
Shunzhi Tuo Gu was the last of the four auxiliary ministers, how did he dictate power, and what was the result?

author:Wandering Fortune End

During the Shunzhi Tuogu period, Ao Bai became a key figure in the Qing Dynasty court with his ingenuity and political skills. Aobai, who once assisted Emperor Shunzhi, went further and further on the road of power schemes, which eventually led to his downfall. This article will introduce how Aobai was autocratic and the results of his dictatorship.

Shunzhi Tuo Gu was the last of the four auxiliary ministers, how did he dictate power, and what was the result?

Ao Bai was a descendant of the Manchurian Beyler family, received a good education from an early age, and possessed outstanding military talents and political wisdom. After Emperor Shunzhi ascended the throne at a young age, Ao Bai was relied on by the emperor for his talent and loyalty, and became an important advisor to the emperor.

Establish authority: Ao Bai used his position of authority to force other ministers to submit to his authority by burning books and setting up opposition black jails.

Establishing power: Ao Bai skillfully exploited and defended the interests of the Manchurian aristocracy, and through promotion and reward, he bought a group of loyal officials, thus establishing his own network of influence.

Manipulating the government: Ao Bai used his position in the court to avoid the surveillance and interference of the royal family, and gradually brought the power of the court into his own hands by manipulating the government.

Aobai's autocracy brought about a series of changes, but it also caused many problems within the imperial court, which eventually led to his downfall.

Military power: Under the control of Aobai, the Qing Dynasty achieved the stability of the frontier and the strategic expansion of the Qing Dynasty, and became a military power at that time. His main policy was to strengthen the training and equipment of the army, and he pursued a series of effective border defense policies.

Shunzhi Tuo Gu was the last of the four auxiliary ministers, how did he dictate power, and what was the result?

Economic Recession: During his reign, Ao Bai advocated tax cuts to suppress the people, and did not pay attention to the country's economic development. The excessive concentration of national resources in the hands of a few people has led to the aggravation of the social gap between the rich and the poor and the serious deterioration of people's livelihood problems, which ultimately led to the economic recession.

Political corruption: During the period of the Ao Bai dictatorship, corruption was serious. He did not follow the prescribed procedures in the selection and evaluation of officials, but awarded positions to family members and friends of his own cronies, which led to the further spread of inefficiency and corruption among court officials.

Social unrest: A series of social protests and unrest were triggered by the excessive suppression of intellectual and public development space by Aobai. The masses of the people were indignant and disillusioned with his rule, which eventually led to the turmoil of the imperial court and the decline of the state.

Ao Bai was an ambitious politician whose autocratic power during the Shunzhi Tuogu period brought about military and strategic prosperity, but also buried the hidden danger of the country's decline.

Shunzhi Tuo Gu was the last of the four auxiliary ministers, how did he dictate power, and what was the result?

His way of ruling led to social upheaval and worsening of people's livelihood problems, which eventually led to his downfall. The story of Ao Bai reminds people that the path of power is feasible, but if they are obsessed with power and greedy for personal gain, they will inevitably lead to endless disasters.

The lessons of history should arouse our deep reflection and vigilance, and only by pursuing a more just and honest way of governance can we achieve long-term peace and stability in the country and the happiness and well-being of the people.