
Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

author:Sister Rong Flower House

Gentleman's orchid is a kind of flower that many people like, because the leaf lines are clear, tough and straight, like a gentleman. When it blooms, it is very gorgeous, so it is called "rich flower".

Many flower friends like to raise Junzi orchid, but it does not bloom after raising it for many years.

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

In fact, as long as you release these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

The first signal: look at the leaves of the Monarch Orchid

The flowering period of the orchid is usually in winter and spring, and to judge whether the orchid is going to bloom, you first need to judge from the leaves of the orchid, such as the following 3 judgment methods:

(1) Judging by the number of blades

To judge whether the orchid wants to bloom, first of all, the leaves of the orchid need to grow to more than 13 pairs, because such a orchid can be regarded as a seedling and has the ability to bloom. However, there are also some Junzi orchids that can bloom when they grow to more than 12 pairs of leaves. Therefore, the more leaves grow, the easier it is to bloom.

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

(2) The leaves of the orchid are widened

During the growth period, the leaves of the orchid are not too thick, but a pair of leaves, a pair of leaves grow. But when the orchid is about to bloom, its leaves will stop growing, and the leaves will become thicker. This is to store more nutrients in preparation for flowering.

(3) The leaves will harden

Because the leaves stop growing before flowering, some of the leaves will age a little, so these leaves will become hard and straight. In fact, it is also to store more nutrients to prepare for the later growth and flowering of the Monarch Orchid.

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

The second signal: the base is hypertrophied

When the orchid forms a flower bud, the base of the orchid will become hypertrophied, because the bud of the orchid is inside, so the base of the orchid becomes larger.

Once the base of the orchid grows larger, and the leaves of the orchid become wider and harder, congratulations, it is really about to bloom. There are also some junzi orchids, which will grow flower arrows from one side of the base, then this side of the base will swell and there will be obvious bulges.

And with the growth of the flower arrow, the leaves of the orchid will also change, that is, the leaves in the middle will roll inward, leaving a certain space, in order to let the arrows and swords of the orchid grow.

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

Care before flowering

When the orchid grows buds, it is necessary to do some maintenance methods, in order to make the swords of the orchid grow out and avoid "pinching arrows".

(1) More sunshine

When the orchid grows buds, you only need to keep the orchid in a sunny place, because more sunlight is conducive to better photosynthesis of the orchid and provides more nutrients for flowering.

In addition, if you want the orchid to bloom, it is also very beneficial to have more sunlight, which can play a role in raising the temperature and allowing the orchid to store nutrients.

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

(2) Use fertilizer containing nitrogen fertilizer

In addition to more sunlight, it is also necessary to use fertilizer containing nitrogen fertilizer for the orchid, in order to promote the growth of the orchid, so that the flower arrow can be pulled out smoothly, so that the flower sword will not grow.

The fertilizer used can make Hua Duoduo No. 2, because Hua Duoduo No. 2 not only contains phosphorus and potassium, which can promote the flowering of the orchid, but also contains nitrogen, which can make the arrows of the orchid grow. Use it once every 7 to 10 days, thinner, to prevent fertilizer damage and root burning.

After the orchid blooms, stop fertilizing to prevent too much fertilization, which will cause the flowers to fall early, so that the time to enjoy the flowers will be much less.

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

(3) Control the temperature difference

Controlling the temperature difference is also the key to making the orchid bloom and the sword pulling. During the day, the temperature is around 25 degrees, and at night, the temperature is around 15 degrees, making the temperature difference about 10 degrees.

If there is no heating in the home and such a temperature cannot be reached, resulting in the pinching of arrows in Junzi Lan,

Junzi Orchid released these 2 "signals", then congratulations, it is really going to bloom!

When watering later, the temperature of the water does not need to be too high, as long as it is the same as the indoor temperature to ensure that the orchid can grow normally. As long as you do these well, you can make the Junzi Orchid bloom "rich flowers".