
Zhang Jingyi and Zhou Yiran starred in "Huan Yu", interpreting the reality of youth dramas

author:Qilu one point

Yang Xiaopei is the art director and chief producer, Liu Ziwei is the director, Qian Jingjing, Xu Ziyuan is the screenwriter, Cao Xuefeng, Huang Jie, Li Liming is the chief producer, Jin Weilan is the producer, Zhang Jingyi, Zhou Yiran starring, Wu You, Huang Xiyan special starring, Liu Dan starring, Wang Yidi, Chen Xixu, Huang Yi starring, Liu Zi, Cao Weiyu, Lv Xiaolin special starring, Cui Hang's friendship starred in the youth growth drama "Huanyu" was officially completed on December 19, and released the finale special, double poster and a set of single short videos. The play integrates the youthful atmosphere and realistic texture of personality, and through the perspective of teenagers and girls, the growing pains and difficulties of transformation in the surging youth are truly and impactfully displayed in front of the audience.

Zhang Jingyi and Zhou Yiran starred in "Huan Yu", interpreting the reality of youth dramas

"Huan Yu" is adapted from Netease Literature's popular original youth literature IP, which tells the story of a 16-year-old girl Qiao Qingyu (played by Zhang Jingyi), who was tormented by rumors of her sister's death, and later embarked on a journey to find the truth about her sister's death with the help of Ming Sheng (played by Zhou Yiran), a school figure. In the process of investigation, the girl Qingyu not only reacquainted herself with her sister and mother, but also found a correct way to see the world and healed herself and the people around her.

With the successful completion, the show officially released a finale special and a double poster, giving the audience a glimpse of the daily life behind the creation of the series. In the special, many high-energy famous scenes were released first, using "stubborn ocean" and "bright ocean" as a metaphor for the two protagonists, their meeting rolled out the waves of youth, and also healed each other. The dispute between close relatives is heart-wrenching, giving the audience a heart-shaking empathy. In the special, the emotions of the main characters and the dramatic tension conveyed by the lines are all presented, all of which highlight the realistic texture of the play and the real and tangible emotional expression. The double poster fills the atmosphere, and the emotional transmission full of a sense of story has attracted many netizens to open their minds, looking forward to the final presentation of the series.

Zhang Jingyi and Zhou Yiran starred in "Huan Yu", interpreting the reality of youth dramas

The show won wide attention inside and outside the industry when it was first officially announced, and the casting fit was also one of the highlights recognized by netizens. Zhang Jingyi, who plays the heroine Qingyu, has the stubbornness of a girl, she is soft on the outside and rigid on the inside, and she is perfectly adapted to the role of Qiao Qingyu; How will the two people with very contrasting personalities join forces to investigate Bai Yu's "cause of death"? What kind of brilliant fireworks will they collide with in this warm youth? Waiting for the series to be revealed.

In recent years, the creative space of the theme of youth campus has been expanding horizontally, and while it has the theme of "growth", the in-depth expression of the inward extension of the story is more worthy of exploration. As a youth drama, "Huan Yu" no longer focuses on the campus, but uses profound brushstrokes to express topics of great practical significance such as modern interpersonal relations, adolescent psychology, and adolescent growth. In the story, teenagers have the most complex and changeable general psychological characteristics of their growth period, and they compete with the "laws" of adult society. While achieving self-growth, they have also continuously reshaped their self-values and completed a unique "coming-of-age ceremony". On the basis of digging deep into the plight of teenagers' growth, the play also shows the youth adventure of the protagonists growing up together in mutual healing, playing the main tone of youth with independence, self-confidence and bravery, and finally finding an outlet for growth.

Zhang Jingyi and Zhou Yiran starred in "Huan Yu", interpreting the reality of youth dramas

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