
64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

author:Miao Miao History

In the azure waters of Southeast Asia, a gambling ship called "ORIENTAL DRAGON" floats quietly. The ship was originally a symbol of prosperity at sea, but with the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, it became a ghost ship adrift.

On board, 64 Chinese crew members found themselves in an unexpected predicament, and their fate was forced to tie tightly to the ship.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

Wang Qiang, the second officer on board, witnessed the transition from hope to despair.

Every day, he held his post in the wheelhouse, making sure that the long-suspended ship could only operate normally, but his mind was full of uncertainty.

Living conditions on board deteriorated, food and water began to run short, and some crew members even developed ringworm on their bodies.

The enclosed space and the accumulated pressure even prompted a young female crew member, Li Tingting, to pick up a knife during an argument and lose control of her emotions.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

1. The beginning of the sea drift

In the vast expanse of Southeast Asia, the "ORIENTAL DRAGON" passenger liner was originally a dynamic gambling ship. Since the end of 2019, it has set sail along the beautiful coastline of Southeast Asia, attracting tourists from all over the world.

The lights on the ship flickered and the music continued, becoming a bright embellishment on the sea.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

However, with the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in early 2020, the fate of this passenger ship came to an abrupt end.


On board the giant ship is a crew of 64 Chinese sailors who boarded the ship at the end of 2019 with great hope, looking forward to a new life and adventure. Wang Qiang is one of them.

He remembers the excitement and anticipation of that time, and dreamed that he would be able to find a new direction in life at sea.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

However, a twist of fate puts them in an unexpected situation.

Life on board quickly turned from a dream to a challenge.

The original luxury facilities of the gambling ship gradually lost their luster and turned into a huge cage that trapped them.

Food and fresh water supplies began to strain, and the crew barely survived on limited reserves and occasional supplies.

Due to the long period of closure and lack of maintenance, the environment on board began to deteriorate, and the air was filled with musty smell and dampness.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

2. Living in endless suffering

As time passed, life aboard the "ORIENTAL DRAGON" became more and more difficult.

The crew faced severe shortages of food and water, and the once-thriving gambling ship became an island floating on the sea.

Every day, they have to divide a portion of their limited food, which is often not enough.

Stronger crews often get more out of the competition, while female crews like Li Tingting often have to rely on handouts from others. The prolonged lack and harsh environment caused many crew members to develop ringworm, and these red spots spread on their skin, reminding them of the hardships they endure day after day.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

Li Tingting, the young female crew member, was originally full of energy, but in such an environment, her emotions became extremely unstable. One day, she got into a heated argument with another crew member over the distribution of a meal.

"This is my share, how can you take it away like this!" Li Tingting shouted angrily.

"At a time like this, who cares about your share!" The other crew member replied indifferently.

The altercation quickly escalated, and Li Tingting lost her mind in anger, picking up a kitchen knife and chasing the crew member.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

The scene caused a shock on the ship, and the rest of the crew quickly intervened to stop her.

Wang Qiang rushed to the scene and tried to calm the situation.

"Tingting, put down the knife and don't do stupid things!" Wang Qiang said anxiously.

Li Tingting's hands trembled, her eyes were full of tears and helplessness, and finally she put down the knife and sat down on the ground, crying silently.

After this incident, the atmosphere on board became even more tense.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

In this extreme environment, the crew began to show a variety of reactions.

Some have become more aloof and selfish, while others have tried to maintain order and unity.

Wang Qiang tried his best to spread the spirit of cooperation and understanding among the crew, but it was clearly a difficult task.

As the days passed, the shortage of food and water became more severe.

The crew began to dilute their drinking water with seawater, and the food was left with almost a minimal supply.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

In this case, the atmosphere on board is becoming more and more oppressive.

People are starting to become silent, talking less, and everyone is struggling for their own survival.

In such an environment, Li Tingting's mood swings have become the norm.

She sometimes sits alone on the deck, looking out at the endless ocean, immersed in her own thoughts.

Sometimes, she would flare up and get into arguments with the rest of the crew.

Wang Qiang and some other sane crew members had to be on constant alert to prevent any possible conflict.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

3. The hope of survival


Wang Qiang, the determined second officer, sticks to his post in the cab every day.

Although the ship has been grounded for a long time, he still insists on checking the dashboard every day to ensure the basic operation of the vessel. In this enclosed space, Wang Qiang found his own piece of tranquility.

In his free time, he would read the specialized books he had brought with him before he boarded the ship, trying to find some spiritual solace between the pages.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

In addition to his work in the wheelhouse, Wang Qiang also walks around the boat and occasionally works out in the fitness area at the stern.

In this boundless sea, the ship is his world.

In such an environment, keeping his body active and healthy has become a way for him to persevere.

At the same time, Li Tingting, the young female crew member who once caused a commotion because of her emotional out-of-control, also had her calm moments.

On those quiet days, she would walk out onto the deck alone and gaze silently out into the ocean.

She thinks about her future life and looks forward to the day when she returns to land.

At sea, far from home, she often thinks of the faces of her family, and her heart is full of thoughts and love for them.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

Despite the difficult environment, Wang Qiang and Li Tingting, as well as all the other crew members, have a glimmer of hope in their hearts. They are looking forward to the arrival of rescue, to stepping on land again and rebuilding their former lives.

During this long wait, they supported each other and got through it together.

One day, when Wang Qiang was inspecting the equipment in the cab, Li Tingting walked in. Her eyes were no longer angry and chaotic as before, but seemed calm and contemplative.

"Wang Qiang, do you think we can still go home?" Li Tingting asked softly.

Wang Qiang stopped what he was doing, turned around, and looked at her seriously: "Of course you can, Tingting, as long as we don't give up hope." "

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

"I was really homesick and missed the people back home. Li Tingting's eyes flashed with tears.

"Me too. We're all the same. But we have to be strong, for ourselves and for our families. Wang Qiang encouraged.

This brief conversation, although it did not change their situation, planted a seed of hope in their hearts.

On this floating island, Wang Qiang and Li Tingting, as well as all the crew, are looking for the strength to move forward in their own way.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

Day after day, night after night, time passes slowly aboard the "ORIENTAL DRAGON".

Although the life of the crew is monotonous, they learn to find meaning in life in this extreme environment.

Gradually, their relationship has also changed.

Past conflicts and misunderstandings are gradually being replaced by understanding and support.

In this forgotten corner, they learn to rely on each other and face adversity together.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

Fourth, the endless wait

In the days of the "ORIENTAL DRAGON", time seemed to lose its meaning.

Between each sunrise and sunset, the crew's lives fall into a cycle of monotony and despair.

The long delay in receiving the expected salary has made their situation even more difficult.

They once boarded the ship for a better life, but now they can only watch their savings run out little by little.

In this helpless situation, the crew tried to pass the time in various ways.

Some people choose to read, even though the books have been read countless times, while others indulge in board games, trying to forget the bitterness of reality for a while.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

However, these activities gradually lost their fun and became a reluctant choice.

Wang Qiang, as the second officer on the ship, felt the change in the mood of the crew.

He saw some of the crew standing on deck in the dead of night, staring out at the endless ocean, their eyes showing a desire to escape.

But they all know that no matter how strong the desire, the vastness of the ocean makes escape an impossible dream. This feeling of powerlessness made their hearts even heavier.

Li Tingting also felt the oppression of the surrounding environment.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

One day, she found Wang Qiang, with helplessness and despair in her tone.

"Wang Qiang, how long can we hold out?" Her voice was low.

Wang Qiang was silent for a while, and then said slowly: "I don't know, Tingting." But we have to persevere, for our own sake, for our families. "

"I felt like I was going to have a breakdown. Li Tingting's eyes were red.

"I know, we're all the same. But we can't give up, we still have each other. Wang Qiang tried his best to comfort her.

The conversation was brief, but it reflected the crew's true feelings.

Each of them is responding to this crisis in their own way.

In this situation, their relationship became even closer, and their support and understanding became their spiritual pillar.

Time continued to pass, and life on board gradually became numb.

Some crew members began to do simple gymnastics on deck, hoping to keep their bodies energized through exercise.

Others choose to gather at sunset to share their stories and memories.

These small activities become the highlight of their daily lives.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

Fifth, the final way home

Every day aboard the "ORIENTAL DRAGON" is a protracted battle against loneliness and despair for the crew. However, after a long wait, their plight has finally attracted the attention of the outside world.

When the news came, an atmosphere of disbelief permeated the entire ship.

When Wang Qiang heard over the ship's radio that the government and related organizations were beginning to step in to help solve their problems, he could hardly believe his ears.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

"Listen, everyone, help is coming. Wang Qiang excitedly announced to the rest of the crew.

When Li Tingting heard the news, her eyes flashed with a long-lost glint: "Really, we can go home?"

"Yes, Tingting, we can finally go home. Wang Qiang's voice was full of excitement.

At this moment, the whole ship boiled. The crew hugged each other tightly, tears and laughter mingled.

It was the reward of their long wait, the result of their perseverance.

Together, they have gone through countless hardships and challenges, and now, they are about to return to their loved ones.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife


The crew was put on a rescue ship and prepared to return to land.

Before leaving the ship, many of the crew stood on deck, staring at the ship that had once been their home.

There was both relief and reluctance in their eyes.

The crew were properly housed on the rescue vessel, providing food, water and medical care.

It all felt like a dream for them.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife


"We're finally going home, what are you going to do first?" Li Tingting asked.

"I want to take a nice hot shower and then reunite with my family. Wang Qiang replied with a smile.

When the rescue boat docked, the family was already waiting at the pier. The scene of the reunion was filled with tears and laughter.

Every crew member hugged their loved ones tightly, as if to make up for the year's separation and longing.

Wang Qiang looked at this scene, and his heart was full of warmth and gratitude.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife

This year of life at sea will be an unforgettable experience for Wang Qiang, Li Tingting and all the other crew members. They have experienced the limits of life and learned to persevere and support each other in the face of adversity.

Although the experience was full of suffering, it also became a valuable lesson in their lives.

As time passes, the story of the "ORIENTAL DRAGON" will fade into people's memory, but for those who were on board, those days will forever be etched in their hearts.

Their story, a story of hope, perseverance, and survival, will become one of the most precious memories of their lives.

64 Chinese sailors were trapped on a gambling ship at sea for a year: someone had ringworm on his body, and the girl chased someone with a knife
  1. Yang Rongbo.Research on the structure of regional marine disaster rescue cooperation mechanism from the perspective of refuge site[J].Journal of Dalian Maritime University:Social Sciences,2023,22(5):1-8.)

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