
The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

author:Healthy Road Plus

Did you know that the gut is the largest digestive organ in the human body, and it has an immune function.

Nobel laureate in medicine, Russian microbiologist and immunologist Mechnikov, proposed that the world's best secret to longevity is gut health.

If the human body is compared to a factory, the intestines are the "gas station" and "sewer" of the factory, mainly responsible for the dirty work in the body. This is where all kinds of food are broken down, absorbed, and the remaining residues are excreted from the body.

The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

Academician Zhang Boli pointed out that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, the spleen and stomach refer to the entire digestive tract, and the intestine plays an extremely important role in the digestive tract.

A study by Columbia University in the United States showed that there is a tissue in the folds of human gastrointestinal tissue, that is, the "nerve cell complex", which is actually the nervous system in the intestine.

The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

The complex can perceive, receive and respond independently of the brain, causing people to feel pleasant or uncomfortable, and even participate in intellectual activities such as learning Xi like the brain.

Therefore, the gut is also known as the "second brain" of the human body.

The gut is actually very fragile

Many people only pay attention to the heart, brain, liver and kidneys, but they do not know that intestinal health may also be a life-threatening matter.

The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

Studies have found that more than 50 diseases, including obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc., are associated with intestinal dysbiosis.

As an integral part of the digestive tract, the gut is both strong and fragile, multi-functional, and susceptible to a wide range of diseases.

If you find yourself also having the following symptoms, you should pay attention to them, which are the "alarm" sent by the body when toxins and garbage accumulate in the intestines.

The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

The skin is rough and has a lifeless rust color.

Long-term bad breath can't get rid of it.

Frequent constipation, occasionally with blood.

Fecal smell.

A little cold wind blows on your body, so you run to the toilet.

Once the intestines are clogged and toxins and garbage accumulate, our body becomes more susceptible to the erosion of diseases, so it is urgent to take care of the intestines.

Eat this food regularly

Easy access to good guts

Gut health is primarily dependent on probiotics, which we can supplement through diet and oral probiotics. Eating foods rich in probiotics on a regular basis can reap these benefits:

1. Promotes digestion

Food will reduce calories after fermentation, and after processing, it can also remove some useless substances, which can help promote digestion, regulate appetite, and play a role in assisting weight loss. It is recommended that in the morning, when the body's activity is not fully activated, you can eat some fermented foods, such as steamed bread or yogurt.

2. Degradation of harmful substances

The human body will eat a lot of food every day, but it is not very nutritious, and there will be some junk food, these bad foods will damage the human stomach and intestines, affecting the health of the body, but fermented foods can decompose these harmful substances, so as to protect the body.

3. Inhibition of Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori infection) is an important risk factor for many gastrointestinal diseases. Some fermented foods help inhibit H. pylori infection.

4. It is conducive to the absorption of nutrients

Throughout the fermentation process, the food produces a large number of enzymes and beneficial bacteria. At the same time, it will also form some mineral components to improve the body's immunity, prevent the arrival of infectious diseases, delay aging, and avoid arteriosclerosis. Eating more fermented foods makes the stomach more reasonable and absorbs some nutrients from food, which has a certain effect.

5. It is conducive to the healing of ulcers

For stomach ulcers, try to eat fermented staple foods, such as fat cakes and steamed buns, which are easy to digest. Moreover, it can also dilute and neutralize gastric acid, protect ulcers and promote ulcer healing. But don't add too much sugar during the production process.

6. Weight loss

It's hard to say it's hard to lose weight, but it's easy to say it's simple, the main thing is to eat the right food. Instead of spending a lot of money on some best-selling diet pills, it is better to increase the consumption of fermented foods on a regular basis.

After the food is fermented, carbohydrates and fats, which can cause obesity, will decrease, and eating fermented foods regularly can help you control your weight.

Want to supplement with probiotics

These foods can be eaten in large quantities

1. Rotten milk

The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

Sufu is called "Chinese cheese" by foreigners. In the process of making fermented bean curd, there is almost no loss of nutrients in the raw materials, but a variety of alcohols, esters, organic acids and amino acids with delicious taste and flavor are produced, which are better for the body.

2. Legumes fermented foods

The most representative of fermented beans should be natto, which is mainly rich in vitamin K2, which can promote the production of bone protein and is beneficial to health.

At the same time, it can also effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the common in life is bean paste, tempeh, soy sauce and other bean fermented food, they are not only nutritious, but also have a certain role in preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3. Fermented foods such as fruit wine

The fermented liquors commonly seen on the market include peach blossom wine, wine, cocktails, etc., which are all made from high-quality fruit sources, and are produced by other processes such as refining, selecting, stratifying, screening, and fermentation, which increases the beneficial bacteria for the intestines and maintains the health of the flora.

Drinking some fruit wine can help promote blood circulation, reduce LDL, maintain cells in a high-efficiency metabolic system, effectively activate the natural immune barrier of the human body, and effectively prevent inflammation and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the body.

4. Fermented cereals

Bread, fermented food, and aged food are all fermented through multiple processes, and the physical properties of microorganisms and macromolecules produce oxidation reactions, which bring benefits to the human body.

For middle-aged and elderly people, developing a good Xi of eating cereal in life can effectively promote the body's metabolism, stabilize endocrine levels, and avoid the occurrence of inflammation and infectious diseases.

5. Kimchi

The intestines are the largest immune organs in the human body! Eating these things often can reduce inflammation in the body and enhance immunity

Kimchi, spicy cabbage, and other foods are fermented foods, and this kind of food is also loved by the public, but many people believe that eating pickled foods will increase the risk of cancer.

However, relevant studies have shown that the intake of nitrite and oxalic acid in a day is controlled at about three grams, which will not bring harm to health.

In the process of pickling, vegetables produce a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which will promote the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines when they enter the human body, and can also remove bacteria and viruses attached to the surface of the organs.