
DNF Female Qigong Divine Realm Version Graduation Equipment Recommendation

author:3DM Game Network

1. Generic 9 custom bleed flow.

The strongest comprehensive, use the witch ring to make up the CD, but the female qigong does not come with high abnormal resistance, and the shock shoes will further increase the difficulty of abnormal resistance stacking, you can consider replacing it with legion shoes, you need to use badge fashion or even evil dragon weapons to trigger the entry,

(The core customization is the 30 Bleeding Damage Top, followed by the other high damage customizations, because there are more Bleeding Damage entries in the custom entry, so the Bleeding Flow is relatively strong.) )

2. CP weapon specialization small skill stream

CP weapons have strengthened the two powerful non-colorless skills of Nian Qi Wave and Nian Beast Spiral Wave, and the use of CP weapons can be selected to specialize in small skills, the core is CP weapons, Ente shoulders are non-colorless bonus entries, and deep dive earrings are non-colorless bonus entries

DNF Female Qigong Divine Realm Version Graduation Equipment Recommendation

3.TP shoes 9 custom bleed

Using TP shoes and pirate earrings can replace the shock shoes deep diving earrings, which can reduce the problem that the shock shoes and the witch ring do not match well to a certain extent, and the skill range is large and comfortable in actual combat

DNF Female Qigong Divine Realm Version Graduation Equipment Recommendation

4.CP weapon specialization 80

The core is that the CP weapon provides 80 damage increase and CD, and then uses the Ente top and deep dive bottoms to increase the ultimate 80 damage, because it occupies the top position, so choose to go deep diving bracelet direct injury genre, and you can use direct injury bracelets such as Tyrannosaurus King bracelets in the early stage

DNF Female Qigong Divine Realm Version Graduation Equipment Recommendation

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