
The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?


Recently, I saw an interesting topic on the Xiaohongshu platform.

A netizen posted a post asking: Can anyone talk about college life in the past few years?

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

This seemingly insipid Q&A has received 10,000 likes and thousands of comments in a short period of time, and it has become a large-scale memory scene.

Looking at the endless comment area, the melody of "You at the Same Table" seemed to sound in my ears, and the boys and girls in white shirts ran briskly past me......

Time flies, Shaohua no longer comes, and our quality of life is actually much better than that time, but when it comes to youth and campus time, it always seems to cause a wave of memories and resonance.

When we talk about our past youth, what are we nostalgic for and expecting?

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Source: Visual China

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

What we miss is the carefree youth

Photographer Ren Shulin once took a set of photos full of age.

In the photo, a child in a blue tracksuit holds a volleyball ball and walks to the playground with his companions.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

The girl in the pink shirt stood among her classmates and had a distinguished temperament.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

In the exam room, the boy held his chin and stared at the physics questions on the test paper with a frown.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

The protagonists in the photo are all children in the 80s, and now they have already married and become parents.

At that time, the material conditions were not so good, but with the momentum of opening up, life was full of hope and fireworks.

At that time, there was no concept Xi of make-up classes and "involution", and learning Xi was all my own business.

There are no various notification groups and parent groups, and they are trying to "chicken babies".

There is no so-called brand comparison, and the shirt is the best fashion item for youth.

There is also no "depreciation of academic qualifications", and it is still smooth for college students to graduate and find a good job.

Children are just children, simple and cute.

There are young people talking and laughing on the streets, and there is light in their eyes.

Ren Shulin probably didn't expect that the post-80s children under his lens would live as the envy of the post-00s.

Time waits for no one, and the running teenager in the school playground is no longer in a blue vest, and the girl in the pink shirt talking to her classmates is no longer back in the classroom. Youth is already updating its version, but this version always makes people stop.

When we talk about our youth in the past, we are nostalgic for the carefree youth.

Childhood has the joy of childhood, and teenagers have the sunshine of youth. There are not so many comparisons, there are not so many grand ambitions, and you can laugh uncontrollably.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Source: Visual China

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

What we miss is the simple and simple educational environment

A father recorded his daughter's state after school, when she was in elementary school, her daughter would run up and down when she saw her father, and when she reached junior high school, her face gradually showed a little tiredness, and she saw that her father was no longer excited.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?
The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Some people may think that studying Xi has always required hard work? At that time, my parents still had to walk long mountain roads and use flashlights to study, wouldn't it be even more painful?

But nowadays, the morning exercise at seven o'clock is not early, because some schools will blow the bed whistle at five o'clock; the corridor for ten minutes between classes is no longer lively because students are racing against time to brush up on questions; the building with lights on at ten o'clock is not a factory, but a middle school for evening Xi.

Wang Yangjun, the teacher in charge of the recently popular "Chinese Landscape", also lamented that after one of his excellent students entered the university, because there was no unified goal and plan, he became depressed after relaxing, and he was already out of the crowd.

When we talk about our youth in the past, we just miss the simple and simple educational environment.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

What we are looking forward to is a more meaningful life path

Some bloggers play memes and shoot videos, deducing the reasons why they can't go out with contemporary graduates: last week's national examination, last week's Beijing examination, this week's UGC, and next week's postgraduate entrance examination...... Everything was arranged clearly and in an orderly manner.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

It seems funny and banter, but it's actually looking in the mirror.

Compared with the momentum of starting a business in the sea and bravely entering Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the 80s, everyone seems to have become conservative.

"Life is a wilderness, not a track. "

In the movie "Prometheus", the robot Feifa said this sentence, which touched many humans.

It is intended to express that life is not linear, but a plurality of choices, and that there are billions of people on the planet, and there are billions of ways to live, and there is no right or wrong.

You can choose a stable life, but is there something missing in your day-to-day life?

In the book "Life Design Lesson", the author mentioned the "Odyssey Plan" of designing life, which is to break the rigid track.

There is no proper relationship between the three odyssey plans and the five-year plan.

Think about the life you want to live, the career you want to do, and what you need to do to get there.

All three projects are good, but they are completely different opportunities, and when faced with a choice, we can try them one by one, trial and error on a small scale.

Allow yourself to try a different life, because this is the lowest input cost compared to being trapped in a cubicle you don't like for the rest of your life.

We are nostalgic for the past, but we also look forward to the future.

Looking forward to a more meaningful life path and going to the mountains and seas that I love in my heart.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Source: Visual China

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Write at the end

When people look back on the past, they don't really want to go back to that time, but because they have a longing for a better life.

We miss the carefree and happy youth in order to retain the childlike kindness in our hearts;

We miss the simple and simple educational environment in order to retain the thirst for knowledge in our hearts;

We look forward to a different path in life in order to retain the courage in our hearts to explore the world.

Mr. Chen Duxiu said: "Youth is like the early spring, like the rising sun, like the ignorance of a hundred flowers, like a sharp blade is new to the sun, and the most precious period of life is also." ”

I wish you youth, love what you love, do what you do, and don't ask anything.

If you are no longer young, I also wish you a memorable classmate years.

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Source: Visual China

The post-00s actually envy their parents' student days, what are they missing?

Author: Caviar Fish Fish;Source: WeChat public account Caviar Culture (ID: yuzijiangwenhua).