
Yang Yuexiang investigated the heating supply guarantee work in the heating season at the Liulin Power Plant

author:Yellow River News Network Luliang Channel

On December 19, Yang Yuexiang, secretary of the county party committee, went deep into the Liulin Power Plant to investigate the heating supply guarantee work in the heating season and held a symposium to conduct on-site office work on the current problems such as insufficient heating in our county. Zhang Yaodong and Li Xiping, deputy county magistrates of the government, attended the meeting.

Yang Yuexiang investigated the heating supply guarantee work in the heating season at the Liulin Power Plant

During the investigation, Yang Yuexiang went deep into the coal storage bunker of Liulin Power Plant, inspected the coal quality and coal storage capacity on the spot, and listened to the relevant introduction of the person in charge of the power plant.

At the symposium, Li Xiping analyzed the reasons for the current heating situation in our county, and he demanded that the Liulin Power Plant must take multiple measures at the same time, find ways to improve the operation efficiency of heating equipment, and go all out to improve the heating temperature of our county; The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other departments should work together to coordinate and cooperate to ensure the full supply of coal for power plants and jointly promote the work of ensuring heat supply; power plants should solve the feedback problem as soon as possible and use heating costs reasonably; the housing and urban-rural development departments should start the supervision procedures according to law, seriously punish enterprises for violating regulations, and unblock feedback channels for service hotlines and other issues, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, properly solve the heating problems reported by the masses, and effectively ensure that the masses are warm in winter.

Yang Yuexiang investigated the heating supply guarantee work in the heating season at the Liulin Power Plant

Yang Yuexiang stressed that all departments and enterprises should stand at the height of stressing politics and protecting people's livelihood, fully recognize the importance of heating supply in the heating season, and make every effort to ensure that the people are safe and warm in winter. He demanded that in view of the current problem of insufficient heating, relevant departments and enterprises should adopt the form of on-site office to find problems and produce results, and form a targeted scheduling mechanism. Heating companies should strengthen scheduling, establish and improve emergency response mechanisms, strengthen safety inspections of heating facilities, strengthen the inspection and maintenance of heating pipelines, and prevent safety accidents caused by aging and damage to pipelines. In terms of energy supply, all relevant enterprises should go all out to organize production on the premise of ensuring safety, implement their respective energy supply guarantee tasks in detail, and ensure the smooth progress of incremental supply guarantee tasks. It is necessary to temporarily open the highway along the Yellow River, optimize the coal transportation channel, and ensure that the coal arrives at the power plant in a timely manner. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and coordination, regularly dispatch the heating work, respond to the concerns of the masses in a timely manner, and provide a solid guarantee for the masses to spend the winter safely and warmly.

Yang Yuexiang investigated the heating supply guarantee work in the heating season at the Liulin Power Plant

At the meeting, the participating energy companies made statements on coal supply, power supply, heat supply and safety production, and said that they would go all out to do a good job in ensuring supply and resolutely fulfill their corporate social responsibilities.

Reporter: Guo Fanyu

Source: Liulin Fusions