
Report on the implementation of the main responsibility in 2023, and the leader's comments: the framework is stable, the thinking is lively, and the content is new

author:Political Papers
Report on the implementation of the main responsibility in 2023, and the leader's comments: the framework is stable, the thinking is lively, and the content is new

What I recommend for you today is the 2023 report on the implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, the report on accountability and integrity, and the compilation of materials for one post and two responsibilities (3), with a total of 6 articles and more than 40,000 words, which share some outlines.

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility of the district in 2023 for the comprehensive and strict governance of the party

1. Improve political standing and earnestly fulfill the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party

The first is to strengthen political gatekeeping.

The second is to strengthen political construction.

The third is to strengthen political responsibility.

2. Adhere to integrity and innovation, and continue to learn Xi new ideas

First, we should hold high the banner of ideology and focus on solid theoretical study and Xi education.

The second is to focus on the overall situation of the center and consolidate and strengthen the mainstream public opinion position.

The third is to promote the creation of the whole domain to ensure that the practice of civilization is effective.

3. Strengthen organizational construction and fully implement the general requirements of party building in the new era

The first is to solidly promote the implementation of theme education in Xi.

Second, we should focus on forging a contingent of high-quality professional cadres who are worthy of important tasks.

The third is to comprehensively enhance the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations.

Fourth, strengthen political supervision, and continue to consolidate a clean and upright political ecology

The first is to strengthen the party's discipline building and tighten the political responsibility of managing the party and governing the party.

The second is to strengthen the construction of work style and continue to deepen the implementation of the spirit of the regulations.

The third is to insist on treating both the symptoms and the root causes, systematically treating them, and promoting them in an integrated manner.

Fourth, deepen political inspections and give full play to the role of sharp swords and sharp weapons.

Fifth, pay attention to political guidance, and gather a strong synergy to forge ahead on a new journey

First, it is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership over united front work.

The second is to promote the sustained and healthy development of multi-party cooperation.

The third is to improve the effectiveness of the united front work of the private economy.

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility in 2023, and the leader's comments: the framework is stable, the thinking is lively, and the content is new

Report on the district's 2023 implementation of the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party

1. Take a clear-cut stand on politics, firmly support the "two establishments" with practical actions, and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"

1. Solidly promote the implementation of the spirit and achieve results.

2. Fully implement the "Ten Actions" to add weight to the city's high-quality development.

3. Carry out "practical activities" to create an entrepreneurial atmosphere.

2. Layer upon layer of compaction responsibility effectively conducts pressure, and deeply cultivates the "responsibility field" of comprehensive and strict governance of the party

1. Strengthen overall planning and promote the implementation of entity responsibility.

2. Pay close attention to daily supervision and inspection, and improve the quality and effectiveness of party governance.

3. Serious political life within the party, and create a clean and positive political ecology.

4. Strictly implement laws and regulations to improve the level of ability to perform duties and responsibilities.

3. Make good use of the party's innovative theories to unite hearts and souls, and promote propaganda, ideological and cultural work to achieve solid results

 1. Implement the Party's innovative theory "Soul Casting Project", and continue to promote the Sinicization of Marxism, the modernization and popularization of Marxism.

First, it is necessary to enhance the cohesion of theoretical armament.

The second is to enhance the attractiveness of grassroots propaganda.

The third is to enhance the appeal of publicity and education.

2. Implement ideological "security projects" and continuously strengthen the leading force of ideological work.

First, it is necessary to tighten and consolidate the responsibility for ideological work.

The second is to carry out in-depth special actions to "eliminate pornography and crack down on illegal publications".

The third is to actively carry out reading activities for the whole people.

3. Implement the "shaping project" and widely disseminate the "good voice" to help high-quality development.

The first is to strengthen positive publicity and reporting.

The second is to strengthen the analysis and judgment of public opinion.

The third is to strengthen the effectiveness of social publicity.

Fourth, strengthen the typical cultivation and selection of trees.

4. Implement the "education project" and strive to amplify and lead the "positive energy" of civilization and fashion.

The first is to carry out the creation of civilized urban areas in depth.

The second is to expand and improve the level of civilized practice.

The third is to focus on building a brand of volunteer service.

Fourth, we should solidly promote the popularization of science in all fields.

Fourth, firmly grasp the correct orientation of selecting and employing people, and cultivate a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible

1. Strengthen the training and use of cadres around the needs of career development.

2. Focus on actual performance and effectiveness, and optimize the cadre assessment and evaluation mechanism.

3. Strictly manage and strengthen the supervision and management of leading cadres.

4. Actively attract and cultivate talents, and build a pattern of talent gathering.

Fifth, on the basis of grasping the grassroots level, we should continue to exert efforts to give full play to the political and organizational functions of party organizations

1. Strengthen the construction of Party organizations and improve the efficiency of grassroots governance.

2. Concentrate on building a working system of "one core, multiple circles, and multiple committees in one".

3. Give full play to the role of party organizations to lead the coordinated development of the industry.

4. Make good use of the party organization's position to better serve the people's lives.

5. Strengthen the construction of the ranks of Party members and enrich the strength of Party organizations.

6. Firmly grasp the theme of great unity and great unity, and consolidate and develop the broadest patriotic united front in the new era

1. Complete and improve the pattern of united front work under the leadership of party committees.

2. Optimize and improve the construction of the team of non-Party representatives.

3. Do a good job in the united front work of the private economy around the "two healths".

4. Continue to consolidate the good situation of ethnic unity, religious harmony, and obedience.

5. Actively expand united front work in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, overseas Chinese and overseas.

7. Adhere to the party's absolute leadership over political and legal work, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security

1. Grasp political construction and forge a strong political and legal team.

2. Strengthen the establishment of a rule of law government and strictly administer in accordance with law.

3. Deepen the construction of safety and improve the effectiveness of grassroots governance.

4. Effectively resolve risks and hidden dangers and maintain social stability.

8. Focus on promoting the normalization and long-term effect of work style construction, and continue to strengthen the prescribed embankments

1. Targeted force, continue to rectify the "four winds" and establish new winds.

2. Take effective measures to reduce the burden on the grassroots.

3. Continue to rectify the work style problems around the masses.

9. Realize the integration and coordination of all kinds of supervision, and comprehensively improve the overall efficiency of the supervision system

1. Create a collaborative and efficient supervision system.

2. Strengthen the supervision of the "number one" and the leadership group.

3. Solidly advance supervision at the grassroots level.

4. Deepen the role of patrol and supervision.

10. Deepen the governance of the system that addresses both the symptoms and the root causes, and resolutely win the battle against corruption

1. Persistently maintain a high-pressure anti-corruption posture.

2. Integrate discipline education into daily management and supervision.

3. Vigorously strengthen the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era.


First, the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party still needs to be further consolidated, and it is necessary to continue to work hard to extend it to the grassroots level.

Second, the problem of the "four winds" has not been banned, and corruption and unhealthy tendencies still occur from time to time around the masses.

Third, the responsibility of individual grass-roots party organizations to manage the party and govern the party is not strictly implemented, and the political life within the party is not standardized enough.


The first is to strengthen the party's political construction.

Second, we should continue to strengthen our theoretical armament.

The third is to strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations.

Fourth, improve the level of cadre team building.

Fifth, we should uphold discipline and fight corruption with a strict tone.

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility in 2023, and the leader's comments: the framework is stable, the thinking is lively, and the content is new

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility of the Water Affairs Bureau in 2023 to comprehensively and strictly govern the party

1. Strengthen political and ideological guidance, firmly support the "two establishments", and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"

The first is to set the quasi-political direction and resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment.

The second is to build a solid ideological foundation and carry out high-quality theme education. The rectification of the ministry was completed.

The third is to consolidate the chain of responsibility and comprehensively consolidate the main responsibility.

Fourth, we should persist in defending the territory and be responsible, and build a strong ideological security defense line.

2. Practice the party's organizational line in the new era and strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations and cadres

First, it is necessary to build a contingent of high-quality cadres and talents.

The second is to pay close attention to the construction of grassroots party organizations.

The third is to strengthen the party building and mass work of retired cadres.

Third, we will continue to consolidate the overwhelming victory of the anti-corruption struggle

First, we should continue to correct the stubborn diseases in the field of work style.

The second is to strengthen supervision and management in key areas.

The third is to improve the ability to promote the "three non-corruptions" in an integrated manner.

The first is to successfully deal with the catastrophic floods in the river basin.

The second is to promote high-quality post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.

The third is to make every effort to promote the key work of water affairs.

Report on the 2023 implementation of the main responsibility of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee for comprehensive and strict governance of the Party

1. Take the party's political construction as the guide, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"

The first is to adhere to the party school's surname and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards".

The second is to carry out study and Xi in a down-to-earth manner and implement theme education.

The third is to promote the construction of political ecology, political life, and political culture in an integrated manner.

2. Strengthen the party's ideological construction and build a "melting pot" for tempering party spirit

The first is to insist on using the party's innovative theories to forge the soul.

The second is to continue to strengthen education and publicity.

The third is to firmly guard the ideological position of party schools.

3. Strengthen the party's organizational construction and conscientiously implement the party's organizational line in the new era

The first is to optimize the structure of the cadre ranks.

The second is to comprehensively improve organizational strength.

The third is to strengthen the typical demonstration drive.

4. Strengthen the building of the party's work style and promote the cultivation of good work style Xi

The first is to deepen the service for the people and do practical things.

The second is to unceasingly investigate and correct the "four winds".

The third is to carry out in-depth special governance of inaction and non-responsibility.

Fifth, strengthen the party's discipline building, and continue to release a strong signal that will not be relaxed for a moment

First, it is necessary to strictly enforce discipline and rules and strengthen warning education.

The second is to strictly supervise the enforcement of discipline and accountability.

The third is to always maintain the true character of integrity.

6. Strengthen the work of united front groups and groups, unite people's hearts and gather strength

First, it is necessary to strengthen united front work.

The second is to give full play to the advantages of mass organizations.

7. Consolidate the main responsibility layer by layer, and continuously enhance the overall joint force of governing the Party and governing the Party

The first is to tighten the main responsibility of compaction.

The second is to improve the system and mechanism of main responsibility.

The third is to strengthen the supervision of the whole process.

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility in 2023, and the leader's comments: the framework is stable, the thinking is lively, and the content is new

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility of the Municipal Archives for comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in 2023

First, the main work completed

(1) Adhere to political guidance and firmly grasp the political direction of archival work.

1. Grip political direction.

2. Implement political requirements.

3. Service center work.

4. Implement the political system.

(2) Build a solid ideological foundation and promote theoretical arming into the brain and heart.

1. Do a good job in the publicity of the study Xi.

2. Solidly carry out the theme education of Xi and implement it.

3. Strengthen ideological education.

4. Strengthen the Party's absolute leadership over ideological work.

5. Promote the building of spiritual civilization.

(3) Implement the organizational line and strive to enhance the organizational strength of grassroots Party organizations.

1. Build a strong party committee team.

2. Strengthen grassroots organizations.

3. Build a strong cadre team.

4. Do a good job in talent work.

5. Do a good job in united front work.

(4) Carry forward the spirit of self-revolution and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth.

1. Consolidate responsibilities at all levels and do a good job of supervision and supervision.

2. Promote the implementation of the system and strengthen the integration of bureaus and museums.

3. Strengthen the sense of purpose and improve service capabilities.

(5) Persistently uphold discipline and continue to purify the political ecology.

1. Solidly carry out warning education, and earnestly ensure that the alarm bell is long-term.

2. Do a good job in the study and Xi of the party constitution, party discipline, and party rules, and promote the building of a culture of honesty.

3. Strengthen discipline enforcement and supervision, and form a high-pressure situation.

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility in 2023, and the leader's comments: the framework is stable, the thinking is lively, and the content is new

Report on the implementation of the main responsibility of the Women's Federation for comprehensive and strict governance of the Party in 2023

1. Continue to deepen the party's political construction, firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"

First, we should persist in taking the implementation of study Xi as the primary political task.

The second is to consolidate the main responsibility of the main body.

The third is to carry out the theme education of the Xi in a solid manner.

Fourth, political supervision should be strengthened. Fifth, we will continue to purify the political ecology.

2. Continue to deepen the party's ideological construction, and promote the deepening and implementation of the propaganda and implementation of the study Xi

The first is to continue to deepen the "women's propaganda".

The second is to create an all-media "women's publicity".

Third, firmly grasp the ideological initiative.

Fourth, it is necessary to further promote the building of spiritual civilization.

3. Continue to deepen the party's organizational construction and give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress

The first is to strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations.

The second is to enhance the political ability of party members and cadres.

The third is to establish a correct orientation for selecting and employing people.

Fourth, continue to deepen the construction of the Party's work style, and effectively give play to the Party's role as a bridge and link between the Party and the masses of women

First, perseverance in implementing the spirit of the regulations.

Second, it is necessary to conscientiously change the style of work.

The third is to earnestly perform the function of leading, serving, and connecting with the masses of women.

Fifth, continue to deepen the party's discipline construction, and fight corruption with the tenacity and upright style of "two are always on the road".

The first is to strengthen daily supervision.

The second is to strengthen warning education.

The third is to promote the construction of a culture of integrity.

Fourth, promote the construction of clean and honest families.

Sixth, continue to strengthen leadership over united front work, and comprehensively build a pattern of united front work

The first is to strengthen ideological guidance and make unremitting efforts to forge the soul.

The second is to improve the system of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and tighten the main responsibility of governing the party and governing the party.

The third is to firmly establish the viewpoint of the masses and effectively play the role of a bridge.

Fourth, we should persistently rectify the "four winds" and establish new trends, and further promote the construction of party style and clean government.

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