radio, which is still popular with the audience.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

He has gained precipitation and growth from his once vigorous singing career, and knows how to face the ups and downs of life with a peaceful attitude. Enjoying music and savoring the true meaning of life with his friends, he feels that this long-term flow of thinking and emotional exchange is the most precious.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now

Mai Zijie, who has gone through several ups and downs, has gone from heartbreak to rebirth along the way. He learned to appreciate the little things in life and find fulfillment in the quiet moments.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now


Past experiences have made him more mature and determined, and he humbly accepts everything, including past gains and losses, and mistakes. Just like the song "The Great Heaven" he sings now, he has awakened the soul of the sleeping singer in his heart with his voice, and the love of this music will accompany him for the rest of his life. He will continue to enjoy the beauty of every moment in his life.

The powerful singer Mai Zijie, after his parents were killed before receiving the award, and he retired from the music scene in tears, what happened now