
Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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In this changeable season, the cold wind is howling and the warm sun is intertwined, and many people will inevitably suffer from colds and coughs. This is where proper dietary modification is particularly important.

Li Ming is an accountant. On a cold winter day, Li Ming walked home late at night after working overtime. Although he felt unstable in his body temperature and a slight discomfort in his throat, he did not take it to heart.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

The next day, he hurriedly ate some fried chicken and fries at a fast-food restaurant, which was his favorite fast food. But unfortunately, the meal exacerbated his sore throat and cough.

As his symptoms worsened, Li Ming's wife insisted on taking him to the hospital. At the hospital, he met Dr. Zhang, an experienced internist.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

After careful examination, Dr. Zhang told Li Ming that his cold and cough were partly aggravated by improper diet Xi habits. He explained that certain foods can irritate the throat and exacerbate cough symptoms, especially during colds.

Dr. Teo made several suggestions, the first of which was to avoid excessively oily foods. Foods high in fat like fried chicken and fries can put a strain on the throat and cause coughing to worsen.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

Dr Teo also emphasised the importance of avoiding over-processed and preservative-containing foods. The chemical additives in these foods may cause irritation to the throat, which can worsen the symptoms.

He advises Li Ming to choose fresh, natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as mild soups and porridges, which are easier to digest and gentler on the throat.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

At Dr. Zhang's suggestion, Li Ming began to adjust his diet. He found that with the change in his diet and Xi habits, his cough symptoms were significantly reduced.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

When you have a cold or cough, choosing the right foods is crucial. Avoiding greasy, spicy, and overly processed foods in favor of more natural and mild foods can help reduce coughs and other cold symptoms.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

Stories like Ming's Li remind us that our daily dietary choices have a profound impact on our health. However, it is not enough to focus on the food itself, it is also necessary to pay attention to the overall balance of the diet.

Food, whether it is too hot or too cold, can cause additional irritation to the throat. Especially during the cold, it is best to choose mild foods such as warm boiled vegetables, warm porridge, etc., and avoid eating cold or overheated foods directly.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

Li Ming began to practice Dr. Zhang's advice. He noticed a decrease in the frequency and intensity of coughing when he started avoiding foods with extreme temperatures. This small change has had a significant impact on his recovery.

In addition to the food itself and temperature adjustments, Dr Teo also reminded Li Ming that it is also very important to maintain proper water intake. Adequate hydration can help relieve a feeling of dryness in your throat and relieve coughing.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

Dr Teo advised him to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to maintain his body's water balance. In the face of cold and cough, we should start from the overall dietary Xi and pay attention to the type, temperature and water intake of food.

With such daily detail adjustments, we can take better care of ourselves and recover faster.

Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

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Doctor: When you have a cold and cough, don't eat these kinds of food! The more you eat, the worse your condition will be

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