
In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Rong Xiaochu

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The temperature is low in winter, and many fresh foods will be subject to some restrictions, even if supermarkets now sell all kinds of fresh vegetables, but after all, they are out-of-season vegetables, and they are still not as fragrant as those in season. In fact, in addition to eating some fresh vegetables in winter, we can also try some dried vegetables, that is, fresh vegetables are dried up after the baptism of the sun and wind, the taste will be a little strong, and then the taste will have the fragrance of dried vegetables, whether it is fried or stewed, it is a unique taste, let's take a look at these three vegetables if they are dried and eaten!

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

1. Dry potatoes

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

1. I'm about 30 pounds here, and I'll slice the skin when it's scraped clean.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

2. After all the potato slices are cut, wash them twice, wash off the starch inside, and then add some water to soak them overnight to avoid oxidation and blackening.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

3. The next day, we scoop up the potato slices and drain the water, and then boil the water to cook. Bring the water to a boil and pour the potato slices in batches, cook them on high heat for a while, cook the potato slices completely, but don't cook them for too long, so as not to pour them out and rot.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

4. Take it out when it is just cooked, and then pour cold water into it to cool it down.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

5. Then drain the water and take it to the sun to dry, the potato slices must be spread out flat, each piece can not be overlapped, so that it is easier to dry, and it is best to turn it over in 3 hours.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

6. In this way, it can be completely dried in two days at most, which is what it looks like after one day.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

7. This is what it looks like after two days of drying, and now it has been completely dried and there is no moisture at all.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

8. This is the dried potato chips that we have to dry every year, and they can be stored in a box and sealed for a year. There are actually quite a lot of ways to eat potato chips, such as fried, fried, boiled, and boiled, which are very fragrant.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

9. When eating, grab a handful of hot oil and fry it, it will all float up in a few seconds, and when the color turns yellow, it will be fished out immediately, the taste is crispy and crispy, and then sprinkle some of your favorite seasonings, which is the family version of fried potato chips.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

10. If you fry and eat, add warm water and soak for half an hour, and soak the potato chips to soften and control the water. Then stir out the oil under the bacon first, then pour in the potato chips and chili peppers and fry them together, fry them on high heat for 2 minutes, simply adjust the taste, add some salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, stir-fry evenly and then add some tempeh, and you can get out of the pot when it is fragrant.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

The potato chips fried in this way are fragrant and delicious, and they taste soft and soft, but they are a little strong.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

2. Dried sweet potatoes

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

1. First wash the sweet potato, about 20 pounds, wash it and then peel it, make sweet potato chips are generally made with sweet potatoes, I here is a white heart, yellow heart, red heart each point, the taste is still relatively sweet, so they are used together.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

2. Just cut it into slices, and it will cook faster if you cut it thinner.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

3. Then cook in the pot, and the sweet potatoes can be boiled until they are rotten, and the time does not need to be too long, because the sweet potato chips are very well cooked.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

4. Pour it out and drain the water first, then boil glutinous rice paste, 500 grams of glutinous rice flour and 1000 grams of water and stir well. Then pour it into the pot, stir while cooking, it will become more and more difficult to stir in about 3 minutes, at this time the pot will become a particularly sticky glutinous rice paste, which is about pouring it out and putting it in a large basin.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

5. Pour in the drained sweet potatoes, add 2 teaspoons of salt, 100 grams of sugar, 50 grams of white sesame seeds, and mix well.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

6. To mash the sweet potatoes into a slightly delicate state, it is definitely a hard work to pound the sweet potatoes by hand, and it will not be particularly delicate, and there are a little mixed particles in it. If it is too troublesome, the meat grinder will save effort, and the sweet potato puree will be more delicate.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

7. Then prepare some gauze, wet it slightly and spread it flat, scoop a few spoonfuls of sweet potato puree into it, and then scrape it flat, not too thick.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

8. If the gauze is not enough, you can also use oiled paper, and when it is all done, it will be dried to dry. If the sun is big, it's usually about the same for a day.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

9. It can be collected in a dry state of about 8 into a dry state, and when you tear it off, you can use a brush dipped in a little water on the back of the gauze to wet it slightly, so that it will be easier to tear it off.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

10. The torn sweet potato chips are relatively large, and it will be more convenient for us to save them by cutting them into small pieces with scissors.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

11. Sun-dried sweet potato chips can be eaten directly, the taste is soft but a little chewy, but the taste is still a little sweet, although the color is not as good as the red, but it does not affect the taste at all.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

12. In addition to eating raw, we can also fry it, fry it as much as you want, and throw it in after the oil temperature rises

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

Fry until the surface is golden and crispy, take it out to control the oil, the taste is crispy, crispy and fragrant, and it is very delicious as a small snack

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

3. Dried yams

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

1. To make dried yams, our first choice is Huai yam, and first wash the mud on the surface of the yams;

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

2. Then peel the yam, the yam is relatively long and difficult to operate, so it is more convenient; the peeled yam should also be soaked in water to avoid oxidation and blackening;

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

3. After all the chips are done, you can cut them, prepare a basin of brine before cutting, and then cut the yam diagonally into slices, it doesn't matter whether it is thick or thin, it will dry quickly if it is thinner, and it will be dried for a few more days if it is thicker, and the cut yam will be put in the salt water;

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

4. After all the cuts, wash the yam several times to wash the mucus on the surface;

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

5. Then boil the water, boil the water, pour in the yam and blanch it for 1 minute, then take it out and drain the water;

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

6. Dry the surface with a kitchen paper towel, which can speed up the drying speed, and then take it to the sun to dry, spread out one by one, so that it is easier to dry (in the process of drying, remember to turn and turn more, the sun will dry faster)

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go

7. After three days, the yam is completely dried, the yam is completely dried and there is no water at all, it is not bad to pack it up in a bag and seal it for half a year; the dried yam can be boiled in water to drink, sweet and delicious, and it can also be soaked in water with wolfberry and red dates, and it can also be used to cook porridge and make cakes.

In winter, these 3 kinds of vegetables are dried and stored, which are better than fresh ones, and they are not bad for a year, and they can be eaten and taken as you go