
The United States has 36 dark mines, aiming at the Russian army, and Putin has announced a big move to put nuclear weapons on the table

author:Happiness big orange plus

Recently, the agreement has become a piece of chess in the Nordic land of ice and snow, and the cold wind of Finland has blown onto the international stage. This agreement is like a grand symphony, setting off a wind of reshaping the global strategic map. Some people have begun to wonder whether a new international game is about to be ushered in? This agreement is not simply a piece of military cooperation agreement, but a sophisticated game between the United States and Finland in the international political arena. It is like a dance that shows Finland's firm attitude towards the United States, but also reveals the realignment of Finland's security strategy, especially in the security environment after joining NATO. The U.S. military was given not only the right to be stationed in Finland, but also the use of a wide range of military facilities in the immediate vicinity of Russia's borders. The 15 military facilities, including four air bases, one naval base, and other multi-purpose army camps and training facilities, will undoubtedly greatly enhance the strategic flexibility and rapid response capability of the US military in the Nordic region, like a cunning wolf lurking deep in the forest, ready to launch a fierce attack at any time. And the impact of this agreement goes far beyond that.

The United States has 36 dark mines, aiming at the Russian army, and Putin has announced a big move to put nuclear weapons on the table

Rail access to northern Finland is also available to U.S. forces, like a dragon reaching into the distance, allowing them to quickly transport supplies, including to ammunition storage facilities near the Russian border. What is even more remarkable is that Finland has opened a military base only one hour's drive from the Russian border, and this preemptive layout undoubtedly adds a strategic advantage, like a wise king laying out a delicate move on a chessboard. Although Finland has officially insisted that it will not store or transport nuclear and biological weapons on its territory, and that the U.S. military has no plans to establish permanent bases, the military cooperation agreement represents a new stage in the history of military cooperation between the United States and Finland. This game could put Finland at the forefront of a potential conflict, and it could also push Russia to strengthen its border defenses and combat readiness, triggering a new arms race like a drama full of unknown suspense. In the future, with the implementation of the agreement and the deepening of military cooperation between the two sides, we may witness a new chapter in the security landscape of Northern Europe and even the whole of Europe.

The United States has 36 dark mines, aiming at the Russian army, and Putin has announced a big move to put nuclear weapons on the table

However, the agreement also raises concerns that balancing the security benefits of enhanced defense cooperation with the risk of avoiding escalation of regional conflicts will be a test of wisdom and strategy for all parties, like a complex puzzle that requires a shrewd mind to solve. Perhaps, this game has just begun, and the eyes of the US military are not only locked on Finland, it is like a sharp eagle eye, always watching the movements of the whole of Northern Europe. The recent actions of the United States have been like a wonderful dance drama, and one after another has been staged with dazzling and wonderful performances. Like an eagle with wings spread and eager to expand its global military influence. Back in 2022, Norway generously opened the doors of four military bases to the United States, like a huge castle, setting a mark for the US military presence. And Sweden, while still lingering outside NATO, maintains close "contacts" with the United States. The recently signed "Defense Cooperation Agreement" provides the United States with the right to use 17 military bases, a feat that is rare among countries that have not joined NATO. Now, the final destination of the United States has been chosen in Finland, which has aroused heated discussions in the international community.

The United States has 36 dark mines, aiming at the Russian army, and Putin has announced a big move to put nuclear weapons on the table

This series of moves has enabled the US military to gain access to a total of 36 military bases in Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and will undoubtedly add a new and important factor to the military balance in the Nordic region. The Nordic chess game has entered a stage of no return. From the perspective of these three countries, these measures are seen as smart choices to improve their own security. However, we should not forget that every move of a piece can affect the entire chessboard, especially in the complex and uncertain context of today's international politics. The U.S. military is undoubtedly paving the way for military maneuvers and ammunition shipments in the Nordic region, like a dance on the stage of international politics. This arrangement has exacerbated tensions in regional security and drawn a new dividing line on the global strategic map, like drawing a new dividing line on a chessboard. The actions of the U.S. military are bound to trigger a chain reaction, as if a shocking series of moves were played in a high-level chess game. As an important country in the Nordic region, Russia's response should not be underestimated, like a sleeping beast being trampled on its tail, and the attitude of other NATO members will fluctuate like a vulnerable herd of antelopes facing the threat of mammoths.

The United States has 36 dark mines, aiming at the Russian army, and Putin has announced a big move to put nuclear weapons on the table

Judging from the current situation, Russia has really felt the military threat from NATO. When Russia launched a military operation against Ukraine, I am afraid that no one expected that the shadow of NATO would quietly approach here. In February 2022, Ukraine did not yet have heavy tanks supplied by the West, but now, NATO's military steps have taken a thousand miles. As a new member of NATO, Finland has undoubtedly laid a high-speed passage for NATO to the "heart" of Russia, which is like drawing a new dividing line on the international political stage. U.S. stealth fighters, reconnaissance planes, ground troops, and even naval fleets are all stationed directly near Russia's borders, giving Russia a sense of oppression that "soldiers are in the city." Coupled with the 1,000-kilometer-long Russian-Finnish military confrontation line, the threat Russia feels can be imagined, like a huge sword hanging over Russia's head. Russian President Vladimir Putin originally intended to maintain peaceful relations with his neighbors, but NATO's military expansion forced him to change his posture, like a lone wolf forced to fight back.

The United States has 36 dark mines, aiming at the Russian army, and Putin has announced a big move to put nuclear weapons on the table

Russia's criticism has struck at the otherwise calm Russian-Finnish relations like a raging storm, making people feel as if an angry giant has announced the creation of the Leningrad Military District, the deployment of troops, and the determination to readjust the strategy. Finland, like a tiger staring at its prey, appears calm and vigilant under Russian criticism. In the dark, the Russian army has long been plotting to plan various defensive measures, deploying joint forces on the border, promoting the deployment of the "Iskander" missile and intelligence system, and even aiming nuclear weapons at Finnish cities, these measures are like a huge net, firmly trapping the enemy. For analysts, Russia's tough response is like a resounding slap in the face, which will inevitably make NATO re-understand the powerful counterattack capability of the Russian army, like a huge earthquake that completely shakes the entire NATO pattern.