
A closer look|Meritocracy



Xinhua News Agency launched a 10-episode English micro-documentary "A Closer Look"

Take ten ancient sayings as clues

Explore the unique spiritual world of the Chinese

Learn the civilization code of "Why China".

A closer look|Meritocracy

In the thousands of years of Chinese civilization history

Selecting and appointing people is regarded as the top priority in governing the country

There is an idiom that sums up this idea well: meritocracy

It is from the Book of Shang

It says that "only the officials are talented, and the left and right are the only people"

A closer look|Meritocracy

The selection and appointment of talents is an important value orientation of ancient Chinese politics

It was emphasized that there should be no cronyism in the selection of officials

And take virtue and talent as the standard

A closer look|Meritocracy

Today, meritocracy is written into the constitution of the Communist Party of China

The Communist Party of China attaches great importance to the examination of an individual's political beliefs and moral character

Enhance the professional skills and practical ability of the cadre talent team

A closer look|Meritocracy

With a sage, the sage is complete

Seeing the wisdom of the people has become a trend

Meritocracy is a thousand-year-old political wisdom

will continue to play a role in China's national governance

A closer look|Meritocracy

Chief Planner: Fu Hua

Director: Lv Yansong

Producer: Yuan Bingzhong, Ren Weidong, Liu Jian

Planner: Sun Chengbin, Wang Jinye, Li Jun

Producers: Chang Ailing, Li Zhongfa, Li Zhihui, Zhou Ning

Producers: Jiao Xufeng, Xu Lingui, Wang Xiaopeng, Zhou Jijian, Gao Jie

Qu Meng, Zhang Yunlong, Miao Xiaojuan, Aihua, Shang Yang, Yu Xiaohua

Written by: Zhang Yunlong, Tan Yixiao, Excellence

Director: Zhuo Zhuo, Tan Yixiao, Li Liyang, Chang Zhaoyuan, Cui Yingxin

Text guide: Meng Qingnan

Narrator: Li Ke

Co-ordinator: Liu Zhaoquan, Chen Zhichun, Li Xiang, He Qiang, Zhang Zhanpeng

Final review: Yu Weiya, He Li, Feng Xuan

Participating reporter: Shen Rufa

Editor: Li Yue, Ma Development, Liu Silu, Zhou Shan, Liu Boqian (Xi)

Design: Jennifer Yin

Calligraphy: Jiang Min

Executive Director: Hu Peipei, Wang Wenlong

Production Director: Wang Ye

Photography: Wang Yi, Chai Yufeng, Wang Ye

Photography assistant: Yuan Xiaoqi, Cao Jiangtao

Post-editing: Wang Yibai, Dai Jinxin, Cui Yuewei

Toning: Shi Heng

Music: High Soaring

Lighting: Chen Hongye, Zhang Yiheng

Makeup: Qiao Jiaojiao Liu Yang

Guided by:

National Administration of Cultural Heritage

National Library of China

National Editions of China


Propaganda Department of the Qinhuai District Committee of the Communist Party of China

China Imperial Examination Museum, Nanjing

Chinese Thought and Culture Terminology Dissemination Project

Joint Production:

Xinhua News Agency Jiangsu Branch

Produced by Xinhua News Agency