
Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

author:Easy Billy 9e9L

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Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

My name is Li Lei, and after graduating from high school, I was admitted to a local university and kept in touch with my tablemates. In the four years of college, I have always been my best friend. After graduating, I joined a foreign company and got a job as an editor. That's how we live, work, and socialize in the same city.

Until one day, he made an appointment with me to go hiking in the countryside on the weekend. On Saturday, I happily went to pick her up at home, only to find that she had a very bad face. I asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?" ”

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

He sighed, his eyes were a little red, as if he had just cried. She was silent for a while before she whispered, "Li Lei, let's not go climbing, I have something I want to talk to you about." ”

I was taken aback by the way she looked, sat down, took her hand and said, "Tell me, what the hell is going on, what happened?"

Taking a deep breath, he said, "I went to the hospital yesterday for a physical examination, and the doctor told me that I have severe endometriosis and if left untreated, it is likely to lead to infertility in the future. At this, tears welled up in her eyes.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

I felt a lot of heartache, but more of a frustration. I've always wanted children, and I know better than anyone else how much she loves them. I know how hard the news hit her.

I gently patted her on the shoulder and let her lean into my arms and cry for a while. When she calmed down, I encouraged her: "It's okay, medical skills are so advanced, how can there be a disease that can't be cured! Let's take our time, and I believe that one day, you will have your own in the palm of your hand." ”

Wiping away his tears, he smiled reluctantly and said, "Thank you, Li Lei, the last thing I want now is to be sympathized with, or lose hope." I believe that the doctor also said that as long as the treatment is on time, there is still a chance. ”

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

I nodded and said, "Yes, as long as you stick to the treatment, you won't lose your fertility completely." When the time comes, we will get married and have children, and it will be no problem. ”

Hearing me look so confident, I finally smiled: "Okay, I don't want to give up hope so early, I believe that this disease can be cured, and I also believe in the love between us." I clenched my hands excitedly: "Yes, with me, you will never face all this alone." Don't worry, with me here, I won't let you down!"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been three years since I graduated from college. In the past three years, I have been insisting on treatment, and I have always been by her side. Finally, on a sunny morning, I called and excitedly told me that the results of the latest tests showed that her condition was under control and that the doctor thought she was ready to consider having children.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

I was so excited that I immediately booked a spot at a fine dining restaurant and brought it over to celebrate in the evening. When I saw her dazzling walk into the restaurant in a beautiful dress, I sincerely felt that she was my whole world tonight.

After dinner, I mustered up the courage to get down on one knee and propose to her. I prepared the engagement ring a week in advance and kept it in my pocket for fear of being spoiled by her.

When I saw tears of surprise and happiness rolling in my eyes, I knew that at this moment she must be the happiest girl in the world. I excitedly put the ring on her ring finger while the restaurant played with warm proposal music and the guests around us applauded and wished us well. Jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly. At this moment, my world is only left with her in my arms.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

The wedding took place half a year later. It's a day we've dreamed a lot of. Dressed in a light wedding dress, she was beautiful and moving, and I had never seen her so radiant. With the blessings of our friends and family, we made a pledge to live our lives with each other from now on. After the wedding, we held hands and went on a honeymoon trip abroad. Looking at her in a bikini and letting the waves lap, I sincerely feel that there will be no more beautiful picture of her in this life than at this moment.

Now that we have been married for five years, our lives have become stable and prosperous. My job is also going well, and I have been promoted several times. It's just that in the past few years, we have never had children. Although the disease was cured, it may have been delayed for too long, and her physical condition has deteriorated, and it is always difficult to get pregnant. We're tired and we don't want to bother having a baby. Many friends told us that adoption was not bad, but they just couldn't let it go, and they always thought that their biological children were their own flesh and blood.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

I was silent for a long time, then finally nodded and said, "Okay, if this is really what you want, I will agree to a divorce." I just hope that you will live a good life from now on and stop blaming yourself about childbirth. "

Red eyes nodded: "Thank you for understanding me." I'll start over. As for you, you have to live well, and don't worry about me anymore. "

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

The divorce process went through quickly, I gave up the house and moved to the company's bachelor apartment by myself. voluntarily resigned from all his positions and chose to volunteer in an orphanage. I heard from a friend that she met several like-minded friends there.

And I was immersed in my work, working almost day and night, trying to numb myself. Until one day, I was ordered by the company to attend a project exchange meeting and met a little girl named Bai Jingru. She's only in her early twenties, but she's already made a lot of achievements in the company. During the exchange meeting, the two of us hit it off at first sight, and we were like a cheerful and lively personality, which was in stark contrast. After the meeting, we started dating.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

Jingru didn't seem to mind my ex-wife, she greeted me warmly and excitedly talked about her pregnancy. I saw a flash of sadness on my face, and then pursed my mouth and squeezed out a friendly smile.

Just when we were chatting with each other, I received a call from a colleague in the company, saying that our important customer had changed and had to go back to the company immediately. So I had to say goodbye to He Jingru in a hurry and leave the party.

After dealing with the customer's problem, I rushed back to the party site in three steps and two steps. However, as soon as I walked into the room, I saw that everyone's eyes were on He Jingru. I heard a trembling and excited voice say, "Yes, I'm four months pregnant!"

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

My brain was already dead and completely unable to digest this information. Her classmates were congratulating her, saying that she was so lucky, it was like a miracle. I looked at the little blushing because of everyone's blessings, and I felt that this picture was so familiar and unfamiliar.

Jingru quickly regained her smile and joked cheerfully that the child could become good friends in the future. I looked at them and remembered the dream I had with Zhu five years ago, the increasingly haggard faces, and our helpless but firm decision to divorce. I suddenly felt like crying, and tears flowed silently.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

My daughter took my hand and asked, "Dabi, who was that aunt just now?" I gently touched my daughter's head and said, "It's just an old friend, let's go, baby, let's go eat ice cream." ”

Back at home, I sat quietly in my study by myself. My mind is full of images from what I just met. Ten years ago, we were inseparable, and ten years later we met by chance in the mall. Chidila, it's fate.

I messaged Jingru and told her what she had just seen. After a while, Jingru called back and said, "Yes, a few days ago, they mentioned to me that they might bring Nana here to shop! Their mother-daughter relationship is really good, and I am envious of them!"

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

I smiled bitterly, I didn't expect that all this envy, jealousy and hatred came from not being able to conceive my child back then. We love each other so much, but we are heartbroken and separated because of a child whose womb can't be made. Later, I had Jingru, but Jingru often felt inferior because of things; Raising my daughter alone, but I can't completely forget me.

Actually, if only I had insisted on staying. We could have lived a simple and happy life, even if we didn't have biological children? I just cared too much about the mentality that "everyone has what I don't", and it was a big mistake to go to the point of no return. Alas, I was so selfish and naïve.

There was a knock on the door, and Jingru pushed the door and walked in, wiping her hair and sitting next to me. "What to write? so seriously. She asked with a smile. I said, "I'm writing to express my apologies for many years." Jingru was stunned for a moment, then gently pressed my hand and said, "Okay, don't write." How can people have no regrets? You and I have both and have. But regrets are useless after all, it is better to live in the present and grasp the present. ”

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

I deeply looked at the openness and sincerity in Jingru's eyes, and I couldn't help but be moved. Indeed, it is impossible for a person to live a lifetime and everything will not go well. My love with me is a pity, but my marriage with Jingru is also worth remembering.

"Thank you," I touched Jingru's head and whispered, "I have been the luckiest person in my life to meet you." Jingru blushed and buried herself in my arms: "You big pig's trotters!" I smiled and hugged her, feeling at ease.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

Turning off my phone, I walked into my daughter's room and looked at the sleeping little life, and I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Perhaps the child I had been thinking about didn't come in the end; But what I have now is good enough.

I know that it always ends well. In the blink of an eye, Jingru's daughter Xiaoqing and I are ten years old. Bai Jingru continued to break through in his career and became an executive of the company. I chose to quit my job when my daughter was 10 years old and became a full-time househusband to concentrate on accompanying Xiaoqing to grow up.

Xiaoqing is a smart and clever child with a cheerful and lively personality, and has inherited all the advantages of her mother. She and her daughter Xiaohua have also become good friends and often go out to play. Every time I see their sisters happy, I think of the past ten years ago, and I can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

"Li Lei, long time no see!" She laughs. I scratched my head a little embarrassed: "Excuse me." Xiaohua and Xiaoqing have a good relationship, and this time they finally made an appointment to play together. "Hurry up and let our mother and daughter into the house.

The room is warm and tidy, and Xiaohua is fiddling with the newly bought tea set at the dining table. Seeing Xiaoqing coming in, she greeted happily: "Come on, come on, I made a small snack today!" The two little girls immediately got together in high spirits.

I smiled at each other and sat down for tea. Xiaohua poured fragrant black tea for us and served small biscuits made by herself. I looked at her serious and devoted to her heart, and couldn't help but admire: "Xiaohua is becoming more and more sensible, and she will definitely be a gentle and virtuous daughter-in-law in the future." ”

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

Smiled and nodded: "Yes, I often tell her that you must learn to take care of others, which is the greatest virtue of a girl." As she spoke, she glanced warmly at Xiaohua, who was giggling with Xiaoqing.

I also looked at the two little girls, and they looked as close as they were more than ten years ago. At that time, we were always inseparable and talked about everything. The wonder of life is here, the world is like a reincarnation, always strikingly similar.

After drinking tea, take me to the study to chat. The walls are covered with certificates, and her published books are on the bedside. "It's not easy for you. "I am truly amazed. Smiled modestly: "Actually, I later wrote my story into a book and published it, and the response was quite good." I'm also proud of myself. ”

I knew she was referring to the past between us. She also asked for my opinion before the novel was published, and I have no objection. Because it was our shared memory of youth, she had the right to tell her own story, and I wasn't in a position to stop it.

"I'm so proud of you. I said solemnly. smiled, a glimmer of tears flashing in his eyes. At this point, I knew that the thorn between us had finally been removed.

From that day on, the relationship between the two families became closer. Xiaohua and Xiaoqing often hang out together and spend weekends together. Occasionally, I would bring snacks to our house. Bai Jingru talked with her very happily and called her a good sister. And I often admire her independence and strength, as well as her tolerant and loving heart.

All this is like a gift from God. I had paid a terrible price for my selfishness, but in the end God favored me. It allowed me to meet another lovely person, Bai Jingru, and also allowed me to re-enter the world of my old friend and ex-wife. We reconnected to being old friends and watched the two little princesses grow up together.

I often joke that I want to take pictures of my daughters and leave a thousand beautiful pictures. I also smiled and agreed. Because we all know that the years are merciless, and this short period of youth and happiness will eventually fade. The only thing we can do is to hold hands and smile together and enjoy this beautiful moment as we are now. In the blink of an eye, Xiaoqing and Xiaohua are both eighteen years old, which is the age of youth. They are still as close as they were when they were children, often going shopping together, and of course sharing the troubles and secrets of adolescence together.

I patted her on the shoulder and said, "Believe in yourself! You're beautiful and cheerful, just like your mother did when she was young, who wouldn't like you?" Xiaoqing was very happy to hear it, hugged me and went to Xiaohua to discuss countermeasures. I watched her bouncing back, and in a trance, it seemed as if I had traveled back to many years ago, and I had a carefree conversation with them like theirs.

That night, Bai Jingru returned late from overtime. I was preparing a supper for her, and as soon as she entered the door, she complained that she would be lectured by a male colleague at the meeting today, so angry that she directly criticized the other party for her lack of intelligence at the meeting. I laughed at her and still didn't, and she also pouted and said that there was something wrong with being a strong woman. Suddenly, she asked me what I thought about Xiaoqing falling in love, and I said that my daughter should learn to let go when she grows up. Bai Jingru nodded and said yes, the daughters will eventually leave home for love.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Xiaoqing graduated from high school. All parents and friends came to the farewell party. Bai Jingru and I proudly looked at Xiaoqing with tears in her eyes on the stage, and felt that she was going to leave home so soon to study in a university. Bai Jingru said that in the next few years when she was studying, let's go to the world to have a good time, I smiled and agreed. I have been with her through the peak of her career in the years since I got married, and now it's time for me to accompany her.

At the end of the graduation ceremony, everyone took a group photo in front of the school playground. I hugged Bai Jingru and Xiaoqing, and stood side by side with Xiaohua. The sunset gilds everyone's faces, as if to give us blessings. I know that the warmth and happiness of this moment will be remembered for the rest of my life.

Many years later, Xiaoqing and Xiaojie finally entered the palace of marriage after dating for five years. Xiaohua was promoted and raised and became the editor-in-chief of a well-known magazine. Seeing my daughters happy and happy, I can't help but feel that they have finally grown up and have their own lives.

When I asked my daughters if their stories were worth including in her new book, she smiled and said, "Of course, it's also a testament to how we adults have understood and grown up with each other over the years." I nodded, thinking it was perfect.

There are always bumps in the road of life, and we have made mistakes again and again, but in the end we will still go to the light. Looking at the happy family in front of me, I know that the striking similarity of fates does not mean the repetition of history. Because we have finally learned to be tolerant, to listen, to love each other.

Take the pregnant junior to the class reunion, goodbye to the ex-wife with infertility, the man collapsed: Who lied to me

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