
Zhou Jingwang's deal with Xirong and the selection of civil officials

author:Pick up a history

In the history of ancient China, the Zhou Dynasty was a very important period. During this time, there was a king named King Zhou Jing, who had his own unique views and strategies on the issue of Xirong and the selection of civil officials.

Zhou Jingwang's deal with Xirong and the selection of civil officials

Let's take a look at how Zhou Jingwang dealt with the Xirong problem. At that time, the Xirong people were an important threat to the Zhou Dynasty, and their invasion brought great trouble to the Zhou Dynasty. However, Zhou Jingwang did not choose the way of armed resistance, but took a smarter approach to solve the problem. He believes that in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to understand the needs and ideas of the other party first.

Zhou Jingwang's deal with Xirong and the selection of civil officials

So he sent envoys to Sijon to communicate and to meet as many reasonable requests as possible. As a result of this, Xirong's attitude changed, and they began to be willing to coexist peacefully and no longer pose a threat to the Zhou dynasty.

Zhou Jingwang's deal with Xirong and the selection of civil officials

Next, let's take a look at how Zhou Jingwang handled the issue of civil official selection. In this era, the position of civil servants is very important, and they are key figures in the governance of the country. However, there were often drawbacks to the way people were selected, such as the fact that some people were able to get positions because of their family background or other reasons, not because they were genuinely talented.

In this regard, Zhou Jingwang put forward an innovative idea: examination selection. "I want to find people who are really capable, no matter where they come from, whether they have power or wealth," he said. Therefore, he established a system called the "imperial examination", in which the truly good people were selected to contribute to the country.

King Zhou Jing was a very wise monarch. He has shown wisdom and courage in dealing with the issue of Sijon, and in dealing with the issue of civil service selection, he has demonstrated his understanding and pursuit of justice and equality. These practices of his not only solve practical problems, but also provide us with some experiences and enlightenment worth learning Xi. Therefore, we should remember this history, draw strength and inspiration from it, and continue to strive to make our society a better place.