
Thinkers and philosophical traditions of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties

author:Easy Haley 1T6M

The Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties were four important dynasties in Chinese history, and during these 400 years, China's intellectual circles underwent tremendous changes. This article will examine the four major thinkers of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties: Cheng Yi, Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming, and Gu Yanwu, and analyze the contribution of their doctrines to the Chinese philosophical tradition.

We are going to talk about two famous Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty - Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi. They are all representatives of "science" and have had a profound impact on traditional Chinese culture. Cheng Yi advocated "righteousness and righteousness", and he believed that people should improve their conduct by learning Xi ethics and morality, and his views had a great influence on later generations. Zhu Xi, on the other hand, emphasized the concept of "learning from things", and he put forward the concepts of "heavenly principles" and "human desires", and believed that only through the study of things can the goal of knowing the truth be achieved.

Thinkers and philosophical traditions of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties

The famous Confucian scholar Wang Yangming put forward the theory of "heart is reason", and he was one of the founders of the science of mind. Wang Yangming's concept of mind advocates that human nature is good, "conscience" is the basis of human existence, and people can find their true selves as long as they return to their hearts. This theory caused widespread social repercussions at the time, and many people were inspired to reflect on their own values and social roles.

In the Qing Dynasty, another great thinker, Gu Yanwu, proposed a new academic outlook, which was applied to the world. Gu Yanwu pays attention to social realities and advocates a pragmatic approach to learning Xi, and his ideas make people's understanding of knowledge more in-depth and of practical significance. At the same time, he also criticized the phenomenon of literati and doctors at that time talking too much about ideals and not putting them into action, and reminded people to pay attention to practical actions.

Thinkers and philosophical traditions of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties

These thinkers of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties injected a great deal of new elements into the Chinese philosophical tradition. Their doctrines not only profoundly changed people's way of thinking, but also promoted the development and progress of society. Their influence extends far beyond their time and continues to this day, becoming an important part of Chinese civilization.

Thinkers and philosophical traditions of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties