
The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

author:Humorous da-da

Recently, a man jumped to his death after being rejected for recombination without being admitted to the establishment.

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

What happened:

According to the Fujian High Court on December 18, in 2021, the man Li Ping (pseudonym) and his colleague Xu Li (pseudonym) confirmed their relationship. In July 2022, due to various factors such as family and work, the two agreed to temporarily separate. Xu Li said that if Li Ping can pass the preparation exam and be admitted to the unit as a regular employee, he will consider reuniting. Unfortunately, Li Ping was not admitted to the recruiting unit. Li Ping has approached Xu Li many times for Xu Li's deep affection, and Xu Li was a little hesitant at first, but finally rejected Li Ping's request to reunite. In February 2023, Li Ping learned from his colleagues that Xu Li had blocked him and publicly announced that he had a new boyfriend, and then went to Xu Li's residence late at night.

After calling Xu Li to seek a meeting and being refused, Li Ping finally chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building in the fire emergency passage of Xu Li's residence, and later died after rescue efforts failed. In July 2023, Li Ping's parents sued Xu Li in court for violating the right to life, requesting that Xu Li be ordered to compensate for various losses totaling 350,000 yuan. Not long after the end of the first trial, the plaintiff's lawyer proposed to reduce the compensation amount to 100,000 yuan for mediation, but the defendant's lawyer said that Xu Li was willing to compensate up to 50,000 yuan.

Today, let's take a look at the sharing of netizens, some of which are very strange and eye-opening!

It's different in nature, you've never been together

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

Zhu Kaishan: A man who is chained by a woman has no interest

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

I almost couldn't understand it

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

This year, if you refuse to others, you have to pay compensation

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

Whether we, the audience, want to compensate or not, the logic is very strong

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

Mediation is not a legal responsibility, but a moral model

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

You should rest early, have a regular schedule during pregnancy, and discuss the matter of compensation with your husband during the day

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

The east wind is evil, and the joy is thin. A melancholy, a few years away. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

Ah, I can't comment on that

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

A slap doesn't make a sound, it's really not worth dying for love, I hope the girl's years are quiet, and the other party's parents are not bothering

The man jumped to his death after being rejected for reunion at the end of the examination, netizen: I almost can't understand it

The editor thinks that this tragedy is like a realistic version of "Rashomon", where everyone has their own pain and helplessness. Li Ping's choice is heart-wrenching, but it also reminds us: "To be alive is the greatest luck." Nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, but every morning is worth cherishing. Xu Li's situation is not easy, her choice may not be understandable to everyone, but this is also the multifaceted nature of life.

Life, like a "League of Challengers", is full of unknowns and trials. Everyone is fighting for their own destiny, sometimes we need to be brave enough to say "no", and sometimes we need to learn to let go. In this complex world, we should cherish life more and feel the warmth of every moment with our hearts.

What can we learn in the face of such emotional entanglements and life choices? How to make every relationship respect the beauty of life instead of becoming a burden? Welcome to share your thoughts and opinions, and discuss the meaning of life and the value of love together.

#The man jumped to his death after not being admitted to the establishment and seeking recombination##The man jumped to his death after being rejected for the recombination without being admitted to the compilation##Netizen##Comment area##文章首发挑战赛#