
After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

author:The glory is lost

I moved to the city last year and rented a small apartment not far from the city center. I've been renting here for almost a year, and I've been settling down. I am a middle-aged man who is married for the second time and my wife passed away a few years ago. I don't have children, I live alone in a strange city, and sometimes I feel lonely.

Just the other day, I learned the sad news. My wife's children told me that their second son had died of illness. They went back to their hometowns to mourn, but they didn't leave me behind. I understand their feelings, after all, our mother and son are not related by blood, and I have not asked them to be filial to me. I packed my bags and left, feeling a little heavy.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

The next morning, I arrived at their house with a steaming pot of pork rib soup. I knocked on the door, and when it opened, it was their eldest daughter-in-law, a gentle and generous lady, standing in the doorway.

"This is pork rib soup, I hope it can bring you some warmth. I said.

"Thank you, kind sister. Please come in and sit for a while, just as we are getting ready to eat. She said, politely inviting me into the house.

I walked into the house and saw the family, and they all thanked me when they saw me coming. Although we are not related to each other, the kindness and understanding between us make us feel more cordial.

"This soup is so heartwarming, thank you, sister. My wife's eldest son said to me.

We talked together for a while, and I didn't bother them for too long, and before leaving, I told them, "Feel free to come to me if you need me." "

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

I went back to my apartment and felt much more relaxed. Perhaps, the kindness and care between people can resolve some contradictions and estrangements outside of family affection. Hopefully, in the future, they will gradually see my sincerity towards them, instead of simply treating me as a stranger.

That day, they accepted my pork rib soup and probably considered me to be one of them. What I do is just to express a heart. I wish all my family members a happy and healthy life.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

I thought that with a pot of pork rib soup, the relationship between the family would ease a little, but what I didn't expect was that what happened next was unexpected. A few days later, my wife's daughter called me in a stiff voice.

"Why are you still coming to our family? We don't need your interference. "She was forthright with me about her grievances.

I was a little surprised, I didn't know why she suddenly said that. I tried to explain that I was just doing it with good intentions, but she didn't want to hear my explanation at all. When I hung up, I was a little embarrassed.

A few days later, she actually found my workplace and told my boss that I was frequently disturbing their home and affecting their lives. The leader talked to me once, hoping that I could properly handle this problem and avoid affecting my work.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

My heart was heavy, and I felt as if I had become an uninvited guest. I didn't want to interfere with their lives, I just wanted to express my heart through a little practical action. Am I wrong? Perhaps, they don't accept me, the kindness and help of an outsider, and that makes me feel a little frustrated.

However, I decided to deal with this rationally and calmly and no longer bother them. After all, even the most intimate family relationships take time and sincere communication to cultivate. I'm not going to reach out to them anymore, but if they need it, I'm here to help. May time dilute the contradictions, and maybe one day, everything will be back on track.

Let time tell.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

I had a few more quiet days, and one Sunday a month later, I received a phone call. The eldest son on the other end of the phone told me that the wife of my wife's second son was sick and in the hospital and needed to be taken care of. He wanted me to go and help. Of course I do, after all, they are still my wife's family.

So I went to the hospital, where I saw my wife's second son and his wife. They were a little surprised to see me, and the second daughter-in-law's face even flashed a trace of impatience. I felt a little awkward in my heart, but I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, it was to help.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

But soon, I noticed that something was wrong. In these days that I have taken care of them, their attitude has become more and more cold. He often spoke coldly to me and was reluctant to communicate with me. I don't know what I've done wrong or why they're so unkind to me.

This went on for a while. I also began to feel frustrated and helpless, and I even began to regret that I had given them pork rib soup in the first place. Maybe they didn't welcome me, so I better leave.

However, at the same time, I also began to wonder what the reason for this is, I know that I am not related to them by blood, but I am also the partner of my wife, and I have no shortage of care and love for this family. What happened these days has been a challenge for me. The emotional loss and confusion made me feel exhausted. I don't want this kind of family conflict to be unresolved.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

And at this moment, I can only wait silently, waiting for the end of this relationship. None of this is yet final.

I walked out of their house and was still in a good mood. When I got home, I cleaned up my mood and started cooking. While I was stir-frying the vegetables, I suddenly thought of my wife. When she was alive, she always treated my children with love. I miss them and want to go back and see them now.

Just when I was feeling excited, I suddenly heard the ringing of my mobile phone. I looked at the phone, and it was my wife's eldest son-in-law calling me.

"Hello, what's wrong?" I asked, a little worried.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

"Mother-in-law, something has happened in our house, I hope you can come over. His voice was serious.

I hurriedly took a taxi to their house, feeling a little flustered. It wasn't long before I arrived at their house and found the whole family in the living room, looking nervous.

"What's going on?" I asked anxiously.

"Mother-in-law, our youngest child, Xiao Ni, something happened. My wife's eldest son said.

"What's wrong?" I was distraught.

"She was injured outside and is now in hospital. After the eldest son finished speaking, my heart sank.

Although we don't have a real family relationship, I can't help but worry when I look at the nervousness and worry of their families. I thought of my own children, and if something happened to them, I would have been so worried.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

I accompanied them to the hospital, and Xiao Ni was lying on the hospital bed, her face pale. Seeing this scene, I felt very uncomfortable, and I also understood the worries and anxieties of their families. We waited in the hospital for a long time, and the doctor told us that Xiao Ni's injuries were not serious and that she just needed a good rest to recover.

On the way back, I asked them if they wanted to move to my house and I could take care of them for a while.

"Thank you, mother-in-law, but we still want to be in our own home, and we will take good care of Xiaoni. The eldest daughter-in-law said.

I saw the strength and unity of their families, and a sense of warmth welled up in my heart. Perhaps, there is no need for a real family relationship, and understanding and care are enough to make each other closer. I hope Xiaoni can recover soon and the family can be safe and happy.

I left their house and couldn't calm down for a long time. After a while, I still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, I am not their relative and should not have intervened in their family affairs at this time. But as a person with a conscience, I still want to do my part.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

So on the weekend, I took some vegetables and fruits and went to their house. When I walked to the door with my things, I found a lock hanging on the door. I was a little surprised and didn't know why they locked their home.

I knocked on the door, and my eldest daughter-in-law opened the door and looked a little embarrassed when she saw me.

"What's the matter, why is the door locked?" I asked.

"Ah, that's right... Actually, something has happened in our family recently, which is more troublesome. The eldest daughter-in-law said with some hesitation.

I was a little confused and didn't know what was going on in their house. The eldest daughter-in-law sighed softly and said the contradictions in the family.

These days, my wife's eldest son has been anxious and depressed because of the pressure of work. After a quarrel, he and his eldest daughter-in-law had a great conflict, and the relationship between the two also reached an impasse. The atmosphere in the home became increasingly tense, which eventually led to the closed doors of the house and the reluctance to communicate with the outside world.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup

When I heard this, I felt sorry in my heart. It is inconvenient for me to meddle in this family conflict. But I know how important a family's harmony and warmth are to everyone.

"Perhaps, I should talk about them. I said to my eldest daughter-in-law.

"Thank you for your kindness, but let's take care of this matter ourselves, sister. "My eldest daughter-in-law politely declined my offer.

I was rejected and had no choice but to leave their house. Back at home, I stared at the key in my hand, and for a moment I had mixed feelings. Family conflicts are a test for everyone, and I hope that they can resolve them as soon as possible and rediscover the warmth and happiness of home.

After the death of my second wife, I moved out, and her children were not kept, and the next day I came again with a pot of pork rib soup