
Consolidated information on December 21

author:Healthy Liupanshui

Medical technology promotes services

The Department of General Surgery of Liupanshui People's Hospital successfully carried out the city's first non-inflatable transaxillary laparoscopic thyroid surgery

Recently, the general surgery team of Liupanshui People's Hospital completed the city's first inflatable transaxillary approach left radical thyroidectomy (GUA).

Consolidated information on December 21

The patient was admitted to the hospital for "thyroid nodules found in physical examination", and "papillary carcinoma of the left lobe of the thyroid gland" was considered after fine-needle aspiration biopsy performed by color ultrasound. In traditional open surgery, the scar is located on the front of the neck, which is very conspicuous, especially for patients with scar constitution, which will leave a permanent, coarse and unsightly scar on the neck, and may also cause postoperative neck discomfort and paresthesia. It is also daunting for many patients. In order to meet the aesthetic needs of patients while treating the disease, the general surgery team decided to adopt "radical thyroidectomy for left thyroidectomy through the axillary non-inflatable approach" after discussion with solid and excellent laparoscopic surgery experience to solve the patient's worries. The advantage of this surgery is that there is no scar on the neck, and it perfectly "hides" the incision under the armpit.

With the careful cooperation of the general surgery team, the operation was successfully completed. The patient was in good condition after the operation and was extremely satisfied with the treatment process. The general surgery team has rich experience in laparoscopic surgery, and in addition to transaxillary endoscopic thyroid surgery, it also carries out transthoracic breast endoscopic thyroid surgery, transoral endoscopic thyroid surgery and other surgeries, providing patients with more options. (Liupanshui People's Hospital)

The free clinic service is heartwarming

Liupanshui Maternal and Child Health Hospital went to Muguo Town, Zhongshan District to carry out free clinic activities

Recently, according to the relevant work deployment and the requirements of creating a civilized city to carry out volunteer services, Liupanshui Maternal and Child Health Hospital went to Muguo Town, Zhongshan District to carry out free clinic activities.

On the same day, volunteers from the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital came to Panxiong Community and Yanjiao Village in Muguo Town, and set up a health consultation service desk at the entrance of the village committee and hung a banner.

Consolidated information on December 21

At the event site, Wang Lubing, vice president of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, led relevant experts from the second department of gynecology, internal medicine, surgery, traditional Chinese medicine, and stomatology to popularize the knowledge of eugenics, treatment and prevention, self-help and mutual rescue and emergency care for the masses who came to consult, guide women of childbearing age to do a good job in premarital medical examination and genetic counseling, and distribute relevant publicity materials for free. At the same time, the on-site medical staff measured blood pressure and took the pulse of the surrounding residents free of charge, and answered their questions according to the examination results. Specialists also provide "one-on-one" health guidance to residents who come for consultation.

According to statistics, more than 1,000 copies of health knowledge brochures and more than 200 copies of publicity materials were distributed during the event, more than 100 people were consulted by the public, and more than 30 women of appropriate age were screened for cervical cancer free of charge.

Consolidated information on December 21

Through this free clinic activity, health knowledge was popularized to the local people, the residents' awareness of disease prevention was enhanced, and the in-depth development of Liupanshui civilization practice activities in the new era was strongly promoted.

Over the years, the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital has been focusing on the health of women and children, aiming at the needs of the masses, going into communities, rural areas, enterprises, schools, and institutions, and carrying out activities such as free clinics and lectures on the spot, so as to enhance the awareness of maternal and child health care and comprehensively improve the health literacy of key groups. (Liupanshui Maternal and Child Health Hospital)

Health knowledge into the campus

The team of psychotherapists from the Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City went to the Third Primary School of the Special Economic Zone to give a lecture on health knowledge

In order to further promote the pilot work of the construction of the social psychological service system in the whole district and implement the mental health promotion work of "medical + school + home", the psychotherapist team of the Second People's Hospital of Liupanshui City went to the Third Primary School of Liuzhi Special Economic Zone to carry out a mental health lecture with the theme of "Healthy Growth with Sunshine Heart" for the teachers and students of the whole school.

Consolidated information on December 21
Consolidated information on December 21

The lecture mainly expounded the concept of mental health, explained the factors that affect mental health, such as academic Xi stress, interpersonal relationships, and family environment, introduced relaxation methods, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, etc., and gave targeted answers and guidance to the students about the confusion, and guided the students to recognize their emotional changes and learn to express and regulate their emotions correctly through interactive games and discussions. (Liupanshui Second People's Hospital)

Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital gave a lecture on physiological and health knowledge on campus

In order to allow adolescent girls to better understand the knowledge of puberty, accept the physical and psychological changes of puberty, and spend puberty healthily and smoothly. Recently, the Zhongshan District Women's Federation and the District Maternal and Child Health Hospital walked into the Shuangjia Central School, and Guo Qimin, vice president of the Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital, gave a lecture entitled "Salute to Youth - I Say ...... to Girls" for more than 120 female students.

Consolidated information on December 21

Guo Qimin talked with his classmates from the perspective of his mother, and instantly shortened the distance with his classmates. She used humorous language to unveil the physiological changes of adolescent girls for the students, explained in detail how to protect themselves and prevent sexual assault, and answered the confusion that girls may encounter during puberty.

The girls listened attentively with curiosity and ignorance, and actively interacted with the teachers, so that they could really understand their bodies and the mysterious adolescence. After the class, the girls said that they benefited a lot from the course, not only gaining the correct knowledge of adolescent health education, but also mastering the necessary self-protection skills.

Consolidated information on December 21

Through this public lecture on adolescent health knowledge, it effectively supplemented the deficiencies of school education and family education in girls' health education and children's safety education, enhanced girls' health awareness and self-protection ability, provided sufficient "nutrients" for ensuring children's healthy and happy growth, and continuously promoted children to face up to growth with a healthier and more confident attitude. The person in charge of Shuangjia Central School said. (Zhongshan District Maternal and Child Health Hospital)

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