
In winter, it's "warm"! When the community neighborhood center becomes an "energy charging station"

Recently, the cold wave has hit and the temperature has plummeted, and more than 60 community neighbor centers in Yangpu District have prepared for aerobics, health tea, and baby warming...... It has become an "energy charging station" for community residents and outdoor workers in winter.

Under the leadership of the Party Branch of the Neighborhood Committee, the Fourth Good Neighbor Center of Yanji Xincun Sub-district Community has taken active action to link the resources of the surrounding communities, send warmth to community workers and residents, and let everyone enjoy the warm service at the "doorstep" in the cold winter.

In winter, it's "warm"! When the community neighborhood center becomes an "energy charging station"

On December 19, the Fourth Good Neighbor Center of Yanji Xincun Sub-district Community invited the leader of the Baduanjin team in the jurisdiction to lead the community staff and residents to learn Xi Baduanjin on the spot. A few seemingly simple actions can not only help you stretch your muscles and bones, relieve shoulder and neck fatigue, but also help you improve your body's yang energy and resist the cold in the cold season.

The heart-warming hot drinks prepared in the Good Neighbor Center have also been praised by many outdoor workers and residents. "I pass by here every day for food delivery. It's been too cold in recent days, and it's so comfortable to come in and have a cup of health tea!" a takeaway guy happily watched everyone do aerobics while drinking hot tea in his hand. It is reported that the co-construction of the Good Neighbor Center's Love Traditional Chinese Medicine Pavilion is equipped with Wenyang and spleen-strengthening tea recipes, including Codonopsis, Astragalus, Tangerine Peel, Roasted Atractylodes, Glycyrrhiza Root, Red Dates and other traditional Chinese medicinal materials. The Good Neighbor staff brewed health tea in a thermos bucket and placed it in the lobby of the Good Neighbor Center, and posted a love notice to facilitate citizens in need to enter and drink at any time.

In winter, it's "warm"! When the community neighborhood center becomes an "energy charging station"

In order to make more outdoor workers feel warm, the staff of the Good Neighbor Center regularly deliver hot tea to outdoor frontline workers such as cleaners, security guards, and property workers in the surrounding communities. Recently, the Good Neighbor Center purchased baby warm patches and presented them to community outdoor workers, courier boys and the elderly who came to participate in the event, reminding everyone to pay attention to the cold and take care of their health.

In winter, it's "warm"! When the community neighborhood center becomes an "energy charging station"

At present, there are more than 60 community neighbor centers with different characteristics in Yangpu with a total area of more than 45,000 square meters, building a "1510 Good Neighbor Service Circle", making each "small and beautiful" space the most distinctive "love house" in the streets and alleys.

It is understood that each good-neighbor center in Yangpu has no less than 10 basic service projects, which solves the outstanding problems of grassroots governance such as few public activity spaces and low public service levels, and has also become a warm harbor for outdoor workers in extreme weather, so that everyone can share warm time together, build a neighborhood and a family, and jointly enhance the cohesion of the community family.

In winter, it's "warm"! When the community neighborhood center becomes an "energy charging station"