
Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

author:Director Xu Health said

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Chen Ming is a busy professional who often works overtime late into the night.

Due to his busy schedule, he often chooses to eat leftovers from the previous night's meal in the microwave the next day. However, a few months later, Chen Ming began to experience recurrent indigestion and stomach pain.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

Once, while working overtime in the office, he suddenly felt severe abdominal pain accompanied by nausea, and his colleagues rushed him to the hospital. At the hospital, doctor Liu Hua conducted a comprehensive examination of Chen Ming.

Dr. Liu Hua found that Chen's stomach pain may be related to his long-term consumption of heated leftovers. Foods containing starch may produce acrylamide, a known carcinogen, when heated at high temperatures.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

In addition, certain vegetables may also produce nitrite during heating, which is also a potential carcinogen. During the treatment, Dr. Liu Hua advised Chen Ming to change his diet Xi habits.

He advised Chan to avoid heated starchy foods such as rice and pasta as much as possible, and reminded him to pay attention to how and how often vegetables should be heated. Dr. Liu Hua also emphasized that it is best to choose freshly cooked foods for health reasons.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

Chen Ming adjusted his diet Xi habits according to the doctor's advice. He began to reduce the portion size of his dinner, trying to avoid leftovers. If he has to eat leftovers, he will also try to eat them in a short period of time, avoiding long storage and repeated reheating.

After a few weeks, Chen's stomach pain symptoms have decreased significantly, and his overall health has improved. This experience made him realize that the usual inconspicuous diet Xi actually have a significant impact on health.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

Dr. Liu Hua also reminded Chen Ming to pay attention to the way food is stored. He points out that even fresh food can harbor bacteria or produce harmful substances under improper storage conditions.

In addition, Dr. Liu Hua also mentioned some misconceptions about health. For example, some people believe that certain food additives are completely harmless and can be used without restrictions.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

In fact, while additives that have been certified for food safety are safe to some extent, excessive intake can still have adverse health effects.

Through this experience, Chen Ming gained a deeper understanding of the heating, preservation and selection of food. He began to pay more attention to food safety and nutritional balance, and no longer blindly pursued convenience and neglected the essence of food.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

This not only improved his health, but also gave him a deeper understanding of the importance of daily diet. In our daily diet, we should pay attention to the quality and processing of food. Avoid prolonged or repeated reheating of food, and store food properly.

Choosing fresh ingredients that are simple to process is a fundamental principle for maintaining good health. In addition, we should also be cautious about all kinds of food and health information on the market, avoid blindly following trends, and consciously understand and choose foods that are beneficial to the body.

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

What do you think about heating food to cause cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is Heated Food Really Toxic and Carcinogenic? Doctor: If you can't eat these kinds of food, throw them away!

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