
Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

author:North Sea Fleet
Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

The theory is that the oars stimulate the motivation for military training

Faith is the sail and forge ahead on the journey of strengthening the army

In order to further build and strengthen the backbone contingent of grassroots theories

Deepen the reading activity of "putting down the mobile phone and picking up the book".

Recently, a submarine unit of the Navy in the Northern Theater of Operations

Organize and carry out intensive training for grassroots theoretical backbones

reading sharing session

Help them fill in their capacity gaps

Clarify the work ideas and clarify the target direction

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

Inherit the "torch" and plant the background of the pioneer

Comprehend and comprehend the essence of the essence

Practical learning broadens the horizon of thinking

During the activities, they organized grassroots theoretical backbones

Visit the military history propaganda venue

Affectionately tells about the older generation of submariners

The arduous process of driving the whale to the sea

Let the grassroots theoretical backbone be in the process of tracing the roots

Learn about the glorious history

Tell pioneer stories and talk about mission responsibility

In the perception of the tradition, the roots are continued and the soul is cleansed

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

In order to improve the effect of intensive training

They also combine the training of grassroots docents

From speech writing, language expression, listening and interaction

Explain and demonstrate emotional guidance and other aspects

For the backbone of the theory, hand in hand to pass the scriptures and send treasures

Face-to-face to solve doubts

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest
Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

Ignite the "furnace fire" and infiltrate the original heart

Want to give someone a bowl of water

You must first have a bucket of water

They always put "love reading, read good books, and be good at reading"

As an important starting point for soul casting and educating people

Continue to promote the construction of "scholarly barracks".

Continuously deepen the reading activity of "putting down the mobile phone and picking up the book".

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

The scene of the reading sharing meeting

Officers and soldiers deputies are in the light of the reality of work and life

It focuses on theoretical Xi, preparing for war, and troop management

Share reading stories and recite classic clips

Talk about your experiences

We should promote the growth of officers and men in the course of studying, studying, and Xi

Earnestly use cultural "soft power" to give birth to the combat effectiveness of the troops

A certain brigade Cheng Xin

Share the reading experience of "Selected Readings of Xi Jinping's Works".

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

"I will live up to the people without me" in just eight words, which expresses the spiritual realm of the Chinese Communists. "Clearly distinguishing between public and private" is the first realm, that is, not occupying what should not be occupied, not taking what should not be taken, not harming the public and private, and not pretending to benefit the public and private; "putting the public before the private" is the second realm, that is, putting the cause first, enduring hardships first, and enjoying pleasures last; "forgetting the public and forgetting the private" is the third realm, that is, devoting oneself to one's work, forgetting to sleep and eating, and always and everywhere thinking about the development and construction of the planning unit. "Selflessness" is the highest state, that is, to do your best and die. These fourfold realms provide a ladder for our ordinary party members to reach the state of "selflessness" and point out the direction.

Deng Xiaofeng of a certain brigade shared

Reading experience of "Korean War".

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

Fighting a war has always been a narrow encounter, and the brave wins. In order for the armed forces to be able to fight and win wars, it is true that it must rely on strategy and tactics, on mechanisms and systems, on weapons and equipment, and on comprehensive national strength, but without a fighting spirit, the armed forces cannot win a war just because of good operational conditions. In the past, we had less steel and more gas, but now we have more steel, but more gas.

Yang Chuang, a large team, shared

Reading experience of "Huawei Management Law".

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

Only by striving for excellence and due diligence in our work can we create more perfect success. Open this book, appreciate the core factors of Huawei's success, and gain insight into its unique corporate philosophy, although it is about the management method of a modern enterprise, it is worthy of our officers and soldiers to learn and Xi, on the road of growth, do not forget to read and think, down-to-earth but also look into the distance.

Ignite the "beacon fire" and hammer the skill


They grasp the precise drip irrigation of educational theories

He also grasped the ideological sublimation of revisiting history

It teaches the basic essentials of practical operation

It also stimulates the spark of inspiration for the bypass

Let the backbone of the training be realized

Come with questions and return with a full harvest

At the end of the training camp, they will return to their respective positions


Let the officers and soldiers from the depths of their hearts

Continue to rejuvenate the exuberant enthusiasm for learning Xi theory

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest
Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

Build a "heart-to-heart bridge" to connect officers and soldiers

Sing the "good voice" of theoretical preaching

In recent years, the ministry has been greatly improved

The ability of theoretical backbone group teaching and teaching

Give full play to the role of "seed" and "yeast".

Regularly carry out the activity of "theoretical service into the barracks".

Experts and professors were invited to the front line of the boat company for discussion and exchange

Face-to-face with the crew to explain and answer questions

Tutorials and lectures are conducted around theoretical hot topics and problems

Continuously enhance the confidence and ability of the theoretical backbone at the grassroots level

It has effectively aroused the high enthusiasm of the troops in training and preparing for war

Spread the "torch" well and be a good "tinder"! This intensive training has made them full of harvest

Producer: Wang Yue

Editor: Zhao Yang

Editor: Zhang Liyuan, Zhang Chao

Author: Xian Kun, Sui Yifan, Cong Xinlian, Lu Jingyu, Tao Jinxu

Director: Department of Political Work of the Navy of the Northern Theater of Operations

Organizer: Political Work and Security Office

Submission email: [email protected]