
Dong Yuhui: Life has never deliberately embarrassed you, it is your cognitive level that hinders you!

author:The lion reads

Dong Yuhui once said: "Life has never deliberately embarrassed you, it is your cognitive level that hinders you, that is, a small thing in you, you make yourself to die and live, and you can't get by, then you will suffer everything because of this, and you will find that your life is full of painful things."

Why after facing the same doom, some people are always so calm and rational, experienced soldiers will wipe their weapons alone in the night when no one is around, and dare to continue to walk into that storm the next day to continue to fight, but young soldiers will often complain.

Desperate situation is a state of mind, don't look for your strength from the outside world, as long as you don't give up in your heart, how can there be so many desperate situations in life!"

Dong Yuhui: Life has never deliberately embarrassed you, it is your cognitive level that hinders you!

Life is a journey, full of unknowns and challenges. Each of us encounters various difficulties and setbacks, but these difficulties and setbacks are not deliberately difficult for us, but our own level of cognition that hinders us from moving forward.

Sometimes, we get so upset over a small thing that we even make ourselves want to die. However, when we look back, we see that these things are actually not important. They are just a small part of life, and there are many wonderful things in our lives waiting to be discovered.

Dong Yuhui: Life has never deliberately embarrassed you, it is your cognitive level that hinders you!

In the face of the same fate, some people are able to cope with it calmly because they have a wealth of experience and strong beliefs. They know that as long as they don't give up in their hearts, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Young soldiers often complain because they lack experience and conviction.

Desperate situations are not given to us by the external world, but are determined by our inner state of mind. If we are strong inside, we will be able to find a way out of desperate situations, and conversely, if we are weak inside, we will be swallowed up by desperate situations.

Therefore, we should learn to look for strength from within. When we encounter difficulties, do not complain about the injustice of fate, but face the reality bravely and try to find a solution to the problem. Only in this way will we be able to grow and progress in the journey of life.

Dong Yuhui: Life has never deliberately embarrassed you, it is your cognitive level that hinders you!

There will always be some unsatisfactory things in life, but we can't give up the love and pursuit of life because of this. Instead, we should learn to learn from the experience and lessons to make ourselves stronger and more mature.

Some people always complain that their lives are not satisfactory and feel that they are unlucky. But have they ever thought that these so-called "bad luck" are actually self-inflicted? If we can change our mindset and behavior, then we can change our lives.

Dong Yuhui: Life has never deliberately embarrassed you, it is your cognitive level that hinders you!

For example, some people always complain that their job is not good, their income is not high, there are no opportunities for promotion, and so on. But have they ever thought that these problems can be solved by their own efforts? If we can actively Xi learn new knowledge, improve our abilities, expand our networks, etc., then we may have better job opportunities and higher income levels.

Another example is romantic relationships. Some people always complain that their other half is not good enough, does not understand themselves, does not support themselves, etc. However, have they ever thought that these problems can actually be solved through the efforts of both parties, and if we can communicate more, understand each other more, think more about each other, etc., then it is possible for us to build a healthier and more stable relationship.

In short, there will always be various problems and difficulties in life waiting for us to solve. However, as long as we have the right mindset and methods, we can overcome these difficulties and move towards the path of success and happiness. So, let's start now and face life's challenges bravely!

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