
On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

author:Enthusiastic little Chinese New Year

The winter solstice is approaching, and the number nine cold wave is raging

As the winter solstice approaches, this year's cold wave is becoming more and more violent, and people can't help but sigh at the power of nature. The ancient "number nine" cold day is quietly coming, and this traditional record has a history of nearly 1,500 years, like a cold time travel. The 19th and 29th are the prologues, and the 39th and 49th are frozen on the northern river, and the temperature in the north and south is the lowest, as if the earth has fallen into a frozen silence. Behind this ice and snow is people's awe of the laws of nature, and it is also the expectation of future life.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

As the years go by, "Number Nine" reveals the natural code

"Number Nine" originated from the "Jing Chu Years Chronicles" during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and its inheritance has become a part of traditional Chinese culture. In the ice and snow of 19 and 29, it seems that nature is the prelude to the new year, and life is precipitated in the cold, waiting for the return of spring. In Sanjiu and Sijiu, the river surface in the north freezes, and the temperature difference between the north and the south reaches the maximum, forming a sharp contrast, just like a picture of nature freezing the cold. This is the rhythm of nature, and it is the years that gently tell the changes of life in its unique language.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

There is a difference between north and south, and the notes of the number nine are symphonic

The arrival of May 9 and June 9 means that the recovery is about to begin. At this time, the news of the budding willow trees carries a message of spring, and they sway in the breeze, heralding the awakening of the earth. And in the seventh-ninth and eighty-ninth periods, the warmth of the south contrasts sharply with the bitter cold of the north. The flowers in the south seem to be a colorful picture, while the north is still covered in ice and snow, like a world covered in silver. At this time, people feel the magic of nature and realize the magic of nature.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

Songs from all over the world, the number nine inherit colorful folk customs

In different regions, people have a variety of songs and ballads about the "number nine". Some songs are singing about the pride in the ice and snow, and some songs are telling about the joy of the arrival of spring. Although the content of the songs is different, they all express people's awe of nature and their expectations for a better life in the future. In these songs, we seem to see the collision and integration of different regions and cultures, which is part of the inheritance of "Number Nine" and has become an indispensable part of traditional Chinese culture.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

Thirty-nine and forty-nine are the coldest, and spring is coming after ninety-nine

Although the songs vary from place to place, there is a common theme, that is, March 9 and April 9 are the coldest seasons. The rivers in the north are frozen, and the land is covered with ice and snow, as if it were a frozen fairyland. And after 99, it is the moment when spring is approaching. At this time, the southern spring flowers bloom and the earth rejuvenates, as if life has found an outlet in the cold and blooms with vitality. At this moment, people feel the passage of time and the tenacity of life.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

The number nine is over, and the pace of spring is approaching

When the ninety-nine is over, the cold winter is coming to an end, and the pace of spring is approaching. At this time, people seem to see the sprout of new life and see the vitality of the earth. This is not only a cold process, but also the cycle of life, a magnificent symphony of nature. At the end of the number nine, we look forward to the arrival of spring and the prosperity of all living beings in the new year.

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

The cold day of "number nine" is like a wonderful interpretation of nature. In these snow-covered years, we feel the magic of nature and the tenacity of life. Every prologue is the rhythm of a period of time, and every freezing is the baptism of life by nature. And after the "number nine", we look forward to the arrival of spring and the recovery of the earth. In this cycle, we feel the tenacity of life, sigh at the wonder of nature, and cherish every warm moment even more. The years flow silently, and the "number nine" cold day tells the story of nature in the cycle of each year. #头条创作挑战赛#

On the 22nd, the winter solstice enters the "19th", is the weather really the coldest in the 39th? Big data tells you the "number nine"

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