
The donation of deceased organs into the campus is terrifying! Have the school leaders and teachers all donated?

author:Chen Duo talks about human nature

Have you seen the video on the Internet? Fujian Province and Jiangxi Province have all started to carry out organ donation activities in schools!

The donation of deceased organs into the campus is terrifying! Have the school leaders and teachers all donated?

Some parents even posted the "Human Organ Donation Volunteer Registration Form" that their children took back on the Internet, they didn't know what their children were getting back, but the children told them that the teacher asked them to bring it back and they had to sign it!

Before volunteering, please read the following carefully: 1. Human organ donation shall comply with the principle of voluntary and unpaid. Point 2: The donation occurs after the death of the person and will not affect your rescue and treatment. Point 3: Whether or not the donation can be made is subject to medical evaluation and respect for the opinions of relatives. Point 4: Please inform your family of your intention to donate and get their understanding and support. Point 5: If there is a change in the willingness to donate, it can be changed or withdrawn at any time. Point 6: The registrant has full capacity for civil conduct, and persons under the age of 18 are prohibited from registering. Point 7: It is strictly forbidden to register falsely or maliciously or fraudulently using another person's identity.

The donation of deceased organs into the campus is terrifying! Have the school leaders and teachers all donated?

First of all, the principle of voluntary and unpaid. However, some parents said that the "volunteer registration form" that the children brought back was something that the teacher asked them to fill out! Is this a violation of the principle of voluntary and free of charge?

Let's look at point 6, prohibiting people under the age of 18 from registering, and which of these children is over 18 years old? You can see that the videos and pictures on the Internet are all junior high school students! Shouldn't the donation of deceased organs be something advocated in society? The child is the flower of the motherland, is the hope of the future, he has just grown, just like a small tree, he has not yet grown into a towering tree, not to mention that the child in the school, outlook on life, world view, values have not been completely established, in their world, the teacher is their understanding of the world leader, the result?

The donation of deceased organs into the campus is terrifying! Have the school leaders and teachers all donated?

If you're a parent and your child is under the age of 18, and then the school starts organizing for the child to fill out a voluntary registration form for organ donation. If you don't understand it yourself, or if you don't agree with it, will you let your child do this? You must know that after filling out this application form, the first is to donate freely, the second is to make selfless contributions, and the third is to register for the record.

Can we understand it in this way? Who extended the devil's hand to teenagers, and shouldn't such things be forbidden in schools? We can cultivate in our children a correct outlook on life, the world, and values? But we can't start cultivating them from now on, so that children can selflessly dedicate their bodies, right?

The donation of deceased organs into the campus is terrifying! Have the school leaders and teachers all donated?

There have been all kinds of news reports before, from kindergartens, to elementary schools, to junior high schools, to universities, there have been all kinds of sexual assault incidents, and this has already made the whole society angry!

Some netizens said that minors are not responsible for the behavior, and it is illegal to agree to donate without signing through their legal guardians, inducement, persecution, deception, etc., even adults cannot set various conditions or restrictions to oppress donations in disguise, this kind of behavior is immoral and inhumane!

So some people will say that children are voluntary? When children go to school, do they have to obey the school's arrangement? Obey the teacher's arrangement? Does the school always teach us to have a sense of collective honor? Man is a social animal, and a person will have the ability to think independently and make rational judgments! But when a group of people are repeating an action, if the other person does not do what the others want, he is different, unsocial, and cannot be recognized by the group!

The donation of deceased organs into the campus is terrifying! Have the school leaders and teachers all donated?

This is to look at this matter from the perspective of an adult, not to mention the child? He wants to be recognized by the collective all the time, can it go against the will of the collective? As a parent, I hope that the child can be selfish in this matter, and when he grows up, when he is old, he has the right to decide whether he wants to donate his body for free?

As a guardian, I will never agree!What do you think about this matter?Let's talk in the comment area!#Article Launch Challenge#

Note: The article is forwarded by the video, please forgive me for the typo!

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