
I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

author:Easy Billy 9e9L

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I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

Jack Ma and I were high school classmates, and the two of us could be said to be like-minded. We all love to read, and we often spend our spare time in the library reading novels or literature books. Jack Ma's dream is to be a writer, and I hope to become a journalist in the future. We often discussed literary works with each other, and we admired certain writers such as Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Lao She, etc.

After graduating from university, I successfully became a middle school Chinese teacher, and Jack Ma's bookstore became more and more famous, and the business became more and more prosperous. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, Ma Yun's father died suddenly, and he had to put down the bookstore and go home to take care of his sick mother. I was preparing for a teaching certificate and couldn't get out of the way to visit, so I had to call to express my condolences.

"Thank you Liu Qiang, I am really stressed right now, and I hope to find someone to take over the bookstore as soon as possible, so that I can concentrate on taking care of my mother. I may close the bookstore during this time, do you have the right person to recommend to me?"

"Well, I'll keep an eye on it for you. By the way, is your mother's condition serious? Do you need me to see it?"

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"No, just have a mild stroke, and you can recover after a period of rest. I'm going to take her to the south for a while, and the warm climate is good for her. ”

"That's good, your family should pay attention to your body, and if you need to, just open your mouth. ”

"Okay, thank you Liu Qiang!"

After that, I prepared for the exam for more than a year and finally got my teaching certificate and officially became a qualified Chinese teacher. After work, I put all my energy into teaching, often working overtime to prepare lessons and correct homework, and the students also enjoyed my classes, which made me feel very fulfilled and happy.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

At that time, Ma Yun suddenly made a phone call, saying that the bookstore had finally found a buyer and was about to officially hand over the transfer.

"Hey, Jack Ma, it's you! The bookstore is finally here?

"It's very reliable, it's a local bookstore chain, and they are optimistic about this area, so they invested in buying my bookstore. I plan to leave the bookstore to a professional and go back to my hometown to take care of my mother. ”

"That's great! How's your mother?"

"She has been recuperating in the south for more than a year, and her condition has basically stabilized, and I am ready to take her back to her hometown to take care of her for a long time. ”

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"What are you going to do back to your hometown? Do you want to come to our school as a Chinese teacher? I can say hello to the principal, your literary achievements must be able to teach well!"

"Haha, being a teacher is not suitable for me, I plan to write something quietly at home, I have read too many books in the bookstore over the years, and I should write down my thoughts. ”

In the blink of an eye, another two years passed, and I continued to teach at the school, and my life was dull and busy. One day, a colleague mentioned to me that a classmate in our high school class was elected county magistrate, and when I thought about it carefully, it was actually Ma Yun!

"What? Ma Yun was elected county magistrate?" I couldn't believe my ears.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

I excitedly picked up my phone and immediately dialed Jack Ma's mobile phone number. The phone was transferred to an unfamiliar female voice: "Hello, this is the county government office, which leader are you looking for?"

"Hey, is Magistrate Ma Yun here? I'm his high school classmate. I said excitedly.

"The county magistrate is in a meeting, please leave your name and contact information, and I will tell the county magistrate to contact you. The secretary's voice was calm and polite.

I was a little disappointed, but I still left my mobile phone number and asked the secretary to tell Jack Ma that I was looking for him.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

Hanging up, I sat at my desk and recalled the moments with Jack Ma in the high school library. I still remember one time before the exam week, the two of us were studying in the library all night to prepare for the exam, and when it was about to dawn, Ma Yun rested his head on the book tiredly.

"Hey, Ma Yun, get up, it's dawn, let's go back to the dormitory and sleep." I gently patted him awake.

Now that many years have passed, Ma Yun has become the county magistrate, and he is no longer the nerd who stayed up late with me to prepare for the exam.

A week passed, Ma Yun didn't reply to my call, I was a little anxious, I dialed his phone again, but the secretary answered: "The county magistrate is in a meeting, please leave a message." ”

"I've already left a message, may I ask when County Magistrate Ma Yun sometimes indirectly listens to the phone calls of his old classmates?" I asked a little anxiously.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"The county commissioner has a full schedule, and it may take a month or two before you get your call back. The secretary said.

I could only hang up in frustration. After thinking about it, Ma Yun is now in a high position, and he really can't get out of his old classmates to catch up with his old classmates.

In the following month, I called Jack Ma 5 times, but each time I was blocked by the secretary, saying that the county magistrate was busy and asked me to wait patiently. My patience is running out.

After school that day, I suddenly remembered that Jack Ma also had a cousin who lived in our local area, and I decided to look for him to see if he knew Jack Ma's contact information.

I went to the house of Jack Ma's cousin, Li Gang, and he warmly beckoned me into the house to sit down and make tea.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"Li Gang, I came to you to ask, do you know Ma Yun's private mobile phone number or other contact information, I can only contact the secretary when I call his office. ”

Li Gang said with a smile: "Ma Yun is a busy man now, I don't know my personal contact information, you go directly to the county government to find him,

It's a pity. ”

I left Li Gang's house with some disappointment. Walking on the road, I suddenly thought that I could call Ma Yun's hometown to try, his mother still lives in his hometown, and I should know Ma Yun's contact information.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

So I dug out the old phone book, found the phone number of Ma Yun's hometown, and dialed it. On the other end of the phone was a kind old lady's voice: "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello Auntie, I'm Liu Qiang, a classmate of Jack Ma's high school, and I want to find Jack Ma's contact information, I heard that you have it here?"

"Oh, Ma Yun doesn't often call home after he becomes an official, and I don't know his contact information. You can go directly to the prefectural government and look for it. ”

I said disappointedly: "Auntie, I have called the county government many times, but I can't contact Ma Yun himself." We are good friends from high school, and if we have something important to discuss with him, don't you have any other way?"

The old lady hesitated for a moment and said, "This, I still have his secretary's mobile phone number, you can call the secretary to try." ”

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

I happily recorded my secretary's phone number and dialed it again. This time, the secretary's tone was obviously much more polite: "Hello, I will directly relay your information to the county magistrate this time, and he will take the time to reply to your call." ”

Finally making some progress, I put my mind down for a while. But after a month, Ma Yun still didn't contact me, and I was very anxious.

After school that day, I decided to go directly to the gate of the county government to block Ma Yun. When I came to the door of the government, I saw Jack Ma sitting in his office, reading documents.

"Jack Ma!" I shouted.

Ma Yun raised his head and looked a little surprised when he saw that it was me. He asked the secretary to bring me into the office.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"Liu Qiang, why did you come suddenly, is there something wrong?" A tired smile appeared on Jack Ma's face.

I said excitedly: "Ma Yun, we haven't seen each other for many years, I called you so many times and you didn't reply, don't we say a word when our good friends meet?"

Ma Yun sighed and said: "Liu Qiang, I am too busy after becoming an official, there are so many affairs in the county, I can't take care of it, and I really can't spare time to catch up." As you can see, I'm under a lot of pressure right now, maybe let's have a good talk another day. ”

I looked at Jack Ma's gray hair, and sympathy rose in my heart. I finally understood his difficulties.

"Jack Ma, you're right, you have a heavy responsibility now, and I shouldn't disturb your work. Let's catch up on the old days another day. You have to take care of your health, and the affairs of the county must be handled properly. ”

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

I saw Jack Ma's face

Shang showed a relieved expression.

"Liu Qiang, thank you for your understanding. I've been really busy over the years, dealing with all kinds of county affairs, and often working overtime late into the night. As a friend, I should have taken the time to contact you, but I really couldn't do it, I'm really sorry. Ma Yun said apologetically.

"Ma Yun, you don't have to blame yourself, being an official is already very busy. As a friend, I shouldn't just think about myself and ignore your difficulties. "I felt a little selfish before.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"We had such a good relationship in high school, but I regret that we have broken contact all these years. Why don't I treat you to dinner tonight so we can catch up?" A glint flashed in Jack Ma's eyes.

"Well, it's been a long time since I've had a good chat with you!" I said excitedly.

That night, Jack Ma and I went to a small restaurant, ordered a few side dishes, and opened two bottles of beer.

Cheers to our friendship!" Jack Ma raised his beer and drank it down.

"Haha, cheers!" I also drank with my head up, feeling the friendship I had not felt for a long time rekindle at this moment.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"How have you been doing all these years? I heard that you have become a middle school Chinese teacher?" Ma Yun asked with concern.

"Yes, the work is smooth, but sometimes it is tedious to prepare for class and correct homework. Unlike you, now that you are the county magistrate and hold great power, you must be living a very prosperous life, right?" I said with a smile.

"Being an official is not as easy as you think. I have to deal with all kinds of tough problems every day, and it is very stressful. Jack Ma sighed.

We talked about each other's families, Jack Ma's mother was quite strong, and my wife was teaching in a kindergarten. When it comes to the past, we all feel that time is like an arrow, and the years are unforgiving.

After three glasses of wine, we have talked from our student days to the present, and the topic is getting deeper and deeper. I mentioned that I wanted to change the school environment, and Jack Ma said that he was thinking about re-election.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

"Hey, we're all middle-aged, it's time to think about something deeper. Do you have any thoughts on things like birth, old age, sickness and death?" I sighed.

"You're right. In fact, I've been thinking about whether being an official is really happy for myself and my family. I'm thinking about doing something I love when I leave office. Ma Yun said frankly.

We talked a lot about life ideals and encouraged each other to cherish our time and do what we wanted to do. The conversation meant a lot to me.

Since then, I've kept in touch with Jack Ma. I quit my job as a teacher and opened a small bookstore on my own. Jack Ma completed a term and also stepped down and retired. He is now living what he likes

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

life, there will be time to come to my bookstore and chat with me.

One day, Jack Ma came to my bookstore with an envelope in his hand.

"Liu Qiang, this letter to you, I think you will like it. ”

I took the envelope and opened it to see that it was actually a letter from a publishing house saying that it wanted to publish my collection of essays!

"Jack Ma, what's going on? The publishing house wants to publish my book?" I was pleasantly surprised.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it! I said excitedly.

"Haha, I've been waiting for this day for a long time! Jack Ma said happily.

"Jack Ma, it is the luck of my life to meet a friend like you. Let's continue to support each other and fulfill our dreams in life!" I said with emotion.

"Liu Qiang, friendship is the most precious treasure in life. Let's walk hand in hand and witness each other's growth together!" Jack Ma was also deeply touched.

I made 16 phone calls to my high school classmates who were county magistrates, and I didn't answer them, and five days later I replied with a message: The sky is on the other side

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