
From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

author:Master Nengchen


On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr., the son of President John F. Kennedy, flew a private jet from Caldwell Airport to Massachusetts, in addition to John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn, and his sister Lauren, his plan was to send his wife's sister Lauren to Martha's Vineyard first, and then take his wife Caroline to the Kennedy compound in Port Heynis at Cod Point.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

At 8:38 p.m., the plane took off, and everything was normal at that time, but 63 minutes later, the private plane mysteriously disappeared on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, and the news caused a sensation throughout the United States, and three days later, a U.S. Navy salvage team found the private jet piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. and the remains of three victims in the deep sea 11 kilometers away from Mamasala Vineyard.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

John F. Kennedy Jr.'s private jet

Investigators immediately rushed to the scene of the accident to find the truth, investigators first found the tracking radar data of the plane, the data showed that the plane was controlled at first, it fell at a normal speed, flying at a speed of 180 meters per minute, which indicates that the plane was flying smoothly, but then the plane ushered in a turning point of death.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

Kennedy flying an airplane

When the plane was 670 meters above sea level, the plane suddenly began to turn right, then climbed to an altitude of 760 meters, flew in the direction of southeast wind, only a minute later the plane descended again, at this time the plane was obviously out of control, then it began to turn left and fly east, the process of turning left lasted for 30 seconds, the plane began to turn to the right again, these capricious operations, so that the plane began to lose control, has been circling downward.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

The descent speed even exceeded 1200 meters per minute, and when descending to an altitude of 335 meters, the plane plunged down sharply until the last head plunged into the sea, and the radar signal disappeared.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

After seeing the radar data, the investigators initially suspected that the plane may have had an engine failure, causing the plane to stall and crash, but this was not the case, and the salvaged wreckage fully proved that the plane was still operating normally before the crash, which not only ruled out the cause of the plane failure, but also meant that John F. Kennedy Jr., who piloted the plane, made a fatal mistake, and he drove the plane into the night sky alone without the ability to read flight instrument data and without the flight instructor accompanying him.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

It is understood that this plane was bought not long ago, John F. Kennedy Jr. from a friend, more advanced than the plane he flew before, not only faster, but also very powerful, so the technical requirements for the pilot are also very high, so before buying, the friend advised him to receive enough training before he could fly alone.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

However, John F. Kennedy Jr. did not heed his friend's advice, although he had an airplane pilot's license, he did not complete the important instrument flight training, the purpose of this training is to allow the pilot to accurately judge the position, direction and flight attitude of the aircraft according to the data displayed on the instrument panel without reference objects and with extremely low visibility, so as to drive the aircraft to the normal route according to the actual situation.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

But John F. Kennedy Jr. may not know the importance of instrument data, so he will fly alone without the escort of a flight instructor on the day of the plane crash, if the weather conditions are good, he can still fly by sight, but unfortunately that night the fog was thick and the visibility was extremely low, resulting in him unable to distinguish his spatial direction through vision, and spatial positioning obstacles occurred, so that he did not know whether he was flying straight, climbing or descending, and even did not know which direction he was turning.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

At this time, the most correct way is to cancel the autopilot, change to manual piloting to operate the aircraft, through the data displayed by the instrument, maintain the altitude direction and speed of the aircraft, but unfortunately John F. Kennedy Jr. does not have this ability, can only rely on the wrong signal felt by the body, to determine the position of the aircraft in the air.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

At this point, he couldn't realize that it was all a trap set by death, his brain and body were deceiving him, and everything he felt was the opposite of what was actually happening, so the radar recorded that the plane would make a sudden turn, and then suddenly climb and then descend, and at the last turn, John F. Kennedy Jr. should have thought that the plane was flying horizontally, but in fact the nose was diving downward.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

When he realized this, he instinctively pulled back the joystick, thinking that this would stop the descent, but he just tightened the circle, causing the plane to fall more vertically, and everything was irretrievable, and the plane and the three people on board were eventually swallowed by the sea and lost their lives.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

Nearly a year after the accident, the National Transportation Committee completed an investigation and proved that the possible cause of the accident was that the pilot was unable to maintain control of the aircraft while flying over the water in the dark, and at a moment there was a spatial positioning obstacle, causing the pilot to make a mistake and crash the aircraft.

From plane crashes, drowning, to assassination, does the century-spanning "Kennedy curse" really exist?

Other causes of the accident include bad weather conditions, but this investigation report has not stopped the public's speculation about the tragedy, and even insiders revealed that on the day of the accident, John F. Kennedy Jr. had an argument with his wife, and had a big fight during the flight, which may have made John F. Kennedy Jr. unable to concentrate on flying, so it led to the plane crash, no matter what the reason, the fate of John F. Kennedy Jr. is a foregone conclusion, and people can only express their grief through photos of the past.