
Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students
Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

At 7:38 a.m., the outside temperature reached minus 5 degrees Celsius. Chen Minghong, principal of Qiuzhen Middle School North in Baoshan District, stood at the school gate and invited several students who had just stepped into the campus to taste the vegetable porridge and ginger tea prepared by the school in advance. Tasting the warm vegetable porridge, Shi Xinyi, a sixth-grade student, was very moved: "Since Monday, the school has prepared a heart-warming ginger tea for us, and today there is also a love vegetable porridge, which gives us the greatest warmth and happiness in this cold winter!"

Today, the temperature in Shanghai is below freezing all day. The reporter learned that as soon as the cold wave + low temperature warning package was "launched", all primary and secondary schools in Shencheng took action to drive away the cold with various heart-warming measures, so that the teachers and students in the cold wind could feel the warmth.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students


With the advent of the cold wave, many schools in Shanghai have made it clear that students can go to school without school uniforms, and should wear warm down jackets and other warm clothing. A short "farewell" to the school uniform is the first step in the school's cold protection.

In addition, the reporter also found that warm hot porridge and sweet brown sugar ginger tea are almost the "standard" for the school to launch a heart-warming offensive.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

Chen Minghong said that starting this week, the school canteen has prepared a sufficient amount of ginger tea for teachers and students to ward off the cold. Last night, seeing the cold weather reminder, Chen Minghong also specially instructed the logistics chef to prepare hot porridge: "Add vegetables, preserved eggs and lean meat to the children to add nutrition and warm their bodies and minds." Early this morning, Chen Minghong personally delivered hot porridge to some students, carefully asked them if the taste was suitable, and asked the kitchen to adjust it according to the students' opinions. At noon, all teachers and students in the school can enjoy hot porridge.

At Luwan No. 1 Central Primary School in Huangpu District, the students of Class 3 (2) arrived at school in the morning and were surprised to find that the classroom where they were attending classes had changed today. It turned out that in view of the recent sharp drop in temperature, the school conducted a pre-inspection of the air conditioning in all classrooms in advance, and found that the air conditioning heating power of the three (2) classrooms was not enough, and the effect was still not good after repair.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

Stepping into the warm room, I saw the students take off their colorful down jackets, fold them on the desks, close the zippers, shake them, fold the sleeves in half on their chests, and then turn the clothes inside out, but after more than ten seconds, the heavy cold-proof jacket instantly turned into a small soft bag, and put a set on the back of the chair behind them, which can not only be used as a cushion, but also does not take up too much space at all.

"In the past, students could only hang their winter coats on the back of their chairs, and they could easily be kicked and soiled by their classmates behind them, and they would accidentally fall to the ground. So, the teachers brainstormed this storage trick and taught the students. Shi Lihong, director of the Luwan No. 1 Central Primary School, said that considering that the temperature was below zero all day today, the school also specially prepared hot drinks and warm babies for the students who participated in the after-school service evening nursery class, so that they could go home safely with warmth.

At Wannan Experimental Kindergarten in Xuhui District, children gather around and drink sweet brown sugar ginger tea. This warmth is also provided to the teachers and parent volunteers of the whole school.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

To ensure the safety of teachers and students at school, teachers shoveled thin ice from the road in the early morning

The sky was bright, and the outdoor temperature in Songjiang District reached minus 5 degrees. The logistics and faculty members of the Experimental School Affiliated to Songjiang District College of Education in Shanghai stood on various roads on the campus, shoveling the thin ice covering the ground to prevent teachers and students from slipping.

In order to cope with the severe cold weather, the cold prevention work of the experimental school affiliated to Songjiang District Education College began two days ago. Principal Fan Yihua said that the school organized property logistics to prepare in advance, wrapped the water pipes in the campus to prevent freezing and cracking at low temperatures, closed individual faucets in advance, and posted notices.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

The youth league members and teachers of Laoshan Kindergarten in Pudong New Area put on yellow vests early in the morning and stood on the street in front of the kindergarten to escort the children into the kindergarten: "Children, walk slowly and pay attention to safety. "Don't forget to check in and line up for morning checks." With warm reminders and kind guidance, the teachers used practical actions to send the children a warmth in winter.

In order to ensure the safety of students' recess activities, Yuannan Primary School in Xuhui District also specially arranged logistics teachers to inspect the playground and student activity areas every morning, and laid non-slip floor mats on the ground that may be frozen to ensure the safety of students. The school also does a good job in winter safety education through weather forecasts, blackboards, billboards and other channels.

In order to ensure the comfort of the Xi environment, the homeroom teachers adjusted the air conditioning temperature in the classroom to 20 degrees Celsius early in the morning. Song Xiafeng, Secretary of the Party Branch and Principal of Yuannan Primary School, introduced that this is not only a more ideal indoor temperature, but also does not cause heat waste. The warm-up classroom allows students to enter a warm Xi environment after entering the school, which not only maintains the vitality of students, but also helps to improve the efficiency of learning Xi. In addition, considering that the teaching building is a structure of internal corridors, all classrooms will temporarily turn off the air conditioning and open windows for ventilation during the large recess to ensure the health of students. "All staff and staff strive to provide a healthy and comfortable Xi environment and safe spaces for students to attend school and ensure that they are happy and safe to go to school. ”

Make dumplings in cold weather and learn about the traditional solar terms and customs of the winter solstice

In the face of cold weather, Fan Yihua felt that this was a good opportunity for moral education. Therefore, today, the affiliated school of Songjiang Institute of Education will carry out a variety of teacher and student activities around the "cold".

For example, in combination with the full tutor system, the "I send warmth to students" activity is carried out, where the tutors wrap scarves and hats for the students, and exercise with the students to give them physical warmth.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

"In the afternoon, we also invite tutors and students to make dumplings and eat dumplings together, and experience traditional cultural Xi such as the winter solstice solar term in a timely manner. ”

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

Wang Ping, principal of Huangpu Experimental Primary School affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, told reporters that according to the temperature in the morning, the teachers adjusted today's physical education class in time, changing the morning physical education class and activity class to rich indoor activities, and the physical education class around noon continued to be arranged outdoors. In order to ensure the "heat" of students' lunches, the school canteen staff also specially prepared insulation measures such as quilts to ensure that every student can eat hot meals at noon.

Ginger tea and vegetable porridge is the "standard", and Shencheng primary and secondary schools use love to build a warm line of defense for teachers and students

In addition, Wusong Middle School and Luodian Central School in Baoshan District have increased the time for students' outdoor activities such as morning jogging and recess exercises, so that students can adapt to the cold environment and enhance their physical fitness and resistance through appropriate exercise in cheerful music.

All primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Shencheng have taken multiple measures to support a "cold and warm" umbrella for the children, caring for each student in an all-round way, and making every corner of the campus full of warmth and security. Let's meet the challenges of winter together and spend the winter on campus!

Text: Zhang Peng, Wang Xing

Photo: Courtesy of the interviewee

Editor: Zhang Peng, Wang Xing