
Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

author:Hassle-free tips
Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

When winter arrives, the climate becomes dry and cold, and our skin will also be affected, becoming dry and dehydrated, and even having problems such as flaking and itching.

Many people think that as long as you take a bath, you can keep your skin clean and hydrated, but in fact, the way you take a bath and the products will also affect your skin condition, if you use it wrong, not only can not improve the dry skin, but will aggravate the skin damage.

So, which is better for winter bathing, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky.

Today, I'm going to uncover this mystery for you and tell you some tips for taking a bath to relieve skin problems, so that your skin can be hydrated and smooth in winter.

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

1. The difference between soap and shower gel

Soap and shower gel are both commonly used cleaning products, but their ingredients and characteristics are different.

Soap is a solid detergent, its main ingredient is sodium fatty acids, that is, soap base, its pH value is generally between 9-10, which is alkaline.

Body wash is a liquid detergent, its main ingredient is surfactant, its pH value is generally between 5.5-7, which is neutral or weakly acidic.

So, what's the difference between these two cleaning products?

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

1. Cleaning power

Soap is more powerful than body wash, it effectively removes dirt and oil from the skin's surface, but it can also destroy the skin's natural protective layer, causing the skin to lose moisture and become dry and tight.

Body wash is weaker than soap, it gently cleanses the skin while retaining moisture and oil, leaving it soft and moisturized.

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

2. From the perspective of hygiene

Soap is solid, it is easy to contaminate bacteria and dust, if you do not pay attention to preservation, it will cause secondary pollution, affecting skin health.

Body wash is liquid, it is generally packed in bottles, which is not easy to be polluted by the outside world and is more hygienic and safe.

3. Feeling of use

The foam of the soap is rich and gives the impression of being washed cleanly, but it can also leave the skin feeling dry and need to be rinsed with plenty of water.

The body wash has a delicate lather, giving a feeling of being comfortable to wash, and it is also easy to rinse off without leaving residue on the skin.

To sum up, the difference between soap and shower gel is mainly in the ingredients, cleaning power, hygiene, and feeling of use.

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

So, which is more appropriate for winter?

Because the climate is dry in winter, the skin's moisture and oil content will also decrease, and if you use soap, it will further aggravate the dryness of the skin, and even cause skin allergies and inflammation. With body wash, you can maintain the skin's water and oil balance, so that the skin remains soft and elastic.

Of course, not all body washes are suitable for winter use, and you will also need to choose the right body wash according to your skin type and preferences.

Generally speaking, the shower gel used in winter should have the following characteristics:

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

1. The pH value is close to the pH value of the skin, that is, about 5.5, which can protect the acid-base balance of the skin and prevent the skin from being irritated and damaged.

2. Contains natural moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin, aloe vera, milk, etc., which can replenish moisture to the skin and prevent the skin from drying and desquamating.

3. Contains natural nourishing ingredients, such as olive oil, shea butter, honey, etc., which can provide nutrients for the skin and enhance the skin's resistance and repair power.

4. Contains natural aroma ingredients, such as lavender, rose, jasmine, etc., which allows you to enjoy aromatherapy while taking a bath, relax your body and mind, and improve your mood.

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

2. Tips for relieving skin problems

In addition to choosing the right cleaning products, there are some tips when bathing that can help you relieve dry and uncomfortable skin, so that your skin can be hydrated and smooth in winter.

Here are two common tips you can try:

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

1. The water temperature should not be too high when taking a bath

Many people like to take a bath with hot water, thinking that it can keep the cold away, but did you know that bathing with too high a temperature is actually harmful to the skin?

Because too high water temperature will irritate the capillaries of the skin, causing congestion and redness of the skin, and at the same time, it will also destroy the natural protective layer of the skin, accelerate the evaporation of water from the skin, and make the skin more dry and sensitive.

Therefore, the water temperature should be controlled between 35-40°C when bathing, which can not only keep the body warm, but also protect the health of the skin.

In addition, the bathing time should not be too long, generally within 10-15 minutes, so as to avoid excessive cleansing of the skin and water loss.

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

2. After taking a bath, you can rub some moisturizer

This is a simple but effective tip that can help you lock in moisture and prevent dry and rough skin.

Because the air humidity is low in winter, the moisture of the skin is easy to evaporate, and if it is not replenished in time, it will lead to dryness and dehydration of the skin.

Moisturizers or body lotions can not only add some oil to the body, but also form a protective film to prevent the loss of moisture, and at the same time, it can also moisturize and repair the skin, improving the texture and radiance of the skin.

Which is better to take a bath in winter, soap or shower gel? Many people use it incorrectly, no wonder the skin is dry and flaky

Through this article, you should have understood that it is better to choose a shower gel instead of a soap for a winter bath, because the shower gel is more gentle and moisturizing, which can protect the skin's water and oil balance and prevent dryness and damage to the skin.

At the same time, you should also pay attention to the temperature and time of the bath, not too high and too long, so as not to irritate and hurt the skin.

Finally, remember to apply some moisturizer or body lotion after bathing to hydrate and nourish your skin, so that your skin will be hydrated and smooth even in winter.