
Long life people, there are 3 good Xi habits in the morning, if you do it often, you may be able to live to be 100 years old

author:Chic orange Yr8

My name is Uncle Liu, and I am 90 years old this year. After retirement, I lived a relatively quiet life, but that doesn't mean my life is boring. One day, I suddenly remembered a sentence that my grandmother used to say to me when I was a child: "Three treasures in the morning". At that time, I always thought that this was just a mantra of the elderly, but I didn't expect that this simple Three Jewels would change my life.

One morning, I slowly sat up from bed and stretched. The sun outside the window shone on my face through my fluffy white hair, warm and peaceful. At this moment, I suddenly realized that I had lived for 90 years and that every day was a miracle. So, I decided to start practicing the "Three Jewels of Morning Rising" in earnest from today.

The first is morning exercise. I put on that wide tracksuit and walked to the morning exercise square in the community. It was a world for the elderly, where groups of people swayed and were full of energy. I joined in, my old body swinging to the music. At first, I felt a little struggling, but slowly, I found that my strength was slowly recovering. After every workout, I feel a lot more relaxed.

Long life people, there are 3 good Xi habits in the morning, if you do it often, you may be able to live to be 100 years old

While exercising in the morning, I also made a group of like-minded friends. We did Tai Chi together, chatted and shared each other's life experiences. Among them, there is an old prince, who is also ninety-five years old this year, and he is still beautiful. He told me that he was a good doctor when he was younger, and that the secret to his longevity was to exercise in the morning and maintain good social relationships.

Morning exercise has become a part of my life, and I look forward to the morning every day. And the second treasure is the morning health tea. Every morning, I make a pot of health tea, with osmanthus, wolfberry, red dates, etc. This is the traditional regimen I learned from my grandmother when I was younger. When I took a sip, the fragrance seemed to refresh me.

One day, I was drinking tea at a café in the community when I suddenly heard a melodious sound of a guzheng. I followed the sound and saw a young girl playing there. Her name is Xiaoya, and she is a music teacher in my community. We got acquainted because of our common interests, and since then, the daily morning café has become a place for us to exchange ideas and share our lives.

Long life people, there are 3 good Xi habits in the morning, if you do it often, you may be able to live to be 100 years old

Morning tea and music have become an integral part of my daily routine. Every day is full of energy and hope. And all of this stems from the third treasure of the Three Treasures of Morning Rising - Helping others. I was taught to be charitable from a young age, but when I was younger, I was always so busy with my career that I cared little about others. Now, I'm re-examining my life and feel it's time to give back.

I joined the volunteer team in the community and participated in various community services. Once, I took a group of children to the senior apartment to chat with the elderly, so that they could feel love and warmth. Spending time with children makes me feel younger, and spending time with the elderly makes me cherish my time even more.

One day, I received a thank you letter from an old woman I had been with. In the letter, she said with emotion: "With the existence of a good person like you, I feel that even if you are old and frail, life is still full of color. "Looking at this letter, I couldn't help but shed tears of emotion. It turns out that helping others is not only a contribution to others, but also a kind of satisfaction in one's own heart.

Long life people, there are 3 good Xi habits in the morning, if you do it often, you may be able to live to be 100 years old

The Three Treasures of Morning Awakening became the secret of my longevity, and this experience has become the most precious memory of my life. Through morning exercises, I have maintained a good body, through morning health tea and music, I have maintained a good attitude, and through helping others, I have found the meaning of life. Perhaps, it is the persistence of these three treasures that makes me still full of vitality at the age of 90.

At the end of the story, I was in the morning exercise square of the community, and I danced a square dance with a group of friends. The sun shines through the sparse clouds, and the melody of dance mingles with laughter. At that moment, I felt the beauty and infinite possibilities of life. The secret of longevity turns out to be to treat yourself with heart and warm others with love in ordinary life. Perhaps, as long as we keep a young heart, life will be like a square dance, full of energy and hope.