
Coffee and liquor, is it good or bad? Don't forget these 4 points before drinking coffee

author:Dr. Chan Hua-hsien

After dinner, a cup of coffee accompanied by a little liquor, is this choice good or bad for health? In modern life, there are many kinds of dietary Xi, especially the combination of coffee and white wine, which has become a fresh combination that many people try. However, what exactly is the effect of this combination on the body? Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, this dietary choice requires more attention and understanding.

Coffee, the world's most popular beverage, has long been known for its stimulating and health effects. And liquor, as a traditional alcoholic beverage, has a place in social and dining occasions. But when these two drinks are mixed together, their combined health effects become complicated.

Coffee and liquor, is it good or bad? Don't forget these 4 points before drinking coffee

Coffee and Liquor: Wisdom or Health Concerns?

Imagine a moment of relaxation after dinner where someone might try mixing coffee with liquor for a different taste experience. This combination may sound novel and tempting, but before exploring their health effects, it's crucial to first understand the respective properties of coffee and liquor.

Coffee, as a popular beverage worldwide, is mainly known for its caffeine content. Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase alertness, but excessive consumption can lead to rapid heartbeat and sleep disturbances. On the other hand, baijiu is an alcoholic beverage, although moderate consumption can help to relax the body and mind, excessive intake of alcohol may increase the burden on the liver and affect the function of the nervous system.

When coffee meets liquor, the interaction of the two beverages becomes complicated. On the one hand, the stimulant effects of caffeine may mask the calming effects of alcohol, which makes it difficult for people to accurately judge their alcohol intake. Studies have shown that people who mix coffee and alcoholic beverages may misjudge the extent of their alcoholism, increasing the risk of drinking too much.

Long-standing scientific studies have shown that caffeine and alcohol can have a negative impact on heart health when applied to the human body at the same time. For example, one study found that people who mixed coffee and alcohol had a higher rate of disalignment. This irregular heartbeat can pose health risks to people, especially the elderly.

Coffee and liquor, is it good or bad? Don't forget these 4 points before drinking coffee

Four must-know things to know before drinking coffee

While enjoying a hot cup of coffee, there are a few key factors that can significantly enhance the health value of the experience. Coffee is more than just a drink, it's associated with good health.

Considering the pungent nature of coffee, timing selection becomes crucial. Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulator to increase alertness, but drinking it before bedtime may cause sleep disturbances. Studies have shown that caffeine has a half-life of about 5 to 6 hours in the body, which means that coffee consumed in the evening may affect the quality of sleep at night.

Consider health conditions. For people with heart disease or high blood pressure, caffeine can exacerbate irregular heartbeats or fluctuations in blood pressure. A study involving more than 130,000 adults showed a slight increase in cardiovascular risk in heart disease patients who consumed more than two cups of coffee per day. For this segment of the population, it is important to control your coffee intake.

Coffee and liquor, is it good or bad? Don't forget these 4 points before drinking coffee

The control of quantity cannot be ignored. There are health benefits associated with drinking coffee in moderation, such as 1 to 2 cups a day. Excessive consumption can have adverse consequences, including anxiety, indigestion, and even arrhythmias. According to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, moderate coffee consumption may reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.

The way you drink it is just as important. Healthy drinking options, such as avoiding added sugar and high-fat creamers, can maximize the benefits of coffee. Coffee with added sugar and creamer may add extra calories and unhealthy fats, which can diminish the health benefits of coffee itself.

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