
Should you sit or stand after eating? Let's see what the best answer is, and you can't go wrong with it

author:Longnan Xi and released

What do you cook after three meals a day?

Some people can brush the dishes, some people can brush their mobile phones, and some people can brush the number of steps...... So, what is the correct posture after eating? Did you know?

Should you sit or stand after eating? Let's see what the best answer is, and you can't go wrong with it

Just finished eating, what is the best thing to do?

1 Don't: Exercise immediately

When you are full, you can't eat after exercising. Especially some strenuous exercises, you should not do them right away.

This is because, during exercise, a part of the blood in the human body will be concentrated in the motor system, which delays the secretion of digestive juices and is easy to induce functional dyspepsia.

In addition, exercising immediately after meals is especially detrimental to people with high blood pressure, diabetes, gastric prolapse, and gastrectomy.

Should you sit or stand after eating? Let's see what the best answer is, and you can't go wrong with it

2. Don't: Lie down immediately

Lying down when you are full is not only easy to induce gastrointestinal diseases such as gastroesophageal reflux, but also easy to gain weight, which is not conducive to blood sugar control.

It is not advisable to stay in bed immediately after eating during the day, and it is not advisable to eat again 2~3 hours before going to bed at night.

3. Sit for a while

In order to ensure the blood supply of important organs such as the heart and brain, it is best not to get up suddenly after eating, so as not to cause insufficient blood supply to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels.

It is safer to sit in the same position for ten minutes after eating, and then get up and walk around.

In addition, we can also choose the right exercise according to the time after the meal -

Within half an hour after eating: Do not exercise vigorously, but do light activities, such as washing dishes, wiping tables, sweeping floors, etc.

Half an hour after eating: low-intensity exercises such as walking, square dancing, etc.

1 hour after eating: You can do moderate-intensity exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, and jumping exercises~

2 hours after eating: You can do a variety of physical exercises, depending on what you like.

It should be noted that if you feel uncomfortable when doing sports after eating, it is best to do it slowly before doing it to avoid harming your body.

Should you sit or stand after eating? Let's see what the best answer is, and you can't go wrong with it

Postprandial is a critical period for self-monitoring of gastrointestinal health

After eating, the stomach and intestines begin to work, and at this time, some symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort that are usually hidden are likely to be exposed.

If you have the following 4 problems after eating, it may be caused by illness, so you need to be careful.

1. Flatulence

People who have flatulence after eating may be related to eating too quickly and gobbling up. If symptoms do not improve despite changing the pace of eating, chronic gastritis, gastric prolapse or other diseases should be considered.

2. Diarrhea

Diarrhea immediately after eating, a slight cold or improper eating will occur, sometimes there is a urge to defecate but no stool when going to the toilet, and the person is not emaciated, which may be related to chronic allergic enteritis.

3. Vomiting

Vomiting after meals is frequent, and gastroscopy is recommended. In addition to changing bad dietary Xi, you can also take some gastric motility drugs or gastric mucosal protectors.

4 hiccups

There are many causes of hiccups, most of which are caused by indigestion, and conditions such as chronic gastritis and reflux esophagitis can also cause frequent hiccups.

In addition, if there is sudden and persistent hiccups, accompanied by symptoms such as weight loss and loss of appetite, it is necessary to pay attention.

There are 4 things to do after eating

1 Soguchi

Gargling after eating is an effective way to protect your oral health.

Gargling removes food odor and debris, making it less likely for bacteria to grow on your teeth. In general, gargling with salted water works best.

Should you sit or stand after eating? Let's see what the best answer is, and you can't go wrong with it

2. Stretch

Just after eating, you can stand for a while, and use this time to stretch your waist, tiptoe, and take deep breaths to refresh your mind.

3. Massage the knees

Theoretically speaking, at 7~9 o'clock in the morning, the main stomach meridian, the stomach meridian is called the "longevity meridian" in the Chinese medicine meridians, passing through the knee joint.

About 20 minutes after breakfast, rub your knee joints repeatedly with your hands to smooth the stomach meridians.

4. Tap the outside of the calf

Tapping the outside of your calf for 5 minutes after breakfast can help prolong your life.

You can focus on patting the Zusanli acupoint, which can generate stomach qi, dry the spleen and dampness, and is conducive to longevity. It's just a small gesture, but it's good for your health.


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