
"Only with a good heart"! Approaching the family style story of Mrs. Qian Guo, the "first Chinese woman hero".

author:Golden Sheep Net

"I am a Lingnan native, a family king, loyalty and righteousness build iron bones, riding horses and stepping on floating clouds, a lifetime of women's ambitions, and the heart ......of the Central Plains in the north" This is the theme song of the Cantonese opera movie "Mrs. Chenguo". The film tells the story of Xian Ying, the "first Chinese heroine", to defend the unity of the country throughout her life. At the 36th Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards held not long ago, "Mrs. Chen Guo" won the best opera film.

"Only with a good heart"! Approaching the family style story of Mrs. Qian Guo, the "first Chinese woman hero".

For Lingnan people, Xian Ying, the wife of the country, is a household name, and her patriotic stories, honest stories, and family style stories have been passed down for thousands of years, influencing generation after generation. This year, Maoming Gaozhou Xian Taimiao was awarded the fourth batch of Guangdong Province Family Style Tutoring Practice Base. Nowadays, more and more people are walking into this century-old temple to learn about Mrs. Xian's deeds and cultivate feelings for the family and country.


Red walls and green tiles, bucket arches and cornices, walking into the Gaozhou Xian Tai Temple located in Wenming Road, Gaozhou City, Maoming, the distinctive Lingnan architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties comes into view. There are many Xian Tai temples all over the country, but Gaozhou Xian Tai Temple is one of the large-scale temples, and it is also a typical representative of the Xian Temple series of buildings. With a total construction area of more than 3,000 square meters, Gaozhou Xian Tai Temple systematically displays Mrs. Xian's cultural spirit, life deeds, clean government culture, family culture, etc.

"Only with a good heart"! Approaching the family style story of Mrs. Qian Guo, the "first Chinese woman hero".

Mrs. Xian Ying, also known as Mrs. Xian Guo, is the leader of the ancient Lingnan ethnic minorities in the mainland, a famous politician, military strategist, and social activist, and is deeply loved by the people, and Premier Zhou Enlai praised her as "the first woman hero in China". persuade his brother to be kind, and Ji Baiyue, capture Li Qianshi, wave the teacher to quell the chaos, and level Ouyang Su...... After many years, the story of Mrs. Xian has been accompanied by the renovation of Gaozhou Xian Tai Temple.

"Integrity" is one of the key words in Mrs. Xian's culture. In the Xian Tai Temple, a woodcarved hollow double-sided screen "Hundred Birds and Phoenix" is engraved on the woodcarving, which records the deeds of Mrs. Xian in punishing corruption. In 601, Zhao Ne, the governor of Fanzhou, was greedy and cruel to the people, and the slang officials were forced to flee to other places. In Mrs. Xian's life, such honest deeds abound, and the docent of Gaozhou Xian Taimiao said, "It can be said that Mrs. Xian is the first person in Gaoliang to fight corruption and advocate honesty." ”

"Only with a good heart"! Approaching the family style story of Mrs. Qian Guo, the "first Chinese woman hero".

In 2010, the Gaozhou Xian Taimiao Anti-corruption Education Base was launched, and the number of people who have come to visit the Xi has reached more than 7.6 million. Many young cadres will come to Gaozhou Xian Taimiao to study and Xi before taking up their posts, and they will buckle the first button of honesty and honesty in politics. And Mrs. Xian's story of punishing corrupt officials and corrupt officials also infiltrates people's hearts like spring breeze and rain, blooming in the cool land.

The "spirit of kindness" is integrated into the city's culture

"Patriotism, love for the people, unity and unity" is the spiritual core of Mrs. Xian's culture. She attaches great importance to family style and family education, and often teaches her children and grandchildren with "I am the master of three generations, and only use one good heart", so that her children and grandchildren are like her to maintain the stability of the Lingnan region, oppose separatism and separatism, and promote national unity. It can be said that "only with a good heart" is not only a true portrayal of Mrs. Xian's life, but also a precious spiritual wealth she left to future generations.

Born into a family of slang chiefs, Mrs. Xian received a good education and was deeply influenced by Confucianism, and showed good character of being smart and virtuous, honest and fair, and good neighborly and punishing evil from an early age, and was elected as a Qu Shuai (tribal leader) at the age of 16. After she became the commander of Qu Wen, she put forward the idea of "benevolence" with "goodness" as the purpose, which won the support of the masses. At that time, the various ethnic groups in Lingnan attacked each other, and the people suffered greatly. Madame Xian abandoned the bad Xi of the tribes, advocated harmony between the tribes, and opposed mutual raids.

After more than 1,000 years of historical accumulation, Mrs. Xian's family style story has formed Mrs. Xian's "kind-hearted spirit" marked by "only one kindness". Nowadays, strolling through the streets and alleys of Maoming, you can see the "Kindness Maoming" logo representing the image of the city everywhere, and the "Kindness Spirit" has long penetrated the texture of Maoming and has become the unique charm of Maoming's urban soul and cultural genes.

文 | 记者 柳卓楠 通讯员 邱丽梅

Editor: Chen Ruizhi

Source: Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng faction