
Da Yu'er's cry after going to bed: The secret of not counting is distressing!

author:Aoshi Ruka HISTORY

The beauty of first love

Xiaozhuang and Dolgon's first love was beautiful and pure, and they spent a carefree time in the Horqin grassland. However, the news of Dolgon's death in battle was a heavy blow to Hyozhuang, and her heart was torn to pieces. Hyo-chan dreams of marrying Dolgon, but fate plays a joke and she has to accept her fate of becoming empress. This fate was like an invisible knife, piercing her heart.

Da Yu'er's cry after going to bed: The secret of not counting is distressing!

The cruelty of reality

In the end, Xiaozhuang was forced to marry Huang Taiji, but her heart was always mixed with unwillingness and pain. She strives to play the role of a good queen, but she is concerned about the emotions of her first love. Her love for Dorgon is so deep that she can't let go of it.

There is a touching scene in the play where Hyo-joo shouts in pain after her first bedtime, "Don't count!" It turned out that when she walked out of the door, she heard a flock of birds chirping incessantly in the trees, which upset her. So she asked the maid why the birds kept calling so much, and the maid told her that the birds were actually counting the patient's eyebrows, and once they did, the person would die. Hyojo was terrified, she feared that the birds would count Dorgon's eyebrows, fearing that his life would be threatened. She screams "not counted", which expresses her deep concern and concern for Dorgon.

Da Yu'er's cry after going to bed: The secret of not counting is distressing!

Hyo-jo's love and concern have never been separated, and although time can heal the pain, her longing for Dolgon will never fade. The news of Dolgon's death eventually came true, and Hyozhuang no longer had to worry about him. However, her pain over the loss of him will stay with her for the rest of her life.

Behind the sacrifice

Modern people often envy the ancient queens, but often ignore the pain and sacrifice behind them. Forced to marry strangers, they face the weight of power and responsibility, but they can't forget the emotions of their first love. They must try to play the role of a good queen, but they cannot erase the pain and regret in their hearts. Their lives are full of struggles and entanglements.

Da Yu'er's cry after going to bed: The secret of not counting is distressing!

The TV series "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang" shows the interweaving and conflict of power and love through the life of Xiaozhuang. Her inner tangles and worries caused her to shout "not count", expressing her deep concern for Dorgon. Although Hyozhuang's life is full of regrets, her story also makes us reflect on the life and heart of the ancient queen. Even if there is endless pain hidden under the glamorous exterior, we can see their strong side and the pursuit of love in it.

This allows us to understand and respect the ancient queens more and cherish the freedom and happiness of the modern age. At the same time, we should also reflect on whether the glorious and wealthy life in the eyes of modern people is too one-sided, and whether it ignores the true connotation of life.