
Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

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Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Text: Bread Clip Knowledge

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«——【Preamble】】 ——»

As long as it comes to food, I believe that most Chinese have golden eyes, Chinese not only love to eat, but also dare to eat anything Chinese.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Basically, in China, as long as the animals and plants that can be served on the table as dishes, they are all made into food by the Chinese.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

However, Rao is a Chinese who eat all over the world, and there are also several foods that Chinese do not eat, and in China, these five animals are not eaten by Chinese. Then why do the Chinese, who dare to eat anything, only not eat these five animals?

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Are these five animals really inedible or unpalatable, or are there other secrets behind these five animals?

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

For bold and careful Chinese, there is no concept that you can eat anything. Behind every ingredient choice of Chinese people is a rich food culture and a long history of food exploration.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

When choosing ingredients, Chinese will take into account factors such as taste, texture, health, and even cultural background.

«——【・猫·】 ——»

The first animal that will not be eaten is called cats, indeed, Chinese can choose many kinds of meat in their daily life, pork, beef, lamb are one of the meat sources that people eat very often.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

However, there is no kind of meat called cat meat, which not only makes people think, why don't Chinese eat cat meat? Is it because cat meat is not delicious, or because cat meat cannot be eaten?

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In fact, the reason why Chinese do not eat cat meat has a certain relationship with traditional Chinese culture. In traditional Chinese culture, cats are regarded as companions and friends of humans, and cats have a unique symbolic meaning in traditional Chinese culture.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

As early as in ancient times, the social status of cats has been very high, you want to raise a kitten, you have to go to the owner of the big cat to get the dowry to be able to take the kitten away, these dowry is usually some food, dried fish and the like.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Only by letting the owner of the big cat see your attitude towards the kitten will the owner of the big cat let you hire the kitten away. So, in fact, in ancient times, the social status of cats was very high, so why is this?

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

This is because in ancient times, cats did not function as food, cats were good companions for humans. It has the function of a housekeeper, it functions like a dog, and it is also believed that cats bring good fortune and good luck, so no one will use cats as food.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In addition, the texture and taste of cat meat are also not loved by people. According to a small percentage of people who have eaten cat meat, cat meat is sour and it is not suitable for consumption.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

But in some Southeast Asian regions, such as our neighbouring Vietnam, cat meat is a delicacy on their table.


Fish is one of the most commonly consumed meat sources in people's daily lives. There are many kinds of fish on the human table, including crucian carp and carp. Grass carp, tilapia, and many other kinds of fish.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

But there is no kind of fish, and its name is goldfish, so some people will ask, why can all the above fish be eaten, but only goldfish, why are goldfish not on the human table?

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In fact, the reason why goldfish does not appear on the table in China is because in China goldfish is an ornamental fish, which has attracted special attention for its beautiful appearance and unique color. The biggest reason why people don't eat goldfish is because of trouble.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Anyone who has seen the appearance of goldfish knows that goldfish have a beautiful appearance and unique color, but many goldfish are generally smaller, and goldfish have several times more bone spurs than ordinary fish.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

It is not as rich in flesh as ordinary fish, so it is also an animal that is not suitable as an ingredient, and on the contrary, if people put goldfish in a fish tank for ornamentation, it may be more pleasant than eating.


In the Chinese diet, swallows should never appear as an animal. In China, no one takes swallows as food, and this is because swallows are regarded as a symbol of good luck in China.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

There are many traditional Chinese stories and even folk proverbs about swallows, and people say that the swallows return to their nests as the swallows bring auspiciousness.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Swallows have a high and undesecrated status in the hearts of the Chinese. In many folklore, swallows often appear as representatives of auspiciousness, which also makes Chinese have a special cultural affinity for swallows.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In China, don't say that swallows are used as food, in some strict places, if you accidentally catch swallows in your hands and play with them, or destroy swallows' nests, you will be beaten by adults, thinking that you have ruined the blessings of the family. Not to mention what kind of verbal criticism people face if they eat swallows in their mouths.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In addition, the swallow is also a beneficial bird, the swallow is a friend of humans, it will not only help humans protect food, it also plays a certain role in the regulation of ecological effects, so it is also fateful that swallows do not appear in human diets.


The animal in the Chinese recipe is called a turkey. Speaking of turkey, it is one of the most common ingredients in the West, especially at Christmas in the West, turkey will inevitably appear on the table of Westerners.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In the West, turkey is a very common ingredient. At festivals, turkeys are a must. But in China, turkey is not often on the table of Chinese, because Chinese are not only particular about food, but also about taste.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In the eyes of the Chinese, the meat quality of the turkey is relatively dry, and people do not eat as good as the local chickens in China, and it can even be said that it is difficult to swallow, and this dry and woody taste cannot pass two circles in the mouth of the Chinese.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Due to the poor meat quality of turkeys, they are not accepted by Chinese and Chinese are more Xi to eat other kinds of poultry in terms of Xi Chinese dietary habits.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

For example, chickens, ducks, geese, etc., run everywhere in China, and basically chickens, ducks and geese are very common poultry and livestock in rural households.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

There is a lot of diversity in the food choices that people can make, and there are many food sources that people can choose from.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

Compared with turkeys, home-grown chickens, ducks and geese in rural areas are much richer in taste, so in this comparison, turkeys are not competitive in China.


The last animal that does not appear on the table of Chinese is called crows, which are feared because of their black appearance.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In Chinese culture, let alone using crows as food, people will feel unlucky when they see crows. Using it as food is a manifestation of great rebellion.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In China, the notion that crows are unlucky is so ingrained that even now, many people take a detour when they see them.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In addition to this, the meat of the crow does not taste good, and it is not accepted by people. There are many folk tales about crows in China, and in these stories, the meaning of crows is often not good.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

In ancient times, the crow's cry symbolized death, so people were very afraid to see crows, and it was a fantasy to want people to eat an animal they feared.


Although our food culture is rich and profound, these foods do not appear on our tables, and we can understand why they are not on Chinese tables.

Why don't Chinese people who dare to eat anything eat these five animals? What is so special about these animals?

The food that Chinese can choose can be said to be diverse, and China, as a country with a very developed food culture, also has its own food culture.

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