
Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

author:Listen and see you again

Title: Taiwan's Political Changes: The Decisive Moment of Ko Wenzhe and the People's Party

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

In Taiwan's rapidly changing political scene, a striking issue is the current dilemma facing the People's Party (People's Party) Chairman Ko Wen-che and his party. Ke Wenzhe, who once appeared on the stage as an atypical political figure, is now on the cusp of his political future.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

Recent developments suggest that if Ko fails to effectively promote cooperation with other political forces, especially the pan-blue camp, he and his People's Party may lose ground in the fierce competition. According to the survey, Ko Wenzhe is currently facing a sluggish approval rating and is at risk of being abandoned (i.e., supporters switch to other candidates to avoid spreading the vote).

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

Although his opponent Lai Qingde is temporarily ahead of the electoral race, his advantage is not secure. As Hou Kangpei gradually approached, the election situation became more and more confusing. This uncertainty has further exacerbated the pressure on Mr. Ko.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

Notably, a poll on the abandonment effect shows a potential variable: if Mr. Ko eventually opts out of the race or if his supporters give up voting for him, most voters who would have intended to support him may switch to Hou Kangpei. This is already starting to show signs in some areas. For example, in Taichung City, supporters of the Blue Camp have publicly abandoned the insurance.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

There is a similar crisis within the People's Party. The party's top brass has begun to call for a centralized voting strategy, which has been interpreted as a hint to abandon support for Mr. Ko in favor of Hou Youyi, who has a better chance of winning. At the same time, the blue camp has used the abandonment tactics to try to expand its influence among young voters as part of its strategy to defeat the DPP's opponents.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

The Kuomintang, for its part, showed caution. Despite their strategic thinking, high-level officials such as Hsieh did not disclose specific plans, only emphasizing that changing the ruling party is the highest goal.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

On the other hand, Ke Wenzhe also faces personal challenges. He had ambitiously sought broader political influence, but reality forced him to adjust his goals: from a lofty ambition to four or five "non-divisional" seats, and to deal with the fact that his approval rating was below 10 percent.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

Overall, at a time when the abandonment effect could lead to the loss of votes and the rise of other candidates, Ko and his PPP have had to re-examine their positions and strategic choices. The question of whether to continue to adhere to the independent line or to consider cooperating with other forces such as the Kuomintang to ensure survival and development became an urgent question.

Internally, supporters, and opinion polls ignited the fire of "abandoning insurance" Ke Wenzhe, and the Kuomintang took advantage of the victory to pursue and add fire

As election dates draw closer, every decision will matter. For observers, the struggle is not only about the fate of individual politicians or political parties, but also about Taiwan's complex and competitive political environment and its potential far-reaching implications.