
Why is there a lot of controversy among the main generals of the 13th Corps, which has made great achievements?

author:Star clips

In the long history of China, the period of the Liberation War is undoubtedly an exciting chapter. In this magnificent struggle, there is a special force that has written an immortal chapter with its bravery and tenacity. What we are going to talk about today is an almost forgotten story of that era - the controversy encountered by the 13th Corps and its generals in the process of awarding titles.

Why is there a lot of controversy among the main generals of the 13th Corps, which has made great achievements?

First of all, I have to mention that the 13th Corps is not an ordinary team. They have repeatedly performed miraculous feats in the War of Liberation, which can be described as a clear stream in the years filled with gunpowder. Speaking of which, you may wonder why there is a controversy over the awarding of titles by such a highly decorated corps? Don't worry, let's go into detail.

Why is there a lot of controversy among the main generals of the 13th Corps, which has made great achievements?

Let's talk about three key figures first: Commander Cheng Zihua, Political Commissar Mo Wenhua and Army Commander Zhong Wei. Each of them has a remarkable track record and experience. Cheng Zihua was an experienced and determined commander, Mok Wenhua was known for his political prowess, and Chung Wei was noted for his straightforward personality and commanding style.

Why is there a lot of controversy among the main generals of the 13th Corps, which has made great achievements?

However, when the military ranks were conferred on the occasion of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the three generals faced various unexpected controversies. For Cheng Zihua, despite his excellent command ability and brilliant achievements, because he had worked in local work for a long time and was not in a full-time military role, this made him look a little bleak when he was conferred the title.

As for Mo Wenhua, although he performed well in the later period, he had previously been criticized by the central government for some issues, resulting in him not being able to obtain the expected high-level military rank when conferring the title. Zhong Wei is a little more complex – his unique, even occasionally misunderstood, personality and the style and occasional missteps he displays in battle-to-battle are the reasons for the rising voices of discussion and skepticism.

Even so, after the establishment of the new state, these generals did not disappear into the long river of history. For example, Mo Wenhua later served as the chief of staff of the Beijing Military Region and other important positions, and continued to contribute to the country.

Of course, we can't just look at the superficial aspects of these historical events. Behind everything there are complex and changeable internal circumstances and considerations. For example, personal qualifications, military achievements, personality traits, and many other factors can affect the final result.

In short, in that turbulent but hopeful era, the 13th Corps and its generals undoubtedly played an important role. Although the investiture process was controversial, it cannot be denied that they have made a great contribution to the country. Through in-depth analysis and understanding of the complex and tangled emotions and ideas behind this historical story, we can objectively examine the past and at the same time prompt us to think about how we should more fairly evaluate those who have made great sacrifices and efforts for the country today and in the future.

Readers, when looking back on the magnificent careers of heroes and heroes in the past, please remember that every historical event has its rationality and inevitability in the circumstances of the time, and behind every hero who has been questioned, misunderstood, or even forgotten is hiding their true and complex life trajectories. Let us keep an open mind and multiple perspectives to understand history and draw wisdom from it. www