
The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

author:Flesh and Flesh Military News

In the history of human education, there are many well-known successful people who have embarked on an unusual educational path. Among them, Zheng Yuanjie's educational experience with his eldest son, Zheng Yaqi, becomes a fascinating story that explores the collision between traditional and non-traditional education, and whether success is always linked to academic qualifications.

Time and Space: The Origins of Zheng Yuanjie and Zheng Yaqi's Family Education

Zheng Yuanjie, a writer who is well-known for her fairy tales, chose a subversive path for her son Zheng Yaqi's education. The fog of the education system seems to be blocking Zheng Yaqi's way forward. Zheng Yuanjie's dissatisfaction with traditional exam-oriented education led him to make a striking decision - to let his son Zheng Yaqi self-study at home, away from the shackles of traditional schools.

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Challenging Authority: Zheng Yuanjie's Reaction to School Criticism

Under the pressure of traditional schools, Zheng Yaqi has not been smooth sailing. The teacher's criticism became a source of unhappiness for the father and son. And Zheng Yuanjie, a parent who is uneasy about the authority of traditional education, does not treat her son's criticism with anger, but encouragement. This scene may herald the beginning of an extraordinary educational decision.

A unique lesson on the family legal system: "Pipiru and the 419 Deadly Sins"

Education is not only about book knowledge, but also about the knowledge of the legal system. And Zheng Yuanjie, with his humorous and unique way, turned the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" into a legal textbook for his son, and "Pipiru and the 419 Deadly Sins" became the epitome of this unique family legal class. This is not only the transfer of knowledge, but also a profound indoctrination of legal reverence.

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Arduous self-study: Zheng Yaqi's daily life and academic achievements

In the process of self-study by this family, Zheng Yaqi's daily life seems to be a picture scroll. He takes fairy tale characters as the protagonists, and delves into various fields such as Xi writing, philosophy, morality, self-help, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Due to the lack of adaptation to the examination-oriented education, he looked for his interests in the free morning, and completed three consecutive classes in the afternoon. Zheng Yuanjie's education method enabled Zheng Yaqi to complete the course that would have taken six years in just three years.

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Leaving the school: Zheng Yaqi's independent life and challenges

When Zheng Yaqi was 12 years old, he stepped out of school to meet the challenge of independent living. Zheng Yuanjie not only encouraged her son to go out into society, but also gave an Audi A6 as a coming-of-age gift. This choice seems to be ahead of its time, but it is precisely this decision that cultivates Zheng Yaqi's independent and brave qualities.

Entrepreneurship and Pursuit: Zheng Yaqi's Career and Values

Zheng Yaqi's career experience has not been smooth sailing. From a supermarket porter to a photographer to the launch of Pipiru magazine, his career has had its twists and turns. However, he never gave up his pursuit of entrepreneurship. Through the development of photography studios and IP, Zheng Yaqi finally found a development path that suits him.

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Eventful years: the commercialization success of Pipiru's mobilization

With the passage of time, Zheng Yaqi has carried out a full range of commercial development of the fairy tale IP created by Zheng Yuanjie. From text editions, comic editions, cartoons to anthologies, Pipiru's business territory has formed a complete industrial chain. After the arrival of the Guoman storm in 2018, Pipiru's mobilization ushered in the success of commercialization and became the catalyst for the success of Zheng Yaqi's career.

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Vertical and horizontal entrepreneurship: the rise of business mobilized by Pipiru

With Zheng Yaqi's efforts and the commercialization success of Pipiru's IP, he began to dominate the business world. After 2018, Guoman rose, and Pipiru's mobilization became one of the most popular IPs. In the field of business, Zheng Yaqi showed his courage and wisdom, skillfully combining the fairy tale world with commercial value, making Pipiru not only a character, but also a successful commercial brand. The rise of such a business makes people wonder what kind of extraordinary talents can be cultivated in addition to education.

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Life and Reflection: Zheng Yaqi's Career Exploration and Personal Growth

In life, Zheng Yaqi is not only an entrepreneur, but also an individual who pursues a diversified life. His photography studio, his photo collection "Africa" and "Zheng Yaqi Photography" are his unique observations and expressions of life and the world. This kind of career exploration and personal growth also makes us wonder: what is the purpose of education, is it for academic achievement, or is it for cultivating an individual with a wide range of interests and diverse talents?

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

Inheritance and Innovation: Pipiru's Path to Diverse Adaptation

Zheng Yuanjie and Zheng Yaqi are not satisfied with written works, but expand the fairy tale world of Pipiru to many fields such as animation, live-action short films, and live-action films. This combination of heritage and innovation has given Pipiru a new lease of life. This also makes us think: is there a need for more combination of inheritance and innovation in education, and is the traditional way of knowledge transfer enough to meet the needs of today's society for multiple intelligences?

The son of the "fairy tale king" Zheng Yuanjie dropped out of elementary school, but now he is a billionaire!

The Future of Education: A Balance Between Individualization and Holistic Development

Zheng Yaqi's educational experience makes us reflect on the nature of education. Does the education he received in his family environment create a broader space for his success? While personalized education, do we also need to pay attention to the all-round development of students, cultivate their independent thinking and innovative spirit? The future of education should be an era that pays more attention to balance, pays attention to individual differences, and pursues all-round literacy.

Parent-child relationship: Zheng Yuanjie and Zheng Yaqi's family education experience

In Zheng Yuanjie and Zheng Yaqi's family education, the parent-child relationship plays a crucial role. Zheng Yuanjie is both a father and a mentor, he replaces criticism with encouragement and harshness with understanding, creating an environment for his son to grow up in a stressful and free environment. Understanding and respect between parents and children may be the key to a successful education. In today's society, how to build a more harmonious parent-child relationship may be worth thinking about for every parent.

Summary: Diversity and the Definition of Success in Education

Zheng Yuanjie and Zheng Yaqi's education path has made us reflect deeply on education. Is success really only linked to academic qualifications? Is there only one right way to educate? In this pluralistic society, we may need to be more open to the concept of education, pay more attention to the individual differences of students, and cultivate their all-round literacy. Success is not only the brilliance of the career, but also the all-round development of the individual and the deep understanding of self-awareness. Zheng Yuanjie and Zheng Yaqi's education path has brought us more enlightenment, and also pointed out a diversified and broad path for the future of education.