
The third party? This is the most non-existent social garbage organization!

author:Brave stream 0oK

Title: Demystifying: When Third-Party Agencies Become "Modern Parasites"

The third party? This is the most non-existent social garbage organization!

Introduction: Let's talk about some hot topics today, that is, the "social garbage" that many people can remember when they frown and bite their teeth - some third-party organizations. I know you're probably starting to feel sorry for your wallet when you hear the name, but don't worry, take a deep breath and we'll start happily exploring this world full of strange stories.

The third party? This is the most non-existent social garbage organization!


The third party? This is the most non-existent social garbage organization!

In this seemingly glamorous field of professional services, there is a special group of roles - third-party institutions. They claim to be indispensable intermediary service providers in the market economy, but don't be fooled by their flashy appearance, many times they are more like parasites that sneak into your yard.

Let's talk about the bidding companies first. Theoretically, they should provide us with fair, impartial and transparent tendering services. However, in the actual operation process, "insider trading" and "black box operations" abound. Oh yes, if you think that only in movies will appear "the script is set" plot, then you really have to look at how the bidding company staged the "behind-the-scenes deal" drama in reality.

Let's talk about financial review and project audit. Doesn't that sound reassuring that they're scrutinizing every penny with a magnifying glass in their hands? The problem is that, in some cases, "professional reviews" have become "arbitrary offers" and project audits have become a formalistic game. They use inscrutable jargon and dizzying complexity of their reports, and as a result, many projects are still riddled with loopholes.

Labor dispatch is no exception. Theoretically, it solves the contradiction between the flexibility of enterprise employment and the employment stability of employees. But in real life, a new version of "sweatshops" - labor dispatch companies emerge one after another. Employee rights are often overlooked and put at risk.

Don't think that only non-governmental organizations like to play this game, and sometimes even government officials are tired of it! If you can make your own decisions and do not do it, you have to find a so-called "team of experts," and the result will be? In many cases, you have to spend a lot of money to buy a blind eye.

You may be asking, "So what are we going to do?", and in short, we need to strengthen regulation first, then transparency, and finally, of course, public awareness.


Let's sum up what we're talking about today! Although third-party organizations do have their value and positive role in theory, they frequently have problems in actual operation and have even become new types of "parasites." As ordinary people, we should not sit idly by, but should express our dissatisfaction and concern about such behavior through legal channels, and at the same time demand that the government take effective measures to combat abuse of power, corruption and inefficiency, so that these institutions can truly return to the essence of serving the public and the development of the market economy.

Remember, stay vigilant and be aware to avoid being eaten by parasites. Okay, that's all for today!