
With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

author:Magic Feather Lr

Okay, listen to me, no, two days ago I got into that world full of suspense and codes, yes, it's a spy war drama. To be honest, this thing used to be our number one dish after dinner, but now, nay, it doesn't seem to be so appetizing.

With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

Let's talk about "Thrush" first, this script was launched with full expectations, but who knew that after it was broadcast, it would be a mediocre reputation. You see, it's like that friend who always tells bad jokes at parties, you know he's trying, but you just can't laugh. And this is a microcosm of spy war dramas in recent years.

With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

We have to admit that the former spy war drama was really a hard dish, and the suspense of "who are they, and what are they going to do?" is enough to make us circle around the TV several times. However, time has passed, and the current audience is still easy to be confused by this bit of cattiness! Everyone has begun to find fault with the rationality of the plot, the shaping of the characters, and even the eyebrows of the actors.

With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

For example, dramas like "Hurricane", "Infernal", and "Stalker", although the names are domineering enough, what about the content? To put it bluntly, it is the old routine of "spy within spy". The actors are also fighting, their acting skills are online, and their expressions are in place, but the plot is like the old three, and the audience has watched too much, isn't it boring.

With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

Let's talk about character makeup, hey, this is a big hole. In some dramas, the agents are as handsome as celebrities, and they are personable between actions, and how can you not attract the attention of the enemy? This is not scientific! Scientific agents should be the kind of "invisible people" who are mixed in with the crowd and you will never guess.

With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

As for language, we don't want any flowery rhetoric, it's better to be straightforward. But straightforwardness is not the same as casualness, the dialogue must be textured, and people must listen to it, rather than like reading advertising words, listening too much but wanting to press fast forward.

With a "silicone fake face", starring in the spy war drama "The First Beauty", who has a problem with aesthetics

However, having said that, there are still many friends who have a trace of warm expectations for this spy war drama. We all hope that one day, we can see good dramas with high quality, compact plots, three-dimensional characters, and well-made, so that we can rekindle our enthusiasm for spy war dramas.

Hey, producers, do you hear that? Don't keep getting some things that don't have something, we want real materials! The audience too, we have to consume rationally, don't blindly chase stars, and learn to be picky, so as to promote the progress of the series.

Finally, I still want to say to those spy war dramas that are in preparation, come on! Let's look forward to the day when you can let us return home after a hard day, turn on the TV, and see those good dramas that make people's hearts beat faster and the ending can't be guessed. At that time, we may be able to sigh while nibbling on melon seeds: "Oops, this spy war drama is booming again!"

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in the article, we will delete them in the shortest possible time!

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